Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Paci Addict

Hazel loves her paci. I love it too actually. I just don't want her to have it in all day because she has a super cute baby language that I love to hear. Sometimes when she has it in, she just keeps it hanging out of the side of her mouth like a cig. When she couples that with her funny hunched over walking, it cracks me up.


joel and laura michelle said...

you are one awesome mama! so fun to hear your voice AND hazel's voice. she's a babe!

Rondi said...

Love your new family picture.

Chloe and Tyler said...

She is so stinkin cute! I just want to eat her up. I wish I could live near you right now so I could stop by and play. Love the Christmas card.

JoSue said...

ha! love it. I also love that you said, 'cig.'

She's too much for me. Can't wait to hang out with her soon!

Courtney said...

sooooo cuuuute! put a big smile on my face :)

love both of you <3 <3 <3