Today, I am happy to share the process and steps for the second of two (three, but more on that another day) contributions to the Dungeons & Dragons supplement, The Book of Many Things. I saved my favorite for last. While I haven't been actively working to get our cats into gaming art, but when the opportunity arose I made sure to get our cats into D&D. This will not be the last time you see the cats either, I have on good authoridy that little gray Zemo may be seen on something Magical later in the year, or next year. For now my familiar, ornage Mietze is only in D&D. Here is the final painting for Wanewort (and her cats).
The Book of Many Things
11 x 14 - Digital
Art Director - Bree Heiss
© 2023 Wizards of the Coast LLC
I was asked to illustrate Wanewort and her two cats. I knew this was going to be a good assignemnt becuase of the inclusion of cats. Cats make everything better - unless you are trying to make the bed. Wanewort was described as:
Intent: This monster illustration shows WANEWORT, an eccentric NIGHT HAG who works closely with a thieves’ guild called the Moonstalkers.
Action: WANEWORT is a NIGHT HAG with HALF-MOON GLASSES. She wears a knowing dastardly grin. She holds one CALICO CAT in her arms, and a GRAY CAT rubs up against her leg. She wears a dress, some scarves, and has a number of odd hag’s TRINKETS hanging off her clothes.
Mood: An ECCENTRIC, probably EVIL but nonetheless LOVABLE old woman who has more power than she lets on.
This is, of course, awesome, and something really fun to work on. You may have noticed that she is described as having a calico and a gray cat. The trouble is that we have an orange cat and a gray cat. I reached out to production to see if I could change the calico into an ornage and they agreed, opening my way to have our kitties in the book. You may have also noticed that she should have half-moon glasses and in the painting she does not. Yeah, well, I forgot them and didn't relize this omission until I was done with the painting. Every attempt to add them in and not mess up her expression failed and so I submitted the piece as you see it. Either the lack of glasses was never noticed, or like me, they decided it was fine without them. Here are the thumbnails that I submitted.
Wanewort - Thumbnails
© 2023 Wizards of the Coast LLC
Oh, did I fail to mention reference photos? I have to share my photo reference for the final painitng. With two cats, an apron, and a cape you too can have all the reference you need to make yourself a Nighthag. Mietze was not partcluarly happy about all this and Zemo was just wandering around.
Wanewort reference for all your kitty cat reference needs!
Needless to say that option 'C' was the winner and I was 100% on board for this one. I did like option 'A' a lot, but 'C' has a lot of personality. With the thumbnail approved it was time for drawing! Here is the Wanewort drawing.
The Book of Many Things
11 x 14 -Colored pencil on paper
Original - NFS (I am keeping this one!)
Art Director - Bree Heiss
© 2023 Wizards of the Coast LLC
The drawing was approved without any edit notes, and it was time to start on the final painting. Here is the painting of Wanewort taking shape.
Wanewort - Process
© 2023 Wizards of the Coast LLC
This one was a dream to paint. I had great reference, I was painting my cats, and I was once again getting to be the monster. While my wife very much wanted to be the monster this time, I knew Mietze would not put up with her handling him this much. And, well, I wanted to be the monster. Compared to the other two paintings, especially the one I am not sharing, this one was quick, easy, and fun. Not that the other two were an issue, but... cats. Cats are fun to paint, espacially my cats. Here again is the final paitning for Wanewort.
The Book of Many Things
© 2023 Wizards of the Coast LLC
That's all for another exciting Wendesday on the blog. See you back here on Friday! Until then...