Robert is always getting frustrated with me because the kids will be saying "Mom, Mom..." and sometimes I don't answer. What he doesn't understand is most of the time I'm not sure whether they are talking to me or the "other" mom! Case in point...
Yesterday, Grace and Felicity had been playing house while I was making dinner. Felicity came over to me and said "Mom, can you unbuckle this for me." In this instance, I guessed she was referring to me because I was the only other person standing in the room. As I bent down to unbuckle the backpack, Grace came around the corner and said "What? I'm right here." To which Felicity responded, "No, the other mom!"
See I'm not a completely terrible mom when I don't answer everytime one of my girls says "Mom!" Robert doesn't understand that at any given moment there could be 3 "other" moms standing in the room!