Showing posts with label Daredevil. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Daredevil. Show all posts

Friday, February 21, 2014

The Importance of a Super-Hero Diaspora…

That’s a rather grand title. Rather than some deep analysis of why super-heroes should be based and from all over the world, this was just inspired by the fact that a). three super-heroes (at least) have re-located, and b). New York and Gotham have become ridiculously over-populated by super-heroes in Marvel’s and DC’s lines.


Saturday, March 30, 2013

Reading Round-Up: Marvel Comics


A strange combination of having had a ton of spare time to read and a new job means I probably won’t be able to write my usual-type of review for many of the books and graphic novels I’ve read over the past couple of months. For some books, I will still write longer reviews, but for many (if not most) I’ll include them in occasional round-/catch-up posts with mini-reviews. Today, I take a look at recently-read Marvel titles.


Reviewed: Amazing Spider-Man “Red-Headed Stranger”, “Return of the Black Cat” & “The Gauntlet Vol.1”; Rick Remender’s Venom Vols.1-3, Ultimate Comics – X-Men Vol.1, Ultimate Comics – Hawkeye, Daredevil Yellow

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Mark Waid’s “Daredevil” Vol.3 (Marvel)

Daredevil-Vol.3The third act of Waid’s highly acclaimed run

Writers: Mark Waid (Avenging Spider-Man #6, Daredevil #11-15), Greg Rucka (ASM#6, The Punisher #10) | Artists: Marco Checchetto (ASM#6, TP#10, Dd#11), Chris Samnee (Dd#12,14,15) & Khoi Pham (Dd#13) | Inks: Tom Palmer (Dd#13) | Colours: Matt Hollingsworth (ASM#6, TP#10, Dd#11), Javier Rodriquez (Dd#12-15)

It’s the meanest team-up you ever saw as Daredevil, Spider-Man and the Punisher find themselves caught up in an epic chase across Manhattan for the Omega Drive – a powerful and dangerous information source that could change the course of all their lives!

Plus: It’s lawyers in love as Matt Murdock finally makes some time for Assistant District Attorney Kirsten McDuffie. But when Megacrime strikes back at Daredevil, the sightless super hero finds himself imprisoned in Latveria for crimes against the state! And as the law firm of Nelson & Murdock undergoes a drastic change, Matt’s “happy go lucky” veneer at last begins to peel back, revealing darker truths that may just end his heroic career.

That’s probably the busiest credits list I’ve ever seen for a single graphic novel collection… Nevertheless, this is a pretty solid book, and one that continues Mark Waid’s excellent run on telling the story of the Man Without Fear. “The Omega Effect” story, which forms the first three chapters (and reviewed first here & here), is a great opening mini-arc for the book, as it is the culmination of a lot of Daredevil’s shenanigans. I did, however, prefer the Daredevil-specific storyline that followed. This is a very good book, and I highly recommend it for fans of the series and Waid’s work in general; and also the series for people who want to read just great comics.

Collects: Avenging Spider-Man #6, The Punisher #10, Daredevil #11-15

“The Punisher” Volume 2 (Marvel)

Punisher-Vol.02-ArtFrank Castle’s Continued Crusade against Megacrime

Writers: Greg Rucka & Mark Waid | Artist: Matthew Clark, Michael Lark, Stefano Gaudiano, Matthew South-worth, Marco Checchetto, Mirko Colak | Colours: Matt Hollingsworth

A fallen Frank Castle learns the hidden truths of the Exchange and how it’s connected to some of the Marvel Universe’s darkest secrets! Then, when ex-Hydra and AIM agents team up to bring down the Punisher, Frank finds himself up against a soldier who’s more like him than either of them realize. And when the Exchange targets the Punisher with some unique technology, things get loud.

Finally, Punisher clashes with Spider-Man and Daredevil in an epic chase across Manhattan for a mysterious treasure that could change all their lives! Forced to work with two Avengers, the Punisher makes a promise: “Trust no one hurt everyone.” The three heroes set their sights on a blitzkrieg takedown of New York crime, but who says they’re all working together?

I really enjoyed the first volume of Rucka’s Punisher series – it had everything many Marvel comics lack: darkness, grit, and a definitely adult storyline that made no attempt to appeal to all ages. It was brutal and arresting from the very first page. This second collection continues the story in fine style, but at the same time it didn’t feel quite as focused, for some reason. Nevertheless, if you’re a fan of the series, Rucka’s writing and Checchetto’s artwork, then this would be a worthy addition to your collection.

Collects: The Punisher #6-10, Daredevil #11 & Avenging Spider-Man #6

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Mark Waid’s “Daredevil” Vol.2 (Marvel)

Daredevil-Vol.02Writer: Mark Waid | Artist: Paolo Rivera (#7,9,10), Emma Rios (Amazing Spider-Man #677), Kano (#8), Khoi Pham (#10.1) | Inks: Joe Rivera (#7,9,10) | Colours: Javier Rodriguez

Following a shocking discovery about the Marvel Universe, Daredevil has a weighty decision to make, the results of which will affect his friends and enemies both! Meanwhile, the Nelson and Murdock law offices struggle to celebrate the holidays as insurmountable problems descend upon them! Then, Spider-Man and Daredevil team up when Black Cat is arrested, and Murdock is the only lawyer who will touch her (her case, we mean). The next great love triangle of the Marvel U begins.

I blitzed through this. The series has been showered with praise across seemingly the whole spectrum of comics establishment and fans alike. As a fan of Waid’s Irredeemable and Incorruptible, there was little doubt that I would check out what he’s done with Daredevil. I really enjoyed the first book, and so there was no doubt I would pick this one up. And luckily, it does the trick – it builds on the setting and characters, and weaves in more of New York’s super-hero community (Spider-Man and, in Volume 3, Punisher). I thoroughly enjoyed this – the writing, artwork, everything.

Collects: Daredevil #7, Amazing Spider-Man #677, Daredevil #8-10.1

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Art: DAREDEVIL #18 (Marvel)

I really enjoyed the first collected edition of Mark Waid’s new run on Daredevil, and I’ve been waiting to get my hands on book two (which I’ve ordered) and the soon-to-be-released book three. In the meantime, I’ve been keeping on top of the artwork and so forth for individual issues. And the art for #18, by Paolo Rivera, is pretty interesting and striking:

It fits in rather nicely with Daredevil’s special sight – although, while he wouldn’t be able to see someone’s venous system like this, there’s something about this picture that is somehow apt.

The issue is written by Mark Waid and pencilled by Chris Samnee. Here’s the synopsis:

Get ready for the biggest Daredevil story yet, as a new menace walks the streets of New York – the ruthless killer called Coyote! Can Daredevil put a stop to his crime spree? And with all that has been happening in his life, just how sane IS matt Murdock?

Daredevil #18 will be published on September 19th.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Comics Round-Up (May 16)


This week I bring you some weird supernatural goings-on, a triumvirate of super-heroes try to save New York City, a vampire slayer goes into space, some anthropomorphised dinosaurs kick butt, the history of the Jedi is expanded on, and an undead king fights an army of pissed off warrior-women.

So, a bit of a mix, then…

Reviewed: BPRD Hell On Earth: Devil’s Engine #1, Daredevil #11, FCBD Buffy/Guild, FCBD Star Wars/Serenity, Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi #4, Valen the Outcast #6

Sunday, April 29, 2012

“Daredevil” Vol.1 (Marvel)

Daredevil-Vol.01The Man With No Fear returns!

Writer: Mark Waid | Artists: Paolo Rivera & Marcos Martin

The Devil is Reborn. Renewed. Resurrected.

With new enemies, new friends... and that same old “grinnin’ in the face of hell” attitude, the Man Without Fear is back in action and leading with his face!

Having turned his world upside over the past several years, Matt Murdock realizes that justice may not be blind to his past and villains may not be the only ones looking for answers. Bring it on. If Matt Murdock could see what he was doing... he’d be terrified.

Given how much great press this series has been getting – enough that Marvel started printing one- and two-page spreads of quotes and endorsements in their other series – there was just no way I was going to ignore it. Also, it’s written by Mark Waid, so... Yeah. This was a must-read for me. And it definitely lived up to my expectations. Indeed, it exceeded them – I had, I am sad to admit, some reservations about the artwork, but that was only because I’d seen rather poor examples of it. This comic is, in almost every way, excellent.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Upcoming: “Avenging Spider-Man: The Omega Effect Part 1” (Marvel)

A long time ago, I read a Spider-Man comic. It was connected to the Operation: Zero Tolerance Marvel event, and I quite liked it. Since then, I haven’t read a single Spider-Man comic. This will, this week, change – now that I’ve actually figured out which one I’d like to read, I’ll be trying out Amazing Spider-Man and Avenging Spider-Man. In the meantime, here’s a first-look at the cover of Avenging Spider-Man #6, which sees the beginning of The Omega Effect:

Spider-Man, Daredevil and the Punisher? Awesome! (Speaking of Daredevil, I’ll be reading and reviewing the first volume of Mark Waid’s run on the series in the next couple of weeks.) Here are three previews of internal pages – look at all the ninjas!