Showing posts with label Life drawings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Life drawings. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

19 Black & Decker

[ Click to enlarge ]
[ Click to enlarge ]
It's been ages since I've drawn from life + and on paper + and that any sketches ended up here! Here you gooo!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

10 Tokyo Caffes

Above my first drawing entirely made on my Asus and SketchBook Pro!
Most of my time in Japan at the moment is spent in caffes, and they're mainly smoking areas!! Except for the passive smoking part and the smell of cigarette all over my clothes, I kinda like the quite and studious atmosphere in there. Lots of Japanese work, study or sleep in caffes. And with my new tablet-pc, I'm the queen of the world!! Future is in my hands and it fits in my bag! :)


En ce moment, ce que je vois du Japon, ce sont surtout les cafés, majoritairement fumeurs !! Mis à part les méfaits du tabagisme passif sur ma santé et le parfum de cigarette dont je m'imprègne par la suite, j'aime l'ambiance calme et studieuse qui y règne en générale. Beaucoup de Japonais viennent y travailler en fait, étudier ou même dormir. Et avec ma nouvelle tablette, I'm the queen of the world!! Le futur est entre mes mains et il tient dans mon sac ! :)

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

19 Bourne Supremacy settings!

I thought I would catch more people's attention with this title ;)
I just got back from Berlin where I spent a cool week end with a perfect weather at my dear old Uwe's place! Danke very much again! ^___^

Waiting for the Berlin-Paris flight...
[ Click on image ]

Saturday afternoon, sketches at the "beer garden", very nice atmosphere :
[ Click on image ]

Now back to work again... Bigger holidays soon in mid-september!


J'ai pensé qu'avec cet intitulé j'attirerais davantage l'attention ;)
Je reviens tout juste d'un chouette week end prolongé passé chez mon cher vieux Uwe qui vit désormais à Berlin.
Je ramène avec moi quelques crobards faits en attendant mon vol de retour et un après-midi aussi durant une pause dans le "jardin de la bière", c'est le nom de cet endroit, très agréable !
Retour urgent au boulot maintenant... avant de prendre de bonnes grosses vacances à la mi-septembre !

Monday, January 29, 2007

22 Sleeping Fellaz

For once the color isn't made with Photoshop, it's watercolor.

... and ladies...

Monday, July 03, 2006

11 Drawing girl

Thanks again as usual for those who come here and leave me their comments. I'm sorry I'm not very active at the moment with the blog, there's so much to do a day is not enough. If I could skip going out and eating and sleeping maybe I could do more things :)

Monday, May 15, 2006

Wednesday, March 22, 2006