Showing posts with label electronic tatoos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label electronic tatoos. Show all posts

Monday, April 30, 2012

REPOST: Obama Warns Not To Challenge Official 9/11 Story (VIDEO)


We do question 9/11, we definitely do not justify it! Especially if it was an INSIDE JOB.

We question it because it was never investigated.

Al-Qaeda does not exist, yet you blame Al-Qaeda for killing 3000.

Al-Qaeda never claimed credit for 9/11.

The Osama videos the CIA released were of CIA actors since bin Laden died in 2001.

Real freedom fighters in Afghanistan and Iraq claim they had nothing to do with 9/11.

These same freedom fighters claim they want to fight to oust American infidels from their holy land.

"They" do not have affiliates in many countries.

"They" are all individual groups that just want Americans to leave their land and stop robbing them of their oil.

What you are stating are not FACTS. They ARE your opinion and as good Americans we should be allowed to debate them.


Sunday, October 16, 2011

"Israel & Saudi Arabia Are Much More Dangerous Enemies To The US Than The Iranians Are!" CIA Agent (VIDEO)


#iran #israel #usa #saudiarabia


#obama #Africa #wars Nobel Peace Prize-President Obama quietly opens 8th US battlefront in OIL RICH Uganda


While America occupies Iraq and Afghanistan, wages covert war on Pakistan, conducts drone attacks on Yemen and Somalia, bombards Libya, and positions for a wider confrontation with Iran and Syria, Nobel Peace Prize Laurette President Obama has now quietly, without much fanfare, sent 100 US troops to help Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni crush rebels threatening his 25 year dictatorship.


Fresh Uganda Oil Find ‘Africa’s Biggest’



Breaking News : Violence has flared in Rome - Police and demonstrators clash in Rome (VIDEO)


#occupyrome #occupylondon #occupystpetersburg #occupyflorida #occupywallstreet #OWS


#occupylondon Julian Assange Head Of WikiLeaks Speech Occupy London Stock Exchange October 15 2011 (VIDEO)


#occupylondon #occupystpetersburg #occupyflorida #occupywallstreet #OWS


#occupywallstreet #OWS Occupy Wall Street protesters attacked and arrested at Times Square (VIDEOS)



Occupy St Petersburg, Florida 10/15/11 - Part 1 (VIDEOS)


#occupystpetersburg #occupyflorida #occupywallstreet #OWS


Saturday, October 15, 2011

The United States: Keeping The Peace By Invading The World For The Past 30 Years


The United States, officially a secular nation but predominantly Christian, attacked El Salvador (1980), Libya (1981), Sinai (1982), Lebanon (1982 1983), Egypt (1983), Grenada (1983), Honduras (1983), Chad (1983), Persian Gulf (1984), Libya (1986) , Bolivia (1986), Iran (1987), Persian Gulf (1987), Kuwait (1987), Iran (1988), Honduras (1988), Panama (1988), Libya (1989), Panama (1989), Colombia, Bolivia, and Peru (1989), Philippines (1989), Panama (1989-1990), Liberia (1990), Saudi Arabia (1990), Iraq (1991), Zaire (1991), Sierra Leone (1992), Somalia (1992), Bosnia-Herzegovina (1993 to present), Macedonia (1993), Haiti (1994), Macedonia (1994), Bosnia (1995), Liberia (1996), Central African Republic (1996), Albania (1997), Congo/Gabon (1997), Sierra Leon (1997), Cambodia (1997), Iraq (1998), Guinea/Bissau (1998), Kenya/Tanzania (1998 to 1999), Afghanistan/Sudan (1998), Liberia (1998), East Timor (1999), Serbia (1999), Sierra Leon (2000), Yemen (2000), East Timor (2000), Afghanistan (2001 to present), Yemen (2002), Philippines (2002) , Cote d'Ivoire (2002), Iraq (2003 to present), Liberia (2003), Georgia/Djibouti (2003), Haiti (2004), Georgia/Djibouti/Kenya/Ethiopia/Yemen/Eritrea War on Terror (2004), Pakistan drone attacks (2004 to present), Somalia (2007), South Ossetia/Georgia (2008), Syria (2008), Yemen (2009), Haiti (2010), etc. etc. etc. etc.

So, who is the danger to world peace?


Eric Holder Is A Fast And Furious Gun Running, Drug Cartel Financing, False Flag Terrorist (VIDEO)


#fastandfurious #irancontra #SaudiArabia #iran


Extraordinary Pictures Show Libyan City Shelled to Smithereens (PHOTOS)


The Wanton Destruction Of Sirte

Click photo for larger clearer view

#libya #Libye #Libia



#OWS #occupywallstreet A Message To Wall Street By Anonymous (VIDEO)




Physicists Offer Mundane Explanations for Faster-Than-Light Neutrinos That Make Their "Einstein God" wrong!



Faster-than-light neutrinos mean Einstein is wrong!

At least, that’s what some popular press articles have suggested since researchers with the OPERA experiment in Italy presented evidence of neutrinos arriving 60 nanoseconds earlier than thought possible.



If Muppets Ruled pictures by Freaking News (PHOTOS)


Watching Muppet Osama Bin Laden Being Assassinated by Seal Muppets?


FOR MORE If Muppets Ruled pictures by Freaking News CLICK HERE


House Bill Would Criminalize Satire of TSA


Two thirds of the way through the ponderous TSA bill, in Sec. 295, we find that if you print a t-shirt or produce a publication with a TSA logo, or any parody or sarcasm about the TSA the government may soon be able to arrest and prosecute you.



Obama sends troops to Africa To Take down Ugandan Rebels They Supported In Past (VIDEO)


#africa #uganda #advisors

US sends combat troops to Uganda (Uganda, by the way, HAS OIL!) (VIDEO)


Occupy Wall Street Anti-Semitic Says Lying Israeli-Paid Advertising (VIDEO

