Showing posts with label interested. Show all posts
Showing posts with label interested. Show all posts

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Malaysia citizens interested in the property and houses in Indonesia


Based on survey results obtained from Malaysia Property Sentiment Survey 2011 (held by Home teachers) obtained about 24 percent of the number of citizens who declared Malaysia interested in investing a property outside the country, including one of which is a country of Indonesia. Other countries that have also been the goal of the investment is Singapore, United Kingdom, India and Australia. This survey is a survey on the third quarter for the homesector.

At this time there is a survey of the facts quite interesting which is about the onset of attraction citizens of Malaysia to invest in Indonesia but in the second quarter survey, Indonesia still not including one of the main goals for the citizens of Malaysia. So delivered by Home teachers, Country Manager Steven Tan.

The purpose of this survey is done to obtain views on Malaysia's property sector, knowing the impact of any policy issued by the Government of Malaysia as well as in an effort to capture the opinions of consumers directly.

Based on data collected from the last survey also obtained the fact that purchasing power of Malaysia citizen to buy a home . It is obtained from the decrease in the number of citizens who consider that the number of housing in Malaysia is too expensive to be around 10 percent. And from the results of this survey also found that 60 percent of the respondents hope that the Malaysia Government will be able to maintain occupancy rates in order to remain affordable by the community.

Malaysia Property Sentiment Survey, which is conducted against a member HomeGuru on 11 October to 31 October, aimed at getting views on property market in Malaysia, consumer opinion, as well as knowing the impact of government policies. Surveys like this are done HomeGuru every quarter.