Wednesday, December 16, 2009

We Matched!!!

Hey just wanted to let everyone know!!! Chris Matched with an ER rotation!!! We are so proud of him!!! So we are staying put for 3 more years, and we are very excited about this!!! Now we are furniture shopping to decorate our barren home!!! Thanks for all the support, we love you all!!!

Tuesday, December 08, 2009


Okay, so I know I have already posted this on my facebook, but I love it so much it deserves a blog post!!! So my new show addiction is GLEE. I know I am like 11 episodes late, but my sister introduced me to this, so I thought I would share the love!! It's like 90210 (but cleaner) meets HS musical. I love it!!! Here are some of the reasons why...

The high school football team dances to beyonce - HA-FREAKING-LARIOUS!!!

They have touching when the Gay kid purposely screws up "defying gravity" from Wicked, just so they won't tease his dad as much... Augh, how sweet (Heavy Sarcasm- but one of my favorite glee moments cause of the song!)

And even though my husband thinks this is the dumbest show ever....maybe with the bonjovi tribute, he will one day love it as much as me!!

Monday, December 07, 2009

some renovations

So as most of you know we bought another project house. Not a huge one like our last house (NEVER AGAIN), but just some little things. We are trying to put some equity into the home if we are really only here a year. We have painted, refinished the floors, new garage doors and electric gate, and new air conditioner and some other things. One of the main projects was taking this hispanic looking fireplace, and changing it to fit more with the tutor style home. These are the results!!

After!!I have always wanted a mantle to hang stockings from ( I know we are missing one, we are in the process of remeding that!)

Friday, December 04, 2009

family pictures

Here are some pictures that my sister took!! i love them, especially the one with Mekynzie and the fish!!

Better late than never

Okay so I got everything fixed, and I know these are like a month past due, but I thought I should post them anyways!!!

Chris's mom came into town for the Halloween weekend. it was so much fun. Here we are carving pumpkins. Mekynzie thought we were a little strange, but it was fun!!

My mom made this beautiful Belle Dress for Mekynzie!! All of her friends were a different disney princess!!! She also got a nemo costume for other parties, but doesn't she look so cute!!
We had a huge Halloween Party out out house!! We even had a mind reader come!! It was so much fun!!! (and don't ask me how but he really would read out minds), plus some magic!! It was awesome!! We dressed up as the devil and a catholic priest!! ha ha!!Carol was a muslim Terrorist!! Ha Ha!!
Okay so this was the craziest part of all. So all of our neighbors told us that Halloween was crazy!! We believed them and decided to go overboard on the candy, so we got 1500 pieces of Candy, plus had all of our friends bring some (so we had well over 2000 pieces!!) Ya it was like a parade!! WE ran out of Candy in 1 1/2 hours (we missed the biggest rush!!!) No one even shuts their doors, you just line up outside while a line of like 20 people forms!! insane!!

We had a fun Halloween with all of our friends!!

kids say the darndest things!!!

So my friends do this with their kids, and it makes me laugh and laugh every time I read them....the funny things that their kids say. It seems like only a few days ago Mekynzie was just saying 1 or two words, and now she talks all the time!!! I thought i would write a few of them down, also to rememeber the funny things she is starting to say.

The other day I let her have some icecream. The next day she wanted some and she ran to the fridge and started pointing that she wanted some "ice food!"


Over thanksgiving my family was in town. She was sitting on the counter with my stepmom Cathy, and sister Tara. Mekynzie was pointing to Cheetos (which is her very favorite thing in the world!!) and saying "Gama....otos pease!!" we kept saying no because it was bed time. She kept asking "Pease!!" and we said "no" again. Then Mekynzie paused for a minute, thinking very hard, she looked around and said "Where's grandpa!!!"

I can't believe she has already learned that Grandpa's and Grandma's will give her anything she wants!!!


The other day we were at the Disney Store and the "Mickey Mouse club house choo choo express" just came out on video. I wanted to get it for her for Christmas, so I just bought it, and later wrapped it with her in the room. I didn't think it would even register to her. Well the other day she came up to me holding the wrapped present she got from under the tree and said "Mouse choo choo it....Pease!!" What!!! smart already. Good thing it wasn't a santa gift!!!

Thursday, December 03, 2009

Thanksgiving Laughs!!! the problem is not fixed, I will call Sony tomorrow....Augh. But i can post things from the web. So my sister Tara showed me this over thanksgiving, it made us all laugh so hard. They are called literal version videos, and this ones the best!!, They take the real musci video - this one is total eclipse of the heart, and they change the song to fit with the video!! REally, people have too much time on theri hands, but I am so grateful!! You have to watch until the very end, but it is really funny!!! Thanks youtube!!!

i'm alive!!!

Sorry I haven't posted anything in a while. We have been busy with some remodles on our hoouse and family in town. Also, I was having trouble posting pictures from my laptop, which is a lot handier with a 1 year old around, then going up to the desktop. Anyways...I got the problem fixed. i will upload lots of pictures very soon. But we are all alive and well. We find out in less than 2 weeks if Chris get's into the ER rotation, and if we get to stay. So we will let you know.