Engraving of a lost daguerreotype of Brigadier General John Wool taken by Jeremiah Gurney, 1855. Originally published on the cover of the December 29 issue of Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper in 1855.
Source: Archive.org.
The place for the most fascinating photographs from history specializing in animating stereoscopic images.
Source: Archive.org.
Engraving of a lost Mathew Brady ambrotype of Arctic explorer Elisha Kent Kane (center) with fellow expedition members after returning to New York City after the Second Grinnell Expedition in October 1855. Originally published on the cover of Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper in December 1855.
Original caption: "The Arctic Explorers. Drawn by Wallin. From an Ambrotype by Brady."
A retouched second or third generation copy of the original photo.
Engraving of photographer Jeremiah Gurney from Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper published on September 24, 1859. The image is probably based on a lost photo portrait of him.
Source: Archive.org.