the thought that there were pictures of the candidate in question being cuffed by
police officers who are hauling him off to jail? You can forget about that guy
ever being able to think of running for office again.
TIMES TRULY do change, it seems.
that is the situation presidential dreamer Bernie Sanders, the senator from Vermont who has proudly used the socialist
label to describe his political leanings, is now in.
Films found it had footage of a protest that took place on Aug. 5, 1963 at 73rd
Street and Lowe Avenue, with one of the protesters bearing a strong resemblance
to what we’d think a youthful Sanders would look like.
the Chicago Tribune went digging through their own archives and found that one
of their photographers took pictures of that protest. One of which is the “money
shot,” so to speak, of a protester in handcuffs being taken away.
PROTESTER IN question in that shot? A then-student at the nearby University of
Chicago by the name of Bernie Sanders.
sure if Sanders were seeking the Republican nomination for anything, his
reaction would be different. For that matter, if any of those knuckleheads
seeking the presidency were to have been in a protest way back then, we’d be
hearing the apologies now.
they were experiencing a moment of youthful ignorance, and how they now know
better than to do anything so disrespectful as to express opposition to the
is a sentiment that many of those conservative ideologues really believe, even
though such expression of opposition is about as “American” a concept as
BERNIE IS wishing to be the Democratic nominee, and one who sees how his past
actions can actually be used to bolster the image he wants to create for
himself as he tries to avoid losing the early momentum he gained from victories
or near victories in Iowa and New Hampshire.
one of the raps against the Vermont politico is that he’s an old white guy who’s
really not all that in tune with the interests or concerns of black people.
it turns out, Sanders was arrested while protesting the “Willis Wagons.” Which
to anyone who knows their Chicago history was that 1960s effort by Chicago
Public Schools officials to thwart efforts to truly integrate the schools
the black neighborhood schools became too cramped, rather than move the
overflow to schools in white neighborhoods (let’s not forget that many white
families were already using the Catholic school system to keep away from people
not like themselves), school officials erected mobile homes in the parking lot
to use as extra classroom space.
THEN-SUPERINTENDENT of the Chicago Public Schools back then was Benjamin Willis
– hence the use of the “Willis Wagon” monicker to denounce the practice.
practice eventually created such a backlash that it drove Willis out-of-town.
And when Willis died decades later, his obituaries all led with the fact that
he was the namesake of the wagons.
ones that caused the liberal-minded college student to spend a day in the
Englewood neighborhood to protest – and be obnoxious enough that the police
felt compelled to take him away.
now, he wants it to help bolster his “liberal” credentials against Hillary –
whose own ‘ancient history’ credentials include once being a youthful member of
the Congressional staff that looked into impeachment for then-President Richard
M. Nixon concerning Watergate.
A LOW-LEVEL Watergate staffer versus someone who ‘went to jail’ (even if it was
just a couple of hours in a South Side police district holding cell) to picket
something still considered locally repulsive some five decades later?
knows? It may actually get Bernie a couple of extra votes in Chicago!