Friday, October 31, 2008


Cole is Buzz Lightyear for Halloween and his Best buddy and
cousin Brock is Woody! Cole got really sad when he put on his costume... He said "Mommy I want to fly to infinity and beyond." So Chuck held him up and flew him around. Then Cole said "I want to fly outside by myself like Buzz." He was so disappointed!!!
Another funny thing... Cole wanted a treat so I told him if he went in the potty he could get a treat. Well he looked up at me and said...."Nah Ill just go trick or treating instead."

Heres a little dollface dressed up like a flower. I bet she will have fun trick or treating too.


Em said...

They both look so cute! I love the buzz and woody idea. Renn just poked his head in and commented on how grown up Cole looks. Can't you do something about that? Sheesh.

Val said...

Oh my goodness, they are so stinkin cute! Happy Halloween Skinners! We miss you,
Love, the Broadbents

Anonymous said...

How cute I love the story about the potty and the treat! Ali looks adorable!

Stephanie said...

your children are adorable... love their costumes. Have fun tonight!

The Perry family said...

They look so cute! I feel bummed for Cole! I hope you guys have fun trick-or-treating.

Nikki said...

Oh they are so cute! I love Buzz and Woody, I wish Charlie would've been that last year because I think it's so cute, now he's moved on to the next thing, transformers.

Kori said...

So darling! Looks like a fun night. Aren't holidays the best with little kids?!

Mandy said...

Cutest kids ever! London was supossed to be a flower and at the last minute we found a snow white costume and did some last minute alterations (Jake has become my little seamstress- haha).

Krista and Aaron said...

So Cute!

heidi said...

They look so cute! Kids like yours are the reason that i love this holiday, oh and the candy too...

Ashley H. said...

I love the cute flower girl! Looks like Cole is one smart kid with that candy comment.

Britney said...

So funny about Cole thinking he could fly! I love how kids are so innocent.

Ali looks SOOOO adorable in that flower costume!

Krystal said...

So cute! It is so fun to get them all dressed up. I bet Cole just loved it. So is Ali walking yet? I remember last year when Trey was Buzz, he too thought he could fly. It's so cute, and yet so sad when they don't understand why. It looks like your "Buzz" days have just started! Trey still loves him. THe boys look so cute together. What a fun Halloween!

Chell said...

Oh they are adorable. Miss you so much!!

Nate and Paige said...

Wow..It is really good to hear from you. 6 years since I have seen you guys and honestly feels like yesterday. Alot to catch up on. Tell your family hello for me.

carlee said...

So fun! yes she is a dollface. and I loved Cole's flying comments. so funny. We miss you guys and hope Alaska is treating you well.

K-Krew said...

Cute costumes! Maybe the candy-to-go-on-the-potty trick will work now :)

Brokentine said...

Hey check out my new blog... this is bri by the way

Michelle C said...

So cute!

T.J., Lindsay, Drew, and Cameron Stevens said...

I still can't believe how much Cole looks like Chuck!!! You have BEAUTIFUL Ali's costume too :)

Allie said...

I was just checking out Nichole's blog today and saw a link to yours, so I thought I'd check it out (I hope you don't mind). I love the picture of Brock and Cole. They are sweeties!