Saturday, April 25, 2009

Early Morning Sugar Fix!

Come start your day off right with Koolaid and Otter Pops for .25 each!

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Sunday, April 19, 2009

Last "Park"able Weekend in AZ 'til Fall

Good thing our ward planned an outing to the park yesterday, otherwise we would've missed the last chance to go before it gets HOT next week (which just means swimming season can start). We would've missed it because Toby, Julianna and I were all asleep on Saturday afternoon until 'Ms Social Calendar' Heather got back from her birthday party and woke us up to keep us going so she could complete her third event of the day.

The kids all had a blast with Grandma and Grandpa at the butterfly exhibit (and their backyard) while Susan and I and Julianna went to Costco (Susan was reminded that it is dangerous to go with me because I tell her to buy everything she might need). Once the kids got home, Susan ran Heather to Gilbert for a fun birthday party and Susan went to the library (by herself!) while I changed another infamous Julianna blowout. Somehow, after 7 hours of car rides, adventures, and entertaining, Heather still had the energy to keep us going for our picnic at the park, and once home from that, went with Susan to Michael's for some craft items!

The boys had fun doing lasertag in the park, Julianna got to see lots of new stuff and kept busy (and relatively happy) all day, and Susan and I just survived it all.

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Saturday, April 04, 2009

Food Storage Here We Come

We got some overhead shelves installed in the garage and surprisingly almost filled them already with Halloween/Christmas/Easter decorations. Now we can use the cleared out, under-the-stairs, closet for food storage since it is cooler/dryer than the garage :)
The girls were obiously pretty excited (and very helpful)!