~~~~~~~~~ plain without any topping~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~ spread some ganache and dust with some sprinkles on top~~~~~~~~
Monday, November 7, 2011
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
New York Cheese Cake!..mood sudah mariiiiii! hahahaa
Salam =)...Dasyat dak entry baru arini?muhahaha...ok ok..i know..dah lama i tak update new entry...dok bz..but i tatau apa yg bagi i bz sgt...hikhik...i bz ngn assignment..ngn nk exam..ngn i tak buat mula assignment lagi..walau soalan dah kuaq about berminggu2 malas...=) takmo cakap banyak...layan gambaq lu k...later2 dah rajin i masuk recipe..i buat kek ni without timbang bahan2..just agak2...hehehe..tapi insyaAllah..u all try buat pun boleh jadik..yg penting masa kita masak atau baking..yg penting kenalah buat dengan perasaan kasih syng...(sila muntah)..hahaha....
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Coming Back with passion!hahahahahahaa
Ok ok...i know...title today mcm sempoi..but actually still dalam mode "pemalas"..ive been so bz since ngn orders...Alhamdulillah managed to get all done without any prob...cuma i tak sempat nk tangkap gambar semua cookies and my cakes sorry..will try merajinkan diri to update my blog from,while 'typing' this entry,at the same time im baking... butter cake...just for munching...bukan pesanan from my customer...told ya im still malas taking order...hehehe...will try to post the picture plus the recipe later k:)....cee ya!
Apa kata layan lagu dulu k:)...
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Custard Pudding!
SAlam...dah lama i tak update..very bz..but still tak leh nk tau apa yg bagi i bz..hahaha...same lazy reason huh! friend ada mintak recipe puding custard...cut short i selalu pakai recipe from dayang..i amik recipe tu kat page kakak ni... and recipe asal from dayang...thanx to both kakak...the recipe mmg sedapppppp...Kat bawah ni i copy paste from page kak yateasybakes...thnx again kak...
Puding Custard
1 cawan tepung kastard
1 cawan susu cair
1 cawan santan
1 1/2 cawan air
3/4 cawan gula pasir (-/+)
1 tin jagung manis (creamy)
1 sudu kecil esen vanilla
secubit garam
1 sudu besar mentega/marjerin
Cara-cara :
Satukan susu cair, tepung kastard, santan, air, gula pasir dan garam di dalam periuk. Kacau sehingga larut.
Kemudian masukkan jagung manis dan kacau lagi. Letakkan periuk tadi di atas dapur dan jerang dengan api perlahan. Kacau lagi tanpa henti.
Apabila sudah hampir pekat, masukkan mentega/marjerin dan kacau lagi hingga pekat, likat dan berkilat.
Tutupkan api. Tuangkan adunan ke dalam loyang yang sudah disapu dengan mentega atau bubuh dalam bekas yang bersesuaian.
Sejukkan sebelum dipotong.
Monday, July 4, 2011
Happy Birthday to Me..ngeeeeeeee
:) is my birthday..dah turn 26 years pun...dah rasa tua...still dalam mood baking:) mom called me early in the morning...dia kol exact 10.08 minute..she said dat ,that time la masa i di lahirkan..touched..but i buat buat cam tak sebak..hahhaa...drama queen!..hahaha..tq mak..i love u so much...miss u alot..thanx for giving me a chance to be urs mak! ok...kita tutup part hari tua i rajin bake tapioca cake...kek ubi kayu..mmg sedap...i post picture later k..n i sempat buat popia nestum..some of fren nk as sample...
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Caramel Cake....
Dah dua ari i dapat repeat order from my customer yg request nk caramel cake...but tadi tu..siap je panas2 dah di telangkup dalam bekas..coz customer nak cepat...layan pic cake tu ok:)...
Customer request nk rainbow caramel cake:) takyah version pemalas rainbow..yet so ceria!hahahaa
see cantik kan:)...
Thanx to my regular customer.....
