Showing posts with label Miniature pasta. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Miniature pasta. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


I have been experimenting a bit lately with some macro lenses and zoom lenses. The choice ended on a macro lens from Nikon. It not easy taking good pictures of miniatures. I hope this can make me a bit better. Also need to invest a little time in understanding more of the terms. I'd rather make miniatures though;) This little piece was made some time ago but it’s going in my Etsy store so here you have it "pasta chicken salad” (the small yellow bits are corn by the way)


            I  don’t  remember who made the bowl. It is handmade and very nice.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Pasta in the making with pot ready for stove and all the things needed to make a great sauce to go along with it. Even a bottle of wine. Very Italian;) Available for sale. $43 and $8 shipping worldwide.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Ravioli made from scratch and a fresh sour dough bread with the Poulain logo. Of course when making such a lovely meal it should be enjoyed with a good glass of wine:)

Monday, September 8, 2008

Starting the week with some pasta in preparation. A big pile of flour and eggs is all there is to it. Some drying time for the tagiatelle and it's supposed to be cooked in just a couple of minutes. Maybe I should try this in real life too...Oh well someday:)