Monday, November 24, 2008

I have a thumb sucker!

I love my little thumb sucker! I am not worried or bugged one bit about this little habit. He has been sleeping so great in the night ever since he discovered it. He started out sleeping 5 to 7 hours at a time and last night 10 hours!!!
Never in my life have I had a baby sleep that long at such a young age! I'm sort of wishing my other 4 babies found their thumb!


Kim said...

Welcome to the Club!

Kim & Max Willis family said...

yah!!! I wish my kids sucked their thumbs when they were little!!Lucky!!
or even a bink would have been nice!!

Courtney said...

That is the cutest thing I have ever seen! Oh, I just want to squeeze him! What a lucky mommy you are.

Autumn said...

Madelynn tried sucking her thumb quite a bit in her first few months. But I always yanked it out....after I enjoyed watching her first. :) They always look so cute! But I am too paranoid I guess. Carson looks so peaceful, and I think that sometimes it doesn't matter how you get your sleep, just as long as you get it right? Sleep for Mom's is gold with babies!

Hannah + 4 said...

So cute! Avree sucks her fingers and it is so nice!! People always try to take them out of her mouth but it doesn't bother me one bit! I think thats why she started sleeping through the night at 2 months! It really is a blessing I think ha

Amy said...

OH he's SO dang cute. I love it!

Malissa said...

I think it's great when they learn to pacify themselves!! Besides the fact of them looking totally and completely adorable while doing it!! So cute!

Julie said...

oh what to do with so many hours of sleep after 4 babies you deserve a rest

Schadeboy said...

You'll be wondering what you were thinking when he's a teenager and you have to pay for orthodontics.

Rachel said...

My little one just started sleeping through the night too!! It is sooo amazing, I feel like a different person. I just had to share in your joy or sleep!!!

Joy N. said...

Katie he is precious!
I love the thumb works! I hope you are doing well. I really need to get over there and snuggle with the babe. Hopefully we'll talk soon.
Love and hugs.