Why Is New York City Planning to Sell and Shrink Its Libraries?

Defend our libraries, don't defund them. . . . . fund 'em, don't plunder 'em

Mayor Bloomberg defunded New York libraries at a time of increasing public use, population growth and increased city wealth, shrinking our library system to create real estate deals for wealthy real estate developers at a time of cutbacks in education and escalating disparities in opportunity. It’s an unjust and shortsighted plan that will ultimately hurt New York City’s economy and competitiveness.

It should NOT be adopted by those we have now elected to pursue better policies.

Showing posts with label WBAI shutdown. Show all posts
Showing posts with label WBAI shutdown. Show all posts

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Defending Free Speech Our Anti-Authoritarian Indy Candidates (Including Library Defenders) Are Running To Join The WBAI Local Station Board- Please Vote For Them

Our 2024 Indy Listener Candidates!: Reading left to right from the top- Katherine O'Sullivan, James Sagurton, Dr. Charles Ihejirika, M. Kay Williams, Anita Stewart, Scottye Battle, James Dingeman, Nissan Pitcher, Chuck Fall, Jack DePalma, Matthew Reiss, Christine Shahin, Martha Rowen, Tom Murata, Alex Steinberg

Once again it’s election time.  Yes!: It's time to vote to elect listener representatives to the WBAI Local Station Board.  Once again, we have free speech defenders running for the board to keep WBAI 99.5 fm, Radio for the 99.5%, independent, accountable to the Listeners, and a free speech bulwark against censorship.

Citizens Defending Libraries co-founder Michael D. D. White, who is endorsing the slate of Indy candidates, is finishing his sixth year on the Local Station Board (LSB); library defender Katherine O'Sullivan is running for a second term on the LSB, and Martha Rowen, another Citizens Defending Libraries co-founder, is running to join the LSB as part of the slate of the recommended 15 Indy listener candidates.

Of the 23 candidates running as listener representative candidates, 15 of them, essentially two-thirds, are Indy candidates who are cross-endorsing each other and running in a united effort to ensure we elect an effective, free-speech supporting, anti-authoritarian Local Station Board.

PLEASE VOTE FOR ALL OUR INDY CANDIDATES!  Listener members of WBAI, please vote for them in the WBAI Local Station Board Election- Voting is between now and 11:59 PM September 30th.

The excellent, amazingly superb candidates we recommend are as follows . . .  Also, while we will skip over a full explanation, the voting is "Instant Runoff Voting" ("IRV"), which means that if you vote for these candidates in the order below recommended it will help them get elected.

The Listener Candidates We Recommend Are:

1.        James Sagurton- A calm, steady, clear thinker with deep knowledge of Pacifica and insight into viable solutions after many years of experience on the local WBAI and Pacific national board who was extremely valuable as Pacifica’s Treasurer from the Indys’ doing so much to put Pacifica’s financial house in order.  Sagurton, ever active at Pacifica, needs to be elected to return to the LSB.  (Written statement up at Pacifica site- Recorded statement)

    2.    Katherine O'Sullivan- Performance artist devoted to public advocacy. She helped form Moving Forward Unidos to fight privatization of the commons in NY, fought the radical upzoning of Inwood that will displace a lower income population while destroying the Inwood Library. She is also a bookkeeper whose skills the board will welcome.  She needs to be reelected to the LSB. (Written statement up at Pacifica site- Recorded statement)  

    3.    M. Kay Williams- Has already proven her industrious dedication to WBAI: although not yet elected to the LSB (she ran in the last two elections), serving as LSB secretary for multiple years and secretary to the WBAI Finance Committee and Management Evaluation Committee.   She is an experienced Physician's Assistant with a Masters of Public Health from Columbia. She aided refugees in Thailand and health workers in Nicaragua. Former chair of the Free Speech Radio Alliance. (Written statement up at Pacifica site- Recorded statement)







4.    Alex Steinberg- Up for reelection to return to the LSB, this tough board member (and chess expert) helped free WBAI from its crushing Empire State building lease, avoid $2 million in rent, and keep Pacifica out of bankruptcy.  Created the Strategic Planing Committee, authored several initiatives to bring in new revenue to the network, wrote Pacifica's statement defending Julian Assange.  His foresight has aided in fending off attacks on WBAI.  (Written statement up at Pacifica site- Recorded statement)

    5.    Scottye Battle- Has served three years on the LSB.  Veteran learning specialist and professor of English, she spent many years living in Japan and is an empowerment advocate for students with special needs. Her effervescent personality and steadiness brings needed positive energy to the board. (Written statement up at Pacifica site- Recorded statement)







6.    Nissan Pitcher- IT consultant, and politically engaged organizer, expert in the system management, design, and security that will assist WBAI with technical understanding and decision making. Believes in building and managing public access to all forms of media, especially radio, as our best defense against censorship from government and the corporations that capture it. (Written statement up at Pacifica site- Recorded statement)

    7.    James Dingeman- Needs to be re-elected! WBAI and Pacifica historian, experienced print, radio and TV journalist and military analyst. Doing vital work to recover WBAI’s lost CPB grants worth more than $4 million. Also spearheading move to get WBAI its own HQ building. Focused and goal oriented, a dynamic organizer. Helped speed long delayed premiums to thousands of frustrated donors.  Helped speed long delayed premiums to thousands of frustrated donors. (Written statement up at Pacifica site- Recorded statement)







   8.    Martha Rowen- A co-founder alongside Carolyn McIntyre and Michael D. D. White of Citizens Defending Libraries working against the sale of the NYC libraries, censorship and the elimination of books.  Recently a teacher (High School teacher, NYU, Brooklyn, Hunter, and City College), she campaigned for New Yorkers as a  proponent of uncensored information, free flow of information, discussion and diversity of ideas and alternative narratives, running for New York State Senate (in 2022) and New York City Council (in 2023) collecting sufficient signatures to run as a third part candidate.  Like libraries, listener-supported WBAI stands out with the special power, in the face of looming totalitarian control, of allowing listeners to be free from being tracked and traced cogs in the internet as they seek out the thinking and information essential to freedom, public discourse a democracy.  (Written statement up at Pacifica site- Recorded statement)

    9.    Jack DePalma- Has served multiple terms on the LSB.  Is a hands on Physics teacher who literally got on his hands and knees to help clean up WBAI after Superstorm Sandy hit.  He intends to reboot the WBAI news Department back into it’s glory days.  With years of experience on the Local Station Board plus tenaciously unceasing volunteer work at the station, he’d probably like to take a break, but was convinced of the importance of our being able to ask you to vote for him. (Written statement up at Pacifica site- Recorded statement)

   10.    Christine Shahin- An Arab American with fmaily roots in Lebanon.  A folk herbalist, and decades long eco-activist addressing human rights, and a natural birth doula who free birthed her six children at home, she is a licensed cosmetologist who authored a book on chemical-free natural hair coloring (how to use henna and pure herbal pigments) and established a cutting edge all natural salon and spa that attracted clients from across the United States.  Served as Co-Chair of the Board for Citizens Environmental Coalition (CEC), an anti-toxics coalition of 112 local groups in New York state as well as a Board member of the New York State Labor and Environmental Network (NYSLEN). Directed a multinational youth organization, Kids Against Pollution (KAP) and was an Official Delegate to the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) Johannesburg South Africa 2002.  A cofounder of The Emerald Party US living on our Catskill Mountain intergenerational family homestead.   (Written statement up at Pacifica site- Recorded statement)

    11.    Charles Ihejirika- Charles Ihejirika, with a doctorate in Law and Policy from Northeastern University in Boston, living in The Bronx, is the Lead Director of Daccade Law and Policy Inc., New York.  Born in Nigeria and paying close attention to the deleterious affects of the United States and Britain on his country of birth, Dr. Charles envisions WBAI as the "must-go-to" radio station for standout reporting where a majority of New York Metropolitan Area residents in its vast broadcast area, a very potentially large listening public, will obtain authentic information on critical local and national issues that the mainstream media bury. (Written statement up at Pacifica site- Recorded statement)

    12.    Matthew Reiss- PNB eligible- Long time investigative journalist (Village Voice, NY Times, The Nation, Mother Jones, Counterpunch). Has interviewed everyone from Noam Chomsky, Mort Sahl and Dick Gregory to Seymour Hersh, Woodward/Bernstein and Bernie Sanders. Also dodged bullets and bad guys as a war correspondent in Guatemala, North Korea, Kosovo and Yugoslavia. Currently professor of Journalism at Rutgers.  (Written statement up at Pacifica site- Recorded statement)

