Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Children are truly oblivous to cold!!! Carter insisted that we needed to go outside and play in the fresh new snow. Well, if only negative 2 degrees(feels like neg 16 with wind) meant something to him. So bundled we got!!! It took us longer to get ready than to actually play in the snow. I think he wants to go out so that when we are done he can have hot chocolate. Little does he realize I would skip the cold and go straight to hot chocolate. :) Although I love that he wants to play and have fun. It is fun having kids who do want to be active. That was Carter'sface of, "mom, hurry I am freezing." My response, "if you are going to make me come out and freeze I at least get a couple pictures."

Taylor did have a grand time standing in one spot and playing in the snow. This is really her first year of playing in the snow. She LOVES to watch it snow. We sat over our vents last night with blankets over us watching it come down. She thought that was great. As you can see, our effort to get the toys put away before we got hit didn't quite work out. Well, it is now complete by mom, the cleaning and freezing..so fun!

Saturday, November 24, 2007


We had a great Thanksgiving. It was just us this year, but we enjoyed our little feast!
Carter and Mommy were the main chef's. He loves being in the kitchen. He came in handy after Mom burnt herself and had to tend to that. Watch out for that steam!!! :) We hope everyone had a great day!

Love to all!!!

Check out my Slide Show!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Does he or does he not? That is the question...

My own unoffcial testing, says yes he certainly does. Our big debate with the teachers in school is if Mason understands and knows his colors. Well, they have him 'sort' colored bears into their designated cups and he just doesn't get it. I just think he doesn't get the sorting part of it all. We were playing with blocks and I decided to do my own testing. I would hold up two blocks and ask him to choose which ever color i said for the next on the tower. 100% accuracy with all the colors!!!!

Mason was so proud of himself, and the big question is answered finally. Why I didn't think of this sooner is beyond me. His para of course knew he knew colors, she often picks up on things that the teachers don't see. Thank Heaven for her. She is wonderful...no one will tell if I kidnapp her and take her to England, right?

Just another proud Mommy and Daddy moment!!! Wanted to share. With Mason being at school all day we probably don't share as much as we should about him. What a stud.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

So Carter has been singing this song since learning it at school and I thought it was too cute. The only way I could video him doing it is to tell him he had to teach his cousin Zoie this new song. Then she could go to school and teach her class. It is amazing what kids will do for someone else's benefit.


Thursday, November 1, 2007

Update On Operation PCS-England

For all you non military folk--PCS--Permanent Change of Station(although there is nothing permanent about it) :)
I wanted to update everyone on our adventure to England. We got the extension we were hoping for and now won't have to leave until the end of school. We should be flying out of Grand Forks around the 24th of May, 2008! That sounds so weird, 2008, but it will be here before we know it. We did have sad news with our move coming up. We decided the money it would take to fly Dakota(our dog) over was not in our budget. It is a little insane what they want for that. For the curious it was $1200.00. Anyway, we already found her a home here in ND. She lives on a 25 acre farm now and has chickens and pigs to play with. We were sad to see her go, but we will be visiting her before we go to say our official good-bye. Carter just thought it was really nice of us to share our dog with someone else. :) Mason was very clear how he felt about it--not happy at all!! I don't know that Taylor has really noticed after the first couple of days of signing 'dog' around the back door. We feel we made that best decision, and that is all you can do I guess.
We are looking forward to our adventure to Utah this December to help celebrate in Chelsi and Kasey getting married. Although Mike and I are the only ones making it we are excited for the couple of days we will be there. Mostly I think we are excited about having no children for a couple days. What is that like? It will be our first overnight adventure alone since Mason was born in 2001. How crazy that will be!!! Our very good friend Beth is staying here with the kids and so i know they will be be in great hands.

I better sign off so that the pile of laundry can get folded. That is one thing I really do not enjoy to it!! I don't know why, but it is highly obnoxious to me.
Have a wonderful 1st Day of November!!