Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Michelle's 10 Random Things

So, I've been tagged by Dawn, (yeah, thanks) and I give into pressure easily; so here are 10 random things about me.

1. My favorite sound in the world is when my kids make each other laugh. It's even better than when I make them laugh!

2. I love to read, but don't make time for it. I joined a book club just so I'd have a reason to read at least one book a month.

3. I love to read magazines. Give me Family Fun or Simple or even Sports Illustrated. If I could afford it, I'd get more to read...

4. I hate working outside of the home. When I did work, I cried almost every time I was in my car driving to work (Not because I hate work, I just hated leaving my family. I know, I'm a baby). But if I did need to go back to work, I'd work in O.B. (speaking of babies) which, when I was in school, is something I told myself I'd never do!

5. If I could live anywhere, I'd live in Richfield (where I grew up). This is also something I told myself I'd never do. Things change!

6. I hate graffiti! I know, I know, doesn't everybody who is normal? But I am always on the lookout and I will report it to the city to get it cleaned up! They probably know me by name...

7. I'm more of a one-on-one person than a one-on-many person. Even if I know everyone in the group, I just can't think of anything to say!

8. I am totally low maintenance, but have aspirations of becoming a little more high maintenance. It's just not in my blood though.

9. I regret getting my second piercing in my ear. Of course when I did get it, President Hinckley came out like a month later and said one hole in the ear. So now, I will forever have two holes in my ear! Yuck. (I know, I should have listened to my dad)

10. I hate answering the phone!

Okay, now I tag Jodie and Katie... let's hear your ten random things!


Dawn said...

I LOVE your ten!!!! I have no caller ID so I hate answering the phone too!

Jake and Libby: said...

I don't know you you but I agree! I screen all my calls and usually I just don't feel like answering. Sorry all. I like your ten!