Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!!!

So first things first...On the 11th day of Christmas the kids got piping hot candy cane hot chocolate and I got a purse/bag! And on the 12th day of Christmas I got a new James Christensen calendar (I have 2 others from years past just waiting to have pictures removed and framed. I'm not sure he knows the pandora's box he has opened by me having these calendars!)and the kids got pretzle rods dipped in chocolate. Then of course today is Christmas....I think we will all be wondering what to open tomorrow. ;)

We have a tradition where we open new pj's on Christmas Eve. My mom and I picked out fabric and she sewed pj pants for all my kids and then added snowmen to the shirts for the girls so they matched the pants. Ben's were BYU pants which he was thrilled about