Saturday, April 10, 2010

2 Mos

Olivia is two months old!!!! Man how time flies when you're really busy! She had her appointment yesterday and weighed in at a healthy 12.4. She's doing great and happy...well except for yesterday when she had to have shots. She didn't like those very much. One of her legs got a little infected and she cried for an hour straight until we could get some medicine in her. Of course we were out of the tylenol and I had to send Jason to get some. In fact, yesterday was quite the day!
It started out with me waking up with a sore throat again. Well, let me back a day or two. So, last week I was diagnosed with Strep throat and given the antibiotics. They are blue capsules. I took one at night before I went to bed. I went to lay Olivia down in her bed and all of a sudden I feel this burst in my throat, a burning and then a powder poofed out my nose. I ran to the bathroom and started spitting out this white stuff that tasted horrible and burned coming up. It finally dawned on me that the capsule must have burst prematurely and come back up. So, I freaked out and tried to throw up everything so that I didn't get poisoned. I don't know if that would have happened, but you can never be to careful! Anyway, long story short--I decided that I wasn't going to take the capsules anymore. So I missed a full day of treatment and then my sore throat came back.
The day that I didn't take the treatment my head started to hurt. The left side of my forehead felt bruised and a little "tight." I was in the car driving and looked in my rear view mirror and noticed a brown area on my forehead and I thought "Oh, I must not have blended my make-up in very well." So I started to rub it and noticed that it really hurt when I did that. So I took a closer look and saw that it was actually a discoloration and that the area was a little swollen. I thought back and I couldn't remember anytime that I had hit my head except two weeks ago and it was on the right side and not the left. Anyway, the fact that it hurt and was swelling kind of made me nervous. So, it's a good thing that my sore throat came back because that forced me to go into the doctor right away and have it all checked out.
So yesterday I had an appointment for my throat and my head. This time she gave me a prescription for a liquid antibiotic. Let me tell you...that is NASTY stuff! I should have had them flavor it for me because it is gross! She also did a couple of tests in the office and couldn't think of why my head would be swollen and discolored and have headaches, so she ordered an x-ray to start off with. If that comes back negative for anything and the swelling and that doesn't go away then I'll most likely have to do a CAT scan. Right after my appointment I had to run Olivia over to her appointment. She had her shots and then right after her appointment I took the kids to Kangaroo Zoo. Well, my throat started to hurt really bad and the body aches came back and my head was just killing me. So we came home.
I could barely walk or talk or move and Olivia was screaming and I was trying to hold her with my aching arms and Jason left to go get medicine and it was just not a good day! But we lived to tell the tale! I should find out the results of the x-ray on Monday so hopefully it's good news.
Olivia is just growing and happy as can be...when her legs aren't hurting. She has a really cheery disposition and I know that part of that is from her namesake. She's sleeping really well at night. She's up to about 6 or 7 hours! I'm still trying to get used to the new schedules and life but we're making it and doing the best we can.
I love this picture of her. It was taken with my cell phone so the quality is not the best but her smile is just so darn cute. The outfit is from my Aunt Melanne. I finally broke down and bought a new camera and I can't wait to use it this sunday when the kids are all in their easter garb again. When you see a smile like this doesn't it just make you want to smile too?

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