Showing posts with label Captain America. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Captain America. Show all posts

Monday, July 28, 2014



Hot on the heels of the identity of the new Captain America, there’s more on the way! Today, Marvel unveiled the cover for Captain America & The Mighty Avengers #1, a second series to feature Sam Wilson-as-Captain America. The series will be written by Al Ewing. The cover above and internal art for the book are by Luke Ross. The series will spin out of the upcoming Marvel Event (yup, another one), Avengers & X-Men: AXIS.

Sam Wilson has inherited his new patriotic moniker, but is he up to the task of leading a team of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes? The hero formerly known as Falcon has some new ideas for the rag-tag team of Mighty Avengers – but the events of AXIS may spell doom for the inexperienced leader. And not everyone on the team is happy with Sam’s new position as leader. Spider-Man is back, too – Amazing this time, NOT Superior. Luke Cage & Jessica Jones are still itching to give him some payback for trying to take their daughter to Child Services. And what is Luke Cage doing meeting with the head of the notorious Cortex corporation?

Here’s what Ewing had to say about the series, in an interview with

“As for the mission statement – same as it’s ever been. Help those in need, however they need it. This is where all the work over the previous series pays off – the Gem theater is refurbished, the hotline is in place, the field team is on standby to take care of problems nobody else can handle. The Mighty Avengers are hitting the ground running.”

Monday, February 03, 2014

Another Amazing CAPTAIN AMERICA Piece by Lee Bermejo… (Marvel)

I’ve mentioned on the blog before how much I like Lee Bermejo’s artwork. Indeed, I’ve also shared a previous piece of his depicting Steve Rogers. Today, he unveiled another piece on his blog, which I am shamelessly re-posting on here. This time, it’s more of an action-shot, whereas the previous one I shared was more moody, and an after-the-battle and taking stock moment. He’s an incredibly talented fellow…


Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Comics Round-Up: CAPTAIN AMERICA (Vol.5) Collections (Marvel)


With my new job, I haven’t been spending as much time at my home computer in the past few months. I have not, however, stopped reading. Not by any stretch of the imagination. As a result, though, I have been racking up a lot of sets of notes for books (fiction, non-fiction, and particularly graphic novels) that I haven’t had a chance to feature on the blog, yet. So, over the next couple of weeks, I’m going to try (famous last words) to get a whole bunch mini-reviewed.

Part of the attraction of shorter reviews for many of these graphic novels, along with the lower time commitment, comes from a desire to avoid spoilers. Some of these – as in this review – are volumes that come pretty late in established (or slowly-becoming-established) series. Anyway, let us get on with it. Here are some thoughts on the following Captain America books: The Death of Captain America, Vols.1-3, Man With No Face, and also Man Out Of Time.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Upcoming: “Avengers: Endless Wartime” (Marvel)


This is just a badass image. One of my favourite, recent pieces

In October 2013, Marvel will be releasing the first in a new series of original graphic novels. For those of us who tend to wait for collected editions of the monthly series, this is a great development. We’ll get a decent, “movie-length epic” (according to the press release). Here’s the premise for the first book, Avengers: Endless Wartime:

An abomination, long thought buried, has resurfaced in a war-torn land – but now it wears an American flag. Faced with another nightmare reborn, Captain America will not stand for yet more death at the hands of a ghost from his past. Haunted by his greatest shame, Thor must renew the hunt for a familiar beast. Side by side with the great Super Heroes the world has seen, united to end the threats no one of them could face alone, the Avengers will stare down the greatest threat the team has ever faced. But is even their combined might enough to overcome a force of pure evil?

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Three Marvel NOW Titles: Avengers, Captain America & Thunderbolts


On a whim, I decided to try three of Marvel’s new re-boot issues: Avengers, Captain America and Thunderbolts.

My choice to read these wasn’t particularly scientific – it was purely down to whichever first issues the Barnes & Noble I was in at the time had in stock. These were the three (they had a couple of second issues, but I wasn’t prepared to go traipsing around Manhattan to find the first issues of those series*). Overall, I’m actually quite impressed with the three titles I tried. It bodes well.

* And by “traipsing”, I mean walk three blocks to Forbidden Planet…


Skottie Young’s Awesome Variant Art for these Issues

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

“I Steve Rogers… Do Solemnly Swear…”

UC-Ultimates-16Wait, what? Here’s the email subject line that greeted me when I got in to work this morning:

Captain America Elected President Of The United States of America!

