whimsical nature of the electorate can truly be stunning – particularly in the
way that a political candidate’s fate gets determined by factors beyond their
can do nothing wrong, except for failing to satisfy whatever attitude is trending
with voters in any particular year
THE CANDIDACY of Illinois’ junior senator. Mark Kirk, R-Ill., already has the stink
of death hovering over his candidacy even though it is nearly four full months
until voters have their say.
problem is that Kirk, who prior to being elected to the U.S. Senate served in
Congress from the North Shore suburbs, isn’t as ideologically-motivated as many
of those who are now the leaders of the Republican caucuses in Congress.
not conservative enough to appease the mentality of those individuals who
actually think Donald Trump’s whims are fit to be president.
in 2010, Kirk’s moderate nature was the key to his electoral victory over
Democrat Alexi Giannoulias – who I’m sure is kicking himself these days wishing he could have run against Kirk this year instead of six years ago.
Democrat Alexi Giannoulias – who I’m sure is kicking himself these days wishing he could have run against Kirk this year instead of six years ago.
NOW, WITH Kirk’s leanings likely to be the factor that takes him down (the
ideologues are emboldened in a way they weren’t in 2010), Giannoulias could actually
win without doing a thing differently than he did six years ago.
Rep. Tammy Duckworth, D-Ill., of the northwest suburbs will be the beneficiary –
she gets to be the challenger who can take on a Kirk who isn’t really any
different now than what we, the people of Illinois, voted for in ’10.
also getting another example of a matter of timing in our neighboring state of
Indiana – where one-time Gov. and Sen. Evan Bayh has decided he wants to return
to electoral politics in the form of a comeback in his old Senate seat.
was the post he voluntarily gave up in 2010 because of the national trends that
indicated it was going to be a Republican-leaning year; and the benefits of
incumbency might not have been strong enough to ensure his re-election.
NOW, WITH Trump managing to offend just enough Republicans with his attitudes
(including saying that Kirk is a “loser” because he doesn’t react in knee-jerk
motion with Donald himself), it has Bayh thinking that now is the perfect time
to return himself to office.
since he’d be able to attach himself to the image of Barack Obama as president,
and some people willing to vote for Democrats just because they want to vote to
continue that legacy.
of Indiana, that state’s governor, John Pence, appears to be someone that Trump
is taking seriously as a vice-presidential running mate. Would a governor be
willing to give up his statewide post to be Donald Trump’s Number Two?
think it possible because they want to believe Pence would face a tough
re-election bid, and might find the prospect of being a vice presidential
running mate more attractive than a losing governor. Although I wonder if
Indiana is knee-jerk Republican enough to make Pence the favorite no matter who
he manages to offend on the job.
THE IDEA of timing one’s exit from a political post properly is not a new idea.
Take Sen. Richard Durbin, D-Ill., who could easily have been the one-time
Congressman from central Illinois who lost his seat 20 years ago.
served seven terms as the Congressman from Springfield, winning narrowly for
the final time in 1994. Which, of course, was the year that gave us all that “Contract
with America” rhetoric and saw Newt Gingrich rise to prominence as Republicans
across the nation did well.
can argue that Durbin only won that year because opponent Bill Owens was a John
Birch Society member who laid on the ideological talk a little too thick to be
taken seriously. A more serious challenger could have beaten him, which
motivated Durbin’s rise in 1996 to the Senate – making him a statewide official
rather than a central Illinois Dem serving in a GOP-leaning district.
we still have Durbin all these years later – having served on Capitol Hill for
more than a third of a century and living out the dream of just about every
elected official. Which is to not humiliate themselves on an Election Day of
the future!