    13.    Anita Stewart- Anita is a Social Media and Virtual Outreach expert, an environmentalist, retired health care worker, artist, crafter, writer, blogger, photographer and musician who grew up in her father’s radio station. . . She is the Managing Editor and contributor, reporter, rock photographer and podcast interviewer for the online magazine, ROCK AT NIGHT and promotes musicians and has broadcast and has produced several radio shows. She is a USAF veteran and worked as an Intelligence Ops Specialist in the US and Europe. Was on staff local, state and federal political and environmental campaigns including Kucinich for President 2008 and Kennedy 24.     When she has any spare time she is writing, studying sustainability, doing yoga, swimming, singing, playing her ukulele, drumming, listening to live music everywhere and exploring nature with her camera.  (Written statement up at Pacifica site- Recorded statement)

    14.    Chuck Fall- A media and a Green Party activist, teacher teaching languages arts and social studies in middle school, workers’ compensation insurance claims worker and volunteer mediator helping resolve disputes in small claims and landlord / tenant court.  Volunteered at Portland Oregon’s KBOO Community Radio.   Seeks to bring to account the power elite that have undermined grass roots democracy in this country.  On the board of Truth Action Project that educates about the false narratives and crimes of the September 11th attacks, and the recent Covid Pandemic taking us towards a techno-totalitarian state.  (Written statement up at Pacifica site- Recorded statement)

    15.    Thomas Murata- is also a member of the WBAI Community Advisory Board, another long time listener, and is running for the LSB to prevent Pacifica from becoming overtaken by "New Day people," who seized WBAI for one month in October of 2019 turning it into a repeater station.  He sees WBAI as addressing the ever growing threat of the Military Industrial Media Medical complex.  He suggests appeals to rich activist donors such Jane Fonda, Yoko Ono, Susan Sarandon, Barbara Streisand, Robert Redford, Michael Moore, and Oliver Stone before it’s too late.  (Written statement up at Pacifica site- Recorded statement)

Our Recommended Staff Candidates (WBAI staff votes separately for the candidates to represent staff on the Local Station Board-  Listener members can't vote for the candidates below, but these candidates will work well and coordinate with the listener representative candidates recommended above.):

       •     Jeremy Kuzmarov- (Co-host with Craig “Pasta” Jardula of WBAI’s new LOL- Left on Left)  Historian, professor, book author and the managing editor of CovertAction Magazine Jeremy has contributed prolifically to that magazine writing critically about U.S. foreign policy and covert operations and the corruption of US intelligence agencies. He warns that the US Left today, like the public at large, often falls into traps adopting false narratives advanced by intelligence agencies that are also psychologically designed to stoke partisan divisions quashing truly worthwhile public discourse.  He advocates the abolition of the CIA.  (Written statement up at Pacifica site, recorded statement)

     •     Max Schmid-  (Golden Age of Radio,” 40 years at WBAI) will focus on increasing station revenue through effective offer fundraising.  (Written statement up at Pacifica site)

    •     Randy Credico- (Hosts WBAI‘s Live on the Fly.”) Activist and political satirist. Helped overturn brutal Rockefeller drug laws and and `stop and frisk.’ Key witness against Roger Stone and Donald Trump for the Miller commission.  (Written statement up at Pacifica site)