Given a glitch with my work computer, I wasn’t able to look at the preview pages that were attached to the email, but I thought I’d share a couple of them here. Because this is… an interesting development. I’d been watching some of the Ultimate Comics Ultimates previews and story comments for a while, and particularly the “Divided We Stand” story-arc that seems to be bridging a handful of the UC line (Spider-Man and X-Men at least). However, I’m not really sure what I make of it, now…


Here’s what Marvel Entertainment’s Editor-in-Chief Axel Alonso had to say of the development:

“This is one of those stories that could only be told in the Ultimate Comics Universe, where the only rule is simple – there are no rules… We’ve seen Captain America fight wars and battle super villains, but running a country is a whole new challenge – but don’t worry, this isn’t about political speeches and closed door meetings. This is exactly the kind of high-octane, super powered thrill ride you’d expect from a book called The Ultimates!”

Hm… Colour me skeptical.

Sam Humphries, who scripted the issue (and also works on Fanboys vs. Zombies for Boom Studios) said:

“Captain America was created in 1941, but this is the first time he’s been made Commander in Chief. It’s an honor to write a landmark milestone for such an iconic character… We’ve made a commitment in Ultimates to show how epic events have significant consequences. President Cap is no different. This will have a lasting impact on Captain America, Thor, Iron Man, and the whole team.”




On a happier note, the cover for issue 15 is pretty badass:


Ok, I vote Thor for President!

(Putting the “God” in “In God We Trust”? Too far…?)

Friday, August 24, 2012

“Captain America” by Lee Bermejo

Is there a better artist working in comics than Lee Bermejo? I would love to see him work on SFF book covers. This is one of my new favourites, which I first saw on’s latest “Best Art Ever This Week” post (I don’t know if this was commissioned specifically for any single issue or not):



Sidebar: I am still reading and reviewing fiction, I’m just not at my computer much at the moment, so I’m going to have to figure out how to re-jig posting times and writing schedules. I’ve got a couple of reviews in the works, and will get back on track once I get used to my new schedule.

Don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere, and there will be more than art and news posts on the blog again. Plenty of interviews banked and ready to go, too, so keep checking back – lots of great content coming up in the near future.

Saturday, August 04, 2012

Upcoming: “Captain America” #16

This is just a quick artwork post. I got this image a couple days ago from Marvel, and thought it was good enough to share this far in advance. The art is by Steve Epting, and I love how action-packed and dynamic it is:


Sadly, I wasn’t able to find a high-res image file of the cover artwork without the text, but it’s still pretty striking.

I won’t share the synopsis for this episode, though, because it contains quite a few spoilers. Captain America #16 is released this coming week, on August 8th.

I haven’t been reading this series of Captain America, because I want to finish Brubaker’s first run on the series, before starting on the post-Siege event “re-boot”.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

“Captain America: Civil War” (Marvel)

CaptainAmerica-CivilWarWriter: Ed Brubaker | Artist: Mike Perkins | Colours: Frank D’Armata

Captain America has fallen into a clash with his government and his friends, and the people close to him are paying the price. The life of Cap’s girlfriend, Agent 13, is torn apart as her superiors use her divided loyalties against her. Elsewhere, a new villain emerges; the Red Skull begins to make himself known; and the Winter Soldier again comes face-to-face with Cap. But which side will he choose?

Collects: Captain America (2004) #22-24 & Winter Soldier: Winter Kills

I read the first two volumes of Brubaker’s Captain AmericaWinter Soldier and Red Menace – quite a while back. However, despite really enjoying them, I decided I wanted to read the Civil War collection before diving into this third installment to the series. The main event book was a little disappointing, but this volume as a part of the Captain America series was far more satisfying.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Avengers – New, Old, Assembled, Secret, Dark, Mighty… I’m a little lost, here… (Marvel)

I recently read the first volume in Brian Michael Bendis’s first run on New Avengers. I have also read the first couple of issues in his new Avengers Assemble series. Nevertheless, I have no frikkin’ clue which to read next, or even if I should bother reading more of Bendis’s various Avengers-related series.

This is not a statement on their quality – I really enjoyed both New Avengers (the premise, writing and especially artwork are pretty great) and Avengers Assemble (a lot of fun and a really interesting lead-off story and villain). It’s just, well, I have no idea how I’m supposed to read them all. There are just so many, and they seem to be a bit of a mess for new readers…


New Avengers Volume 1 (2005) & Volume 1 (2011)

Saturday, July 07, 2012

Marvel’s “Civil War”

CivilWarOne of Marvel’s most popular cross-title Events

Writer: Mark Millar | Artist: Steve McNiven | Inks: Dexter Vines w. Mark Morales, Steve McNiven, John Dell & Tim Townsend | Colours: Morry Hollowell

Whose side are you on? A conflict is brewing that threatens to pit friend against friend, brother against brother and all it will take is a single misstep to cost thousands their lives and ignite the fuse! As the war claims its first victims, no one is safe as teams, friendships and families begin to fall apart and the Marvel Universe super heroes go to war against each other.