Customer request nk rainbow caramel cake:) takyah version pemalas rainbow..yet so ceria!hahahaa
see cantik kan:)...
Thanx to my regular customer.....
Thursday, June 23, 2011
gulai ikan duri
i post recipe gulai ikan duri later ok...i gi pasar smlm then dapat sepinggan ikan fresh dengan telur sekali hanya dengan harga rm5...ikan fresh..still i bought i plate of ikan duri tu and ive decided nk masak gulai for today..later i post the picture ngn recipe k:)
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Very Bz Week.....
Assalamualaikum.,...i've been very bz this week..i tak sempat update blog i...i bz wat sample biskut raya and baking cakes plus bz kat my stall:) i dah siap tiga jenis more to go..i buat simple yet marvelous cookies...(sila tutup mata if nk muntah coz i puji my cookies)..hahaha...i jenis pemalas yg nk buat cookies bentuk tiga segi,4 segi atau semua cookies i bulat2..hahaha....(my mom always cakap my cookies tak cantik.coz tak dak bentuk and corak..)...hahaha...but i never ever dengaq cakap dia..hahaha..sory mak!u know me well! KETEGAQ!..later i post picture cookies i k..:)..
Monday, June 13, 2011
Banana cake with cream cheese frosting + Cheezy tart:)
Salam:)...i tatau nk type apa..just nk post picture...
still warm i dah tutup..tu yg ada wap..but ok la kan..customer langsung nk makan...cheese tu melt sket..i tak buat sweet sgt..becoz banana cake kan mmg dah a bit i make that cream cheese tu masam sket:)...sedap
cheese tart my lazy version..sory to my customer..tak sempat nk corak lawa2..but taste superb na:)....
still warm i dah tutup..tu yg ada wap..but ok la kan..customer langsung nk makan...cheese tu melt sket..i tak buat sweet sgt..becoz banana cake kan mmg dah a bit i make that cream cheese tu masam sket:)...sedap
cheese tart my lazy version..sory to my customer..tak sempat nk corak lawa2..but taste superb na:)....
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Order lagi:)......
Done baking butter cake and cheese layered crackers...:)...i bake butter cake for my mom..and cheese cracker lak my fren punya sister yg order:)..dua bekas:)...
potong siap siap then i masukkan dalam plastic container..senang tomorrow my mom leh kasi jiran sikit..
Butter Cake recipe-by Chik
250 gm butter (melted and bagi sejuk put aside)
240gm tepung naik sendiri(i pakai tepung halus plus 1 tablespoon baking powder)
180gm custor sugar
8 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla essence
1 tablespoon ovellete
1.Masukkan semua bahan kecuali butter ke dalam satu bown dan pukul dengan mixer sehingga adunan bertukar menjadi kaler putih dan gebu.
2.Akhir sekali masukkan butter cair ke dalam adunan secara kaup balik dengan hanya menggunakan senduk.
3.Bakar pada suhu 170-180 darjah dengan menggunakan api atas dan bawah.
sila abaikan serdak2 kek tu ok..i potong time panas nk tunjuk kat u all dat beautiful corak:)...
potong siap siap then i masukkan dalam plastic container..senang tomorrow my mom leh kasi jiran sikit..
Butter Cake recipe-by Chik
250 gm butter (melted and bagi sejuk put aside)
240gm tepung naik sendiri(i pakai tepung halus plus 1 tablespoon baking powder)
180gm custor sugar
8 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla essence
1 tablespoon ovellete
1.Masukkan semua bahan kecuali butter ke dalam satu bown dan pukul dengan mixer sehingga adunan bertukar menjadi kaler putih dan gebu.
2.Akhir sekali masukkan butter cair ke dalam adunan secara kaup balik dengan hanya menggunakan senduk.
3.Bakar pada suhu 170-180 darjah dengan menggunakan api atas dan bawah.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Repeat order...Butter Sponge Cheese Cake..
