Showing posts with label Flight. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Flight. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Makers of America Series Chronological: Living Books Teach History

One of our family's favorite read-aloud series is the Makers of America books. They have taken us from Kitty Hawk to watch the Wright Brothers fly their plane to the wilds of Penn's woods which would eventually be known as Pennsylvania. We have learned history, geography, and science, walking along side some of the brilliant men and women who have made an lasting impact on American history as well as world history. We have loved every sentence of our journey through time. 

I found the first of our collection at a used book sale, for 50 cents. Yes, 50 cents! I searched the internet as well as some of my book resources and could not find a listing of the books (if you find one let me know!). Eventually I was able to purchase another book in the same series and it had a partial listing of the books in the series. From that list, I began collecting these hard to find literary treasures. We have loved every one we have read so far. 

Made in America series 
(may not be a complete listing)

Leif Ericson: Explorer, Ruth Cromer Weir
Christopher Columbus: Discoverer, Alberta Powell Graham (1451-1506)
Champlain: Father of New France, Cecile Pepin Edwards (1574-1653)
Roger Williams: Defender of Freedom, Cecile Pepin Edwards (1603-1683)
La Salle: River Explorer, Alberta Powell Graham (1643-1687)
William Penn: Founder and Friend, Virginia Haviland (1644-1718)
Benjamin Franklin: Printer and Patriot, Ruth Cromer Weir (1706-1790)
George Washington: First President, Elise Ball (1732-1799)
John Paul Jones of the U.S. Navy, Ruth Cromer Weir (1747-1792)
Lafayette: Friend of America, Alberta Powell Graham (1757-1834)
Eli Whitney: Master Craftsman, Miriam Gilbert (1765-1825)
Andrew Jackson: Fighting Frontiersman, Frances Fitzpatrick Wright (1767-1845)
Sam Houston: Fighter and Leader, Frances Fitzpatrick Wright (1793-1863)
Lewis and Clark: Explorers to the West, Madge Haines and Leslie Morrill
Abraham Lincoln: Courageous Leader, Lillian J. Bragdon (1809-1865)
Clara Barton: Red Cross Pioneer, Alberta Powell Graham (1821-1912)
John Muir: Protector of the Wilds, Madge Haines and Leslie Morrill (1838-1914)
Thomas Alva Edison: Inventor, Ruth Cromer Weir (1847-1931)
Luther Burbank: Nature's Helper, Lillian J. Bragdon (1849-1926)
Jane Addams: World Neighbor, Miriam Gilbert (1860-1935)
The Wright Brothers: First to Fly, Madge Haines and Leslie Morrill

Sunday, July 29, 2012

The Wright Brothers


Looking for a new read-aloud, we headed to our home library. Majority vote determined The Wright Brothers (from the Landmark series) by Quentin Reynolds would be our next read. From the very first page, we were captivated. Science, geography, life application. Encouragement for mom. A great read for sure!

Side note: This book spoke to me as a mom who strives to encourage children to ask questions, to remain curious, to love learning. Pages 4-6 impacted me, so much so that I often quote this passage when I speak to mama of little learners. Susan Wright inspired her children with her ability to encourage questions and cultivated wonder. Her efforts changed technology.

     "What makes a bird fly, Mother?" Wilbur asked.
     "Their wings, Will," she said. "You notice they move their wings and that makes them go faster."
     "But Mother, " Will said, not quite satisfied, "that bird that just swooped down didn't even move his wings. He swooped down and grabbed a fish, and then went right up again. He never moved his wings at all."
      "The wind doesn't just blow toward you or away from you," she said. "It blows up and down too. When a current of air blows up, it takes the bird up. This wings support him in the air."
The story continues as the brothers ask their mother questions about what they were observing. Wilbur insists he could fly if he had wings, if he could make wings. The narrator concludes the chapter:

"She knew that even an eleven-year-old boy can have ideas of his own, and just because they happened to come from an eleven-year-old head--well, that didn't make them foolish. She never treated her children as if they were babies, and perhaps that's why they liked to go fishing with her or on picnics with her. And that's why they kept asking her questions.

We finished the book and our children wanted to learn more about the Wright Brothers and flight. That interest led to asking the local butcher for Styrofoam meat trays from which we cut glider wings. Gliders led to creating a Science Fair project which hypothesized the effect of paper weight on the flight of paper airplanes. We folded, flew, measured and compared. What a journey! It all started with a trip to our home library.

The Wright Brothers by Elizabeth MacLeod
To Fly: The Story of the Wright Brothers by Wendie C. Old
First Flight: The Story of Tom Tate and the Wright Brothers by George Shea

Learning resources
Wright Brothers unit study (includes instructions for making gliders)

Another tutorial for making gliders