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May 8, 2010

I am LOVED!!

I've had an exciting life - "I've been robbed at gunpoint not once but twice in the past month" NOT!!! I have been the unfortunate victim (as well as all my poor friends - sorry) of a plan to extort money for my safe well-being. First it was on Facebook and now my Apple email account has been hacked. Ahhhhhh!!

I have now managed to sort the situation out now with Apple and all is good. I have been told to change my passwords on all my accounts regularly which is a very sensible thing to do. The only upside is that it has been nice to know that I have many friends out there who care for me. I've had phone calls and emails from around the world all this morning. Thank you - I LOVE YOU all too!!

1 comment:

  1. Chris - that is great news! I have just this moment opened my emails and your holiday robbery email was the first I read - I thought it may have been a scam with the use of the term 'vacation' and 'just popped down to the UK'. The dodgy internet hackers strike again! Am glad you are ok.


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