Showing posts with label Interview. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Interview. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Happy Birthday Seven Impossible Things Before Breakfast!

Be sure to drop by Seven Impossible Things Before Breakfast and wish Jules a Happy Blog Birthday! She has been running this amazing blog about picture books and their creators for ten years this month.
If you are in the industry, a librarian, a teacher, a bookseller, or just into kids books and interested in the authors and illustrators that make them you MUST visit.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Interview with the wonderful Alison McGhee

From MPR news:

"Firefly Hollow": The children's book that began with a painting
In the publishing process, children's books typically begin with a story — then the illustrations follow. But that's not how "Firefly Hollow" came to be.

Writer Alison McGhee, who has published several books for both children and adults, received a package on her doorstop six years ago. Inside were full-color paintings of entrancing creatures: A mouse-like character in a sailor's outfit and a cricket curled up with a cup of tea. The illustrated companions were adrift in a small boat, sailing down the river....

listen to the full interview here

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Interview at All Creativelike

I was so happy to be interviewed by Leigh Medeiros at All Creativelike. I have worked with Leigh as a consultant and she is fantastic. I highly recommend that you check out All Creativelike and the many ways that Leigh works with artists. Coaching, products for artists, Retreats & Workshops, Classes, Research/Story Notes-she does it all. Subscribe to her blog to see the many way that she works with creative people and be sure to read the testimonials-she is the real deal.

Friday, May 15, 2009

What I have for breakfast, my itunes shuffle, my process, and lots of sketches and art!

I had the pleasure of being interviewd by Jules at Seven Impossible Things Before Breakfast. If you are not familiar with her blog you should be. Jules has archived interviews with some of the most amazing authors and illustrators working in the children's book industry. How about knowing more about Mo Willems, Jane Yolen, Ed Young, Harry Bliss, Giselle Potter, or Dave McKlean
The interviews are just long enough that you get a real sense of the artists but not so long that you feel like you are reading every entry on their face book page. The insights shared through a very thoughtful q/a are enlightening and often hilarious. 
The posts are choc full of nicely sized images in a very clean, well organized format.  So if you want to know more about the people that created the books that you love, or discover a new favorite, a visit to her blog is time well spent.