Collecting the seven issues in the Civil War mini-series, which had tie-in issues across the Marvel comics line, this is a real show-stopper of a story. It’s not perfect, by any means, but it is an engaging and fast-paced read. It’s also much better than The Ultimates (also written by Millar). Gorgeous artwork, and warring super heroes make for a very good book – more so, when you consider that it is really very reasonably priced in the UK. Well worth reading.

Friday, July 06, 2012

“The Ultimates” Vols. 1 & 2 (Marvel)

Ultimates-UltimateCollectionWriter: Mark Millar | Artist: Bryan Hitch | Inks: Andrew Currie & Paul Neary | Colours: Paul Mounts

Strange beings with incredible powers have risen up to challenge the old order, and ordinary citizens are scared witless. The government’s solution: a small but lethal army known as the Ultimates, created to protect us all from the newly rising threats to mankind!

Despite the plentiful recommendations and obvious popularity of this series, I’m sad to say it left me utterly underwhelmed. The story felt flat and over-padded. It clearly had an influence on the recent (excellent) Avengers Assemble movie, but it still managed to fail on a number of levels. I will concede that these two books – also available in a special edition collection (cover image above left) – did have moments of inspired storytelling, but they were fleeting and far between as to have little overall impact on the quality or my level of enjoyment.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Marvel & Susan G. Komen

Still catching up on all my emails after the Virus Ate My Computer, but I came across this and thought it was pretty cool and worthy of being shared on here.

Marvel Entertainment will be going Pink this October, with a month-long campaign in support of Susan G. Komen for the Cure®, to run during National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Marvel will have all new covers on select October titles and educational material on Throughout the month, many of the publisher’s most popular super hero titles – including Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Black Widow, and Wolverine – will feature all-new variant covers with special pink-colored costumes.


Friday, May 18, 2012

“Captain America: Red Menace” (Marvel)


The second Brubaker-penned Captain America ultimate collection

Writer: Ed Brubaker | Artists: Mike Perkins, Javier Pulido, Marcos Martin & Steve Epting | Colours: Frank D’Armata

Six months ago, Crossbones kidnapped the Red Skull’s daughter, Sin, from a government re-education facility and disappeared into the night. Now, he and his spawn of infinite evil have come to the American Midwest to tear a new hole in A.I.M. – but none of them counted on Cap and Agent 13 stumbling into the mix.

The second volume in Brubaker’s run on Captain America picks up the story and expands on Cap’s history and the canon surrounding the character and some of his most infamous nemeses. It’s dark, gritty, action-packed and quite gripping.

Sunday, May 06, 2012

“Captain America, Vol.1: Winter Soldier” (Marvel)


A superb entry point for new Captain America fans

Writer: Ed Brubaker | Artists: Steve Epting, Mike Perkins & Michael Lark | Colours: Frank D’Armata

A midnight call to duty brings Captain America aboard the S.H.I.E.L.D Heli-carrier to identify the corpse of his most feared adversary: the Red Skull. The shocking murder of Cap’s oldest enemy may not be the end of the Skull’s plans, however, because whoever shot the Skull has stolen his final project: an unfinished Cosmic Cube with the potential power to alter reality itself.

Adding to the imminent danger, a cadre of the Skull’s followers has already set in motion a plan to ignite bombs in the hearts of Paris, London and Manhattan – causing untold death and destruction. Racing against these bombs’ rapidly ticking clocks, the Star-Spangled Avenger must not only solve the mystery of his nemesis’ murder, but find the Cube before it can be used in the Red Skull’s malevolent plot against the United States!

Then, the questions plaguing Captain America’s dreams and memories have been answered in the most brutal way possible. And in the wake of this brutality, General Lukin makes his first all-out assault – tearing open old wounds and threatening to make new scars that will never heal.

I really enjoyed the new Captain America movie, and have also enjoyed a few issues of Marvel’s new Winter Soldier series (which I took a chance on largely because of Lee Bermejo’s covers, but also because I was looking for something new). I wanted to try out some Captain America graphic novels, but they all seemed a little out of my price range. So, when I saw this book in BMV in Toronto (a big discount bookstore – this was 60% off), I took it as a sign, and decided it would be a great point to start my Captain America reading. Brubaker’s take on the character was also recommended by a couple of friends. I thoroughly enjoyed this, and I hope to catch up with the rest of Brubaker’s run on the series.*

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Book Tourism: Toronto, Canada (+Book Haul)

So, last week I was in Toronto for Alyssa’s Spring Break. It was my first time in Canada, and I must say I really liked Toronto. It was very easy to see why film companies love to film there – it really can double for Anywhere, North America really easily. It was also because of this fact, I think, that I felt comfortable and relaxed there – it was oddly familiar. Not only that, but the atmosphere and temperament of the Canadians seems to be much closer to my own. All except the passport control official, who was surprisingly aggressive with his questions [my trip was bookended by aggressive, suspicious border agents, sadly].

Anyway, let’s bring things back to what this post is really about:
