Showing posts with label MLA Review. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MLA Review. Show all posts

Saturday, August 18, 2012

First Thoughts: “Tomorrow the Killing” by Daniel Polansky (Hodder)

Polansky-TomorrowTheKillingThe Second Low Town novel

I was lucky enough to get my hands on an advance review copy of Daniel Polansky’s second novel. I’d delayed reading Straight Razor Cure for reasons that are quite beyond me, but I did not make the same mistake again, and I can safely say that Tomorrow the Killing exceeded my expectations. So, in advance of my full review, I thought I would take the opportunity to offer up another MLA* review. Here is an image that best explains my mood after finishing this incredible book:


* See here for an explanation of the MLA review method

Thursday, June 07, 2012

“King Of Thorns” by Mark Lawrence (Ace Books / Voyager) - The MLA* Review

Lawrence-KingOfThornsUKThe sequel to one of 2011’s most-talked-about fantasy novels

I thoroughly enjoyed Prince of Thorns, and I would certainly hold it up as one of the best debut novels I’ve read in the last five years – not only was the story gripping, but Lawrence’s prose were some of the best I’ve read (this is a huge factor for me, when deciding on how much I love a book). So, I’ve been impatiently awaiting its sequel. Which I have now read! As a preview for the full, proper review, I thought I’d offer a brief MLA review, first. Because they’re fun. And slightly silly.

* MLA = “Mark Lawrence Approach” – Mark suggested something unorthodox for my review of John Scalzi’s Redshirts, and because the resultant review was quite popular, and because many of you asked for more reviews like it, here we go with King of Thorns