The above collection of Candidates Is Endorsed by:
    •     Judy Gorman- singer song-writer activist, mentored by Pete Seeger. Judy wrote the Citizens Defending Libraries Song.
    •     Mark Crispin Miller- Globally renowned media scholar/activist, NYU professor, and expert on the subject of propaganda, and the way it manipulates an unwitting public who has helped us recruit LSB members and recently served himself on the LSB. A frequent guest on such Pacifica programs as the Project Censored Show.”  He’s urged the need for a more democratic media system, not in thrall to corporate ownership or major advertisers and spoken out against the dangers of unbridled media concentration.  He is responsible for the 27-book Forbidden Bookshelf series republishing works that might have been unfairly consigned to oblivion.
    •    Maxine Harrison-Gallmon- An Indy on the LSB intimately familiar with how the station works through her dedicated volunteer work there.
    •    Tracy Rosenberg- One of Pacifica’s best historians and analysts keeping facts straight.
    •    Michael D. D. White, Carolyn McIntyre, twofo the three three principal co-founders of Citizens Defending Libraries along with Martha Rowen. Carolyn McIntyre, was Chair of the LSB for three years in a row.  Michael D. D. White is current and former Vice-Chair of the LSB. Martha Rowen has moved on to run for New York State Assembly and New York City Council.
    •    Gary Null - Mr Null is the host and producer of the Gary Null Show heard on WBAI (and PRN, the Progressive Radio Network of which he is the founder). Mr. Null, Ph.D, is renowned for his expertise in the field of health and nutrition, and the author of over 70 best-selling books on healthy living and the director of over 100 critically acclaimed full-feature documentary films on natural health, self-empowerment and the environment.
    •    Grace Aaron- Former Chair of the Pacifica National Board who had much to do with obtaining the loans that allowed WBAI and Pacifica to extricate from the financial drain of the exorbitant Empire State Building antenna lease.
    •    Lucy Koteen- Prominent member of Human-Scale New York, fought Atlantic Yards, fighting destruction of Fort Green Park, and fighting various other city environmental and community protection battles.
    •    Alicia Boyd- Activist who founded MTOPP- Movement To Protect The People- to fight the aggressive real estate interests in Brooklyn, intent among other things, on over-shadowing the Brooklyn Botanical Garden with towers.
    •    Lynn Ellsworth- Founding board member on the steering committee of Human-Scale NYC a leading member of New Yorkers for a Human-Scale City Coalition.
Craig “Pasta” Jardula, Professor Jeremy Kuzmarov,
    •    Craig “Pasta” Jardula- Cohost, with Jeremy Kuzmarov, who brings a sense of humor and perspective to WBAI’s “ Left-on-Left”  (LOL—which also stands for Laugh Out Loud), which provides critical commentary on the left from a left-wing perspective. Has also been a fill-in host for WBAI’s Jimmy Dore Show.
    •    Reverend Billy and  the Church of Stop Shopping- Famed not only for being on WBAI brings listeners “new of the Natural World” with his wife Savitri, but also for performances and activist actions taken against consumerism and to protect the natural environment around the world.
    •    DeeDee Halleck- Current Chair of the WBAI’s LSB and famed independent film and documentary maker and another Indy previously elected to serve on the LSB.
    •   Cindy SheehanAnti-war activist.

SO MANY GREAT CANDIDATES!   It's really a challenge providing you with a suggested voting order, but for various reasons, about which candidates have also conferred with us on, the order we suggest should work best.  We also suggest you vote only for these suggested candidates to help them all have the best chance of getting elected.

Our highly qualified, amazingly superb candidates are all free speech supporters and they oppose authoritarianism.  

WHO can vote in this election? -- and HOW to vote in this election.

You are qualified as a listener member and able to vote in this WBAI election if you contributed $25 or more to the WBAI during the year that ended June 30, 2024.*

     (* And remember that if you donated the qualifying amount-- $25 or more for each member voter-- your WBAI donating household is entitled to cast more than one vote and should.  If you're having any problems, see below about who to contact including us.)

How to vote?

You can vote online and that is the very best way to vote, because voting electronically online saves a huge amount of money for the network and station as opposed to voting by mail (which is also possible).

Ideally, as a contributor to WBAI you should have already received two emails, one telling you that you are an eligible voter in this election (Subject line should be:  Balloting Period Opens Aug 15 / Candidate Forums Schedule, probably on August 21 and 22, 2024-- It would come from nes@pacifica.org) and another sending you your ballot (Subject line: Vote now: Pacifica Foundation Inc - 2024 Local Station Elections, which probably arrived August 15, 2024-- It would come from invitations@mail.electionbuddy.com)

If you donated to WBAI and did not yet receive such emails, or all the members of your household didn't, it is time to follow up and let the station know that you need to be sent the ballot email (maybe you didn't submit your email or used an old out of date one?)-- Contact WBAI's Membership Department:  +1-212-209-2950 and/or https://wbai.org/contact.php

Once again here is a handy list of all the spectacular listener candidates we recommend. And we recommend that you vote for all of them and only them as follows:

    1.    James Sagurton                            
    2.    Katherine O'Sullivan
    3.    M. Kay Williams
    4.    Alex Steinberg
    5.    Scottye Battle
    6.    Nissan Pitcher
    7.    James Dingeman
    8.    Martha Rowen
    9.    Jack DePalma
    10.    Christine Shahin
    11.    Charles Ihejirika
    12.    Matthew Reiss
    13.    Anita Stewart
    14.    Chuck Fall
    15.    Thomas Murata

The purpose of this post is to promote the election of the candidates we are recommending and the content here may be freely and fairly used and reproduced by those similarly seeking to promote the election of these candidates.

Disclaimer: This is not an official communication of WBAI or Pacifica.

Disclaimer (further elaborated):  Because there are specified requirements issued with respect to WBAI Pacifica Elections, we further provide this specified language:

    DISCLAIMER: This is not an official Pacifica Foundation mailing nor an official mailing of any of the five Pacifica Radio Stations (KPFA Radio, KPFK Radio, KPFT Radio, WBAI Radio, WPFW Radio). Opinions and facts alleged on this site belong to the author(s) only and should NOT be assumed to be true or to reflect the editorial stance or policy of the Pacifica Foundation, or any of the five Pacifica Radio Stations (KPFA Radio, KPFK Radio, KPFT Radio, WBAI Radio, WPFW Radio), or the opinions of its management, Pacifica National Board, station staff or other listener members.

Monday, August 16, 2021

Library Defenders Are Running For The WBAI Local Station Board To Keep WBAI Independent, Accountable To The Listeners, A Free Speech Bulwark Against Censorship


Library Defenders, names you’ll probably recognize, are running for the WBAI local station board to keep the WBAI 99.5 FM radio station (“Radio for the 99.5%") independent, accountable to the listeners, a free speech bulwark against censorship.

We hope all WBAI listener members will vote for them and the rest of the Indy (Independent) slate that they are running on.

 Who To Vote For To Keep WBAI Independent, Accountable To The Listeners, A Free Speech Bulwark Against Censorship.

The WBAI Local Station Board election voting has begun.  You should have gotten your ballot.  Voting will continue until October 15th.   You must cast your ballot by 11:59 PM EST, October 15th, 2021, but you can make up your mind and vote now.  If you didn't get your ballot let us know.*

(* And remember that if you donated the qualifying amount-- $25 or more for each member voter-- your WBAI donating household is entitled to cast more than one vote and should.  If you're having any problems, see below about who to contact including us.)

Who to vote for?  We suggest you vote for everyone* on the Indy (independent) slate.    Vote for the Indy slate members to keep WBAI independent, accountable to the listeners, and a free speech bulwark against censorship (like the escalating censorship and sly manipulation the internet is increasingly subject).

(* It's tough to explain, but voting for every candidate on the Indy slate, because of ranked choice voting, helps every candidate on the slate.  So it actually helps me get elected personally if you vote for all the other Indy candidates as well.)

Here is who to vote for on the Indy slate.  This year we are not formally ranking our Indy candidates, but I certainly hope that you will place me high on your list.  You'll see some familiar faces here (including activist faces familiar from our fight against library sales and real estate takeovers), and you see some exciting new blood, some of it younger, bringing an infusion of energy and new ideas.

Here is our Indy listener candidate slate that you can vote for:

    •    Michael D. D. White
    •    Scottye Battle
    •    Katherine O’Sullivan
    •    Phil DePaolo
    •    M. Kay Williams
    •    Priscilla Cancar
    •    John Hoffman
    •    Jim Dingeman
    •    Matthew Reiss
    •    Bruce Greif

End of story if you want to vote now? Maybe, but here is more information to help you.

As background, also know that while the listeners will elect 9 listener Local Station Board members this election (with ranked choice voting you can vote for more candidates but only candidates you want) the WBAI staff will elect three staff Local Station Board members.   Here is our Indy staff candidate slate that staff can vote for:

    •    Shawn Rhodes
    •    R. Paul Martin
    •    Max Schmid

What about voting for others beside those on the Indy slate?  Maybe (one or two?).  There are two other slates of candidates running.--

. . .  We suggest that you do not vote for candidates on the JUC or "Justice and Unity" slate as they have an an agenda that is most different from ours in that several of their candidates have for a very long time been supporting a transfer or lease of WBAI (sometimes called a PSOA- Public Service Operating Agreement) that would end listener accountability and control- sometimes it is misleadingly referred to as some sort of "partnership").  In other words, it would end the democratic structure that protects WBAI from privatizing takeovers in very much the same way the two proposed bylaw referendums we had to fend off and defeat would have done.  Those bylaw referendums came from the same people who illegally and sneakily shut down WBAI for the month of October in 2019.

. .  There is another slate, the DSA, Democratic Socialists of America, slate that is running two listener candidates.  The DSA elected LSB members in the last election and they have often, but not always, voted with the Indys.  All of the DSA candidates oppose and sale, swap of signal or lease (PSOA) of WBAI, unlike the member of the JUC.  DSA members also have a good record of being cooperative and fair, where as some of the JUC have, we think, sometimes been negative in a way that's deleterious to the station's reputation, and unproductively disruptive.

Ranked choice voting is sufficiently mysterious in the way it works so we don't know for sure whether voting for the DSA candidates or other wild card candidates would push down Indy success in the election or would help them win over JUC candidates.  

Your call- you may want to vote for the two DSA listener candidates, but only after you have voted for all the INDY candidates first in your ranking.

Those two candidate are:

    •    Dylan Saba
    •    Nicodemus (Nick) Nicoludis

The additional wild card candidates who are not affiliated with any slate? If they are not on on our Indy slate, it's because they didn't join with us, even though we may have reached out to them to do so.

Want to know more about our Indy candidates, watch their videos, read their statements?  OK, but first we'll tell you some people endorsing our Indy slate

Our Indy Slate Is Endorsed BY:
•        Judy Gorman- The singer song-writer activist, mentored by Pete Seeger who wrote our Defending Libraries Song.
    •    Maxine Harrison-Gallmon- An Indy on the LSB intimately familiar with how the station works through her dedicated volunteer work there.
    •    Alicia Boyd- Activist who founded MTOPP to fight the aggressive real estate interests in Brooklyn, intent among other things, on over-shadowing the Brooklyn Botanical Garden with towers.
    •    Tracy Rosenberg- One of Pacifica’s best historians and analysts keeping facts straight.
    •    James Sagurton- Pacifica’s current Treasurer from the Indys’ who has done so much to put Pacifica’s financial house in order.
    •    Carolyn McIntyre- A Co-founder of Citizens Defending Libraries and Chair from the Indys of the Local Station Board for the last three years.
    •    Alex Steinberg- Current Pacifica National Board chair expert at tactically navigating Pacifica through crises.
    •    Grace Aaron- Former Indy chair of the Pacifica National Board who had much to do with obtaining the loans that allowed WBAI and Pacifica to extricate from the financial drain of the exorbitant Empire State Building antenna lease.
    •    Lucy Koteen- prominent member of Human Scale New York, fought Atlantic Yards, Fighting destruction of Fort Green Park and fighting various other city environmental and community protection battles.
    •    DeeDee Halleck- Famed Indy film and documentary maker and another Indy on the LSB elected last election.     

Indy Candidate Info, Statements and Videos

For a deeper dive, here is more about our Indy candidate listener slate:

Michael D. D. White- Needs to be re-elected! Activist lawyer, dynamic and productive on the LSB, skilled in public finance, urban planning & social policy. A writer-activist defending free speech & cofounder of Citizens Defending Libraries who helped beat back the city’s powerful real estate establishment.

    •   Statement
    •   Video

Scottye Battle- Veteran learning specialist and professor of English, she spent many years living in Japan and is an empowerment advocate for students with special needs. Her effervescent personality will bring needed positive energy to the board.

   •   Statement
    •   Video

Katherine O’Sullivan-  Performance artist devoted to public advocacy. She helped form Moving Forward Unidos to fight privatization of the commons in NY, fought the radical upzoning of Inwood that will displace a lower income population while destroying the Inwood Library. She is also a bookkeeper whose skills the board will welco
    •   Statement
    •   Video




Phil DePaolo-  Seasoned political advisor and organizer for local activist groups fighting real estate and industry exploitation. Co-author with Professor Tom Angotti of “Zoned Out! Race Displacement and City Planning.”

    •   Statement
    •   Video




M. Kay Williams- Williams-An experienced Physician's Assistant with a Masters of Public Health from Columbia, she aided refugees in Thailand and health workers in Nicaragua. Former chair of the Free Speech Radio Alliance.
    •   Statement
    •   Video




Priscilla Cancar- Product Manager at an EdTech company that supports the learning experiences and voices of youth. Creates activist videos and oversaw social media and website design for City Council candidate Victoria Cambranes. Born & raised in Brooklyn, Puerto Rican and Croatian – an ear for all the diverse voices of our city’s youth.

    •   Statement
    •   Video (done for Citizens Defending Libraries fight)



John Hoffman- WWBAI listener for 50 years, grew up in Brooklyn. Skilled in finance, preparing and monitoring budgets, forecasting and deciphering balance sheets, he will help stabilize and solidify WBAI’s precarious cash flow.

    •   Statement
    •   Video

Jim Dingeman- Needs to be re-elected! WBAI and Pacifica historian, experienced print, radio and TV journalist and military analyst. Doing vital work to recover WBAI’s lost CPB grants worth more than $4 million. Also spearheading move to get WBAI its own HQ building. Focused and goal oriented, a dynamic organizer. Helped speed long delayed premiums to thousands of frustrated donors.

    •   Statement
    •   Video

Matthew Reiss- Award-winning investigative journalist (Village Voice, NY Times, The Nation, Mother Jones, Counterpunch). Has interviewed everyone from Noam Chomsky, Mort Sahl and Dick Gregory to Seymour Hersh, Woodward/Bernstein and Bernie Sanders. Also dodged bullets and bad guys as a war correspondent in Guatemala, North Korea, Kosovo and Yugoslavia. Currently professor of Journalism at Rutgers.

    •   Statement
    •   Video/Audio

Bruce Greif- A wizard at data tracking and project management in complex organizations, he will work hard to normalize the station’s often chaotic administrative issues.

    •   Statement
    •   Video

Faces of Our Endorsers

Endorsers of the Indy slate above, left to right: Judy Gorman, Maxine Harrison-Gallmon, Alicia Boyd, Tracy Rosenberg, James Sagurton, Carolyn McIntyre, Alex Steinberg, Grace Aaron, Lucy Koteen, DeeDee Halleck.

Here is another late entry endorser- Anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan:

And here is another late entry endorser- Casper the Friendly Ghost- Why? because another slate of candidates running for office has decided to have dead people endorse their slate, so it seemed only fair to follow suit and figuring that Casper is friendly, we should have have him endorse us in the same not quite so meaningful way:

The candidates are having debates.  Visit the website: elections.pacifica.org for debates.  For the first debate that has already been held you can find audio in the WBAI Archive for Sunday, August 15, 2021 and Zoom Video is available here.  The first third of the debate has library defenders Michael D. D. White and Katherine Sullivan.  M. Kay William was in the second third.  Scottye Battle and John Hoffman are in the last third.


Ballots were sent on August 16th, 2 pm ET / 1 pm CT / 11 am PT.

For any ballot request you must file a ballot request form.
Emails are insufficient.

Please contact us Michael White or Carolyn McIntyre,cemac62@aol.com, if you are having problems voting or getting your ballot when you request if it has not already arrived.

Visit the website: elections.pacifica.org for candidate statements and debates.

Again- Please cast your ballot by 11:59 PM EST, (10:59 PM CST, 8:59 PM PST,) Oct 15th, 2021

MOREOVER, Please make sure you contact all your WBAI listener members and make sure they also vote.  Thank you.

Disclaimer: This is not an official communication of WBAI or Pacifica.

For even more information, background and views: Steve Brown sent out a mailer about the election and the candidates that you may have already received (yes we cribbed). 
Citizens Defending Libraries has also posted previous pages about how the fight to protect our libraries and the fight to keep WBAI strong are related fights, both opposing privatizing takeovers, both related to how we must fend off attempts by moneyed interest to own our information and control our narratives and thinking.  You can access those earlier posts by scrolling down from this link.  

Also, you will find the website for theCalifornia Pacifica station listeners saying what the Indy candidates ("The Good Governance Coalition") stand for.