Balik ja dari masak kat kedai just now..i received panggilan from my customer request nk butter cake ngn sponge cheese cake 10 loaf..alhamdulillah..langsung i terus bake.Then lepas dah cool down a bit i make cream cheese frosting for my sponge cheese cake..:)..alhamdulillah sempat la siap before i nk gi nega:)...i never ever tought yg my hobby dalam baking will give me so much skill in baking makin hari makin teruji:) i can bake any cakes..InsyaAllah...May Allah swt give me more opportunity to improve my skills:)..
My sponge cheese cake!:)
Butter cake...sprinkled with some almond nibs:)...
My sponge cheese cake!:)
Butter cake...sprinkled with some almond nibs:)...
Terhenti Disini
Sedangku membaca wajahmu
Senyumanmu menggambarkan sesuatu
Jika kau fahami isi hatiku
Ku tak ingin waktu henti tanpamu
Dirimu menyalahkan sebuah erti
Tapi diriku masih terhenti di sini
Dan jalanku masih belum dapat ku pasti
Namun diriku masih terhenti di sini
Andai kau dapat memahami
Bahwa ku menanggung semua ini
Bukan niatku ingin kau pergi
Kerna ku masih terhenti di sini
Dirimu menyalahkan sebuah erti
Tapi diriku masih terhenti di sini
Dan jalanku masih belum dapat ku pasti
Namun diriku masih terhenti di sini
Tiada daya untuk ku lakukannya
Kau tiba diwaktu ku masih punyai cinta
~Love Come With All Sort of Weather~
Senyumanmu menggambarkan sesuatu
Jika kau fahami isi hatiku
Ku tak ingin waktu henti tanpamu
Dirimu menyalahkan sebuah erti
Tapi diriku masih terhenti di sini
Dan jalanku masih belum dapat ku pasti
Namun diriku masih terhenti di sini
Andai kau dapat memahami
Bahwa ku menanggung semua ini
Bukan niatku ingin kau pergi
Kerna ku masih terhenti di sini
Dirimu menyalahkan sebuah erti
Tapi diriku masih terhenti di sini
Dan jalanku masih belum dapat ku pasti
Namun diriku masih terhenti di sini
Tiada daya untuk ku lakukannya
Kau tiba diwaktu ku masih punyai cinta
~Love Come With All Sort of Weather~
Monday, June 6, 2011
Pencuci MUlut Thai
Salam:)...last nite i went to the market and bought some water chestnut(sengkuang cina)..I selalu makan pencuci mulut thai ni kat Johnys(lupa camna dia punyer real ejaan..hehehe) Queensbay Penang...So godek2 looking for the recipe and i found it kat rumah abg Mat Gebu!...:)..nak recipe ni u all leh pegi umah abg Mat Gebu kat link ni .Thanx abg mat for this lovely recipe...and kat bawah ni my version of red rubbies:)...
*Sodap makan sejuk2..Lagipun water chestnut mmg selalu nya chinese makan untuk sejukan badan:)...and for me nk sejukan hati!hahahaa
*Sodap makan sejuk2..Lagipun water chestnut mmg selalu nya chinese makan untuk sejukan badan:)...and for me nk sejukan hati!hahahaa
Sunday, June 5, 2011
As Promise:)...
As promise..i dah siap ngn kek batik yg di potong nk tunjuk kat u all..hehehe...and that traditional cookies yg my preggy sister craving for:)....
Kek Batik Orange (matsaleh panggil hedgehog cake)
300 gm biskut mery di patah dua
125gm butter
1/2 cawan gula
2 camca besar cocoa powder(i pakai van houten)
6 camca milo
3 biji telur
1 camca besar orange oil (kalau takder pakai 2 camca sunquick)
-Mix semua bahan kecuali biskut mery di dalam periuk..Kacau sehingga sebati
-Kemudian,kacau adunan tersebut di atas api perlahan sehingga pekat dan mula berketul-ketul
-Masukkan biskut mery bersama-sama orange oil dan kacau sehingga bersalut dengan adunan tadi.
