So as most of you know we bought another project house. Not a huge one like our last house (NEVER AGAIN), but just some little things. We are trying to put some equity into the home if we are really only here a year. We have painted, refinished the floors, new garage doors and electric gate, and new air conditioner and some other things. One of the main projects was taking this hispanic looking fireplace, and changing it to fit more with the tutor style home. These are the results!!
Very nice transformation- it seems I ALWAYS forget to take before pictures.
Oh WOW! That looks great! You are so good at making your home look amazing, always have been! :)
You are so talented! Looks so nice!
Wow! Looks beautiful! Love it
very cute Alisha i love it!
Awesome!! You've got skill and taste. It turned out great.
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