Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Children are truly oblivous to cold!!! Carter insisted that we needed to go outside and play in the fresh new snow. Well, if only negative 2 degrees(feels like neg 16 with wind) meant something to him. So bundled we got!!! It took us longer to get ready than to actually play in the snow. I think he wants to go out so that when we are done he can have hot chocolate. Little does he realize I would skip the cold and go straight to hot chocolate. :) Although I love that he wants to play and have fun. It is fun having kids who do want to be active. That was Carter'sface of, "mom, hurry I am freezing." My response, "if you are going to make me come out and freeze I at least get a couple pictures."

Taylor did have a grand time standing in one spot and playing in the snow. This is really her first year of playing in the snow. She LOVES to watch it snow. We sat over our vents last night with blankets over us watching it come down. She thought that was great. As you can see, our effort to get the toys put away before we got hit didn't quite work out. Well, it is now complete by mom, the cleaning and freezing..so fun!


kaylynnr said...

How cute the kids look! I can safely say that I don't miss the wind there! They look like they had fun!

Denise said...

Man, I am so NOT looking forward to the snow! It's supposed to start tonight. What a good mama you are for braving the cold for the little ones - cute pics!

Denise Christiansen said...

burrrrrrr! looks fun though. you got alot of snow! we just got our first snow. kaden was looking out the window saying noman, noman, noman nana, noman. i had to look up to see what in the heck he was talking about. it sounded like snowman but i knew that couldnt be. then i saw the beautiful snow falling down. we got all excited! he was saying snowing, nana, snowing. so cute! happy snowday!

TokenLiberal said...

That astonishing cold will only make you tougher! We still remember fondly the years in Minnesotta and the sub-zero windchills. Just keep moving!

I love checking in and watching your news and updates and have been doing it for quite a while...never commented because I didn't have a login -- so FINALLY I couldn't resist!

Your auntie in MA will be watching -- and is so proud of you all!