-Setelah siap,masukan adunan biskut ke dalam bekas dan tekan sehingga betul2 padat.
-Masukan ke dalam peti sejuk selama 4 jam.
Kek Batik Orange (matsaleh panggil hedgehog cake)
300 gm biskut mery di patah dua
125gm butter
1/2 cawan gula
2 camca besar cocoa powder(i pakai van houten)
6 camca milo
3 biji telur
1 camca besar orange oil (kalau takder pakai 2 camca sunquick)
-Mix semua bahan kecuali biskut mery di dalam periuk..Kacau sehingga sebati
-Kemudian,kacau adunan tersebut di atas api perlahan sehingga pekat dan mula berketul-ketul
-Masukkan biskut mery bersama-sama orange oil dan kacau sehingga bersalut dengan adunan tadi.
-Setelah siap,masukan adunan biskut ke dalam bekas dan tekan sehingga betul2 padat.
-Masukan ke dalam peti sejuk selama 4 jam.
And ni plak traditional cookies (cookies kah?hahaha)yg my preggy sister craving for:)
Saturday, June 4, 2011
bz day everyday..:)..
What i dO WheN i HaD NoTHing To dO?...DeNgaQ LaGu mAaaa....
=) ReST FrOM BaKiNg...LaYan FeEl sAt
MOist ChOcolaTe CakE....rePeat OrDer!
I will only post picture and recipe starting today..Tunggu mood dah ok..feeling dah ok then only will merapu again:)..I bake 6 loaf moist chocolate cake today..repeat order from my regular customer..just an ordinary moist chocolate cake with simple tooping!...i add in some van houten cocoa powder in the topping mixture..
ada tiga bad boy picture je ni..lagi 3 still tak makeup lagi:)....
....sprinkled with hundred and thousand and chocolate will love it...adults pun!,...hehehe...
ada tiga bad boy picture je ni..lagi 3 still tak makeup lagi:)....
....sprinkled with hundred and thousand and chocolate will love it...adults pun!,...hehehe...
Friday, June 3, 2011
Orange Butter Cake!
i rajin hari ni...i buat orange butter layan pic n recipe k:)...nk sembang banyakk but hati tak sonok:)...
Orange Butter Cake by Chik
125 gm butter (melted)
120gm self raising flour*
80gm custor sugar *
4 eggs*
1 teaspoon vanilla essence*
1 teaspoon orange oil (kalau takdak pakai 1 tablespoon sunquick)*
1 tablespoon ovellete*
kalau nak buat zebra cam i...just bahagikan adunan kepada dua dan tambahkan chocolate paste dalam separuh aduna dan selang selikan adunan tu k:).
-Masukan semua bahan yang bertanda *.Pukul sehingga adunan menjadi putih dan kembang.Akhir sekali masukan melted butter secara kaup balik(fold in)]
Bake dalam oven yg bersuhu 180 darjah.
p/s:once kek dikeluarkan dari oven,telangkupkan ke atas rack...
Recipe ni mmg senang sgt sgt...pejam sebelah mata pun leh siap.and yg penting this recipe bagi u all kek yg tersangat la lembut..All in one method!try it:)..
Crackers Heaven!
I amik this recipe from mamazieza...simply simple n delish!today ada dah customer dah order..heheheh....layan pic k..later i masuk recipe...tq mamazieza for this lovely recipe:)....
* i tak boleh nk potong nk tunjuk all the layers kat u all la..coz ni orng punya..hahaha....but leh nmpak kan from this side...this recipe kalau makan sejuk2 lebih sedap..lagipun mmg recipe ni asked u all to put in fridge dulu before serve:)...nanti i post the recipe:)..k kat bawah tu recipe i copy and paste from mamazieza page...tq mama!
Resipi Asal Sumbangan - Allahyarham Susan Jafri (Al-Fatihah)
250 gm of cream cheese
65 gm of butter
1/2 cup of sugar (i pakai 1/4 cup sugar jer coz strawberry jam dah sweet kan)
Cream Crackers biscuits
Fresh Milk
Blend the cream cheese, butter and sugar until thoroughly mixed and fluffy.
Prepare a container which we can arrange the biscuits, if you want, you can lined the contained with aluminium foil. I have been looking for a pan or container which can fit the size of the biscuits wihtout having to break it...
First, dip the biscuit into the Fresh Milk, not too soggy please, just dip it until fully immersed and arranged it on the pan. Then spread a layer of the cheese mixed, followed by another layer of biscuits. Cheese again, and this time my biscuits, mama spread some strawberry jam before dipping it into the milk. Do the same thing until you finish the cheesed mixture. Put it in the fridged. Nice eaten when it is cold.
* i tak boleh nk potong nk tunjuk all the layers kat u all la..coz ni orng punya..hahaha....but leh nmpak kan from this side...this recipe kalau makan sejuk2 lebih sedap..lagipun mmg recipe ni asked u all to put in fridge dulu before serve:)...nanti i post the recipe:)..k kat bawah tu recipe i copy and paste from mamazieza page...tq mama!
Resipi Asal Sumbangan - Allahyarham Susan Jafri (Al-Fatihah)
250 gm of cream cheese
65 gm of butter
1/2 cup of sugar (i pakai 1/4 cup sugar jer coz strawberry jam dah sweet kan)
Cream Crackers biscuits
Fresh Milk
Blend the cream cheese, butter and sugar until thoroughly mixed and fluffy.
Prepare a container which we can arrange the biscuits, if you want, you can lined the contained with aluminium foil. I have been looking for a pan or container which can fit the size of the biscuits wihtout having to break it...
First, dip the biscuit into the Fresh Milk, not too soggy please, just dip it until fully immersed and arranged it on the pan. Then spread a layer of the cheese mixed, followed by another layer of biscuits. Cheese again, and this time my biscuits, mama spread some strawberry jam before dipping it into the milk. Do the same thing until you finish the cheesed mixture. Put it in the fridged. Nice eaten when it is cold.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
baking..baking...and baking!
Salam.!I've been very bz this week..baking..baking and baking!lots of baking:)..this morning i buat 7 loaf sponge cheese cake..simple one...ada orng tempah nk dalam small layan pic k:)
:)..sory pic quality tak menarik perhatian:)....
:)..sory pic quality tak menarik perhatian:)....
Monday, May 30, 2011
DONE!Now I can Breathe..... last ive done with my baking today!1600 biji muffin..exhausted!layan pic lu k...=)
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Sponge Cheese Cake........:)
Salam...just arrived from Permatang Pauh Penang!..Im so excited today sebab leh jumpa my schoolmate yg dah lama sgt tak penah jumpa.Fizah.And plus i happy sgt dapat tgk her new born baby boy!Adam Harith!He is so handsome:)...adoi..hehehe...and actually pun my tiring day gak!first class for this semester!..bored!:)...managed to bake sponge cheese cake for fizah..and sila layan my picture:)...
Jeng jeng jeng..haha..hope u like it zah!:)
And for this picture i saja bagi x-large and bagi nmpak how i slice the strawberry:)..hehehe...
Jeng jeng jeng..haha..hope u like it zah!:)
And for this picture i saja bagi x-large and bagi nmpak how i slice the strawberry:)..hehehe...
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Homemade Strawberry Jam
Last nite i went to Tesco and bought few supply for my shop...Then i bought 2 pack strawberry.....So this morning,i dengan rajinnya buat strawberry jam..Actually i tak suka pun makan jam..but i always use homemade jam in making cakes...i taruk as fillings kat my sponge cheese cake..sumtime i buat swiss roll sumtime i buat as cheese cake topping...ok..will post the recipe later ok:)...
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Salam soryy sebab tak update lama sgt my blog..ive been very bz ngah melayan mood...but will do my best nk update blog.since now i dah takdak keja nk buat..dah tak dak orang nk di i will update my blog selalu..insyaAllah..will post latest recipe soon k...:)..chow
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
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