it was hand made...embellished with handmade paper flower and it was hand stitched with Japanese Step binding
sweet sangat kannn..leh jugak dibuat scrap book or nak display gambar pon boleh...
saiznyer A4 paper with 100 pages
i wish i have this guest book for my wedding =)
Kalau korang tengok sendiri kat blog Share Your Love With Card ni..ade banyak lagi decoration yang cantik2 n sweet...Ingat nak wat jugak..Tapi tak reti so better i join this giveaway and hope I will be the lucky one =)
1) Anyone can join this giveaway.
2) Follow blog Share Your Love With Card.
3) Just make a post about this giveaway at your blog/ facebook/ twitter.
- Your full name
- Your Email address
- Your posted link
The deadline for this giveaway is on 30th of April 2012. Winners of this giveaway will be picked randomly. Share Your Love With Card will be making an announcement on first week of May 2012.
So spread the good news gals =)
Click here for more info.