Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Like so much of the US, we just got TONS of snow!
I tried to take Paul out in it, but it was just too much snow for him to walk in.
Plus our noses almost froze off. Here are some pictures before the huge snow fall:

Here is the snow after the storm. It is as high as the picnic bench, almost as high as the table!

Also, Kate just had her 6 month check-up and here are the stats:
Weight 19lbs 3oz
Height 28.5 inches
She's still an inch ahead of Paul, but a couple of pounds behind. We'll see how long that keeps up.

1 comment:

The Hann Family said...

Wow...that is a TON of snow! Not jealous. Your kids are soooo adorable! Hope to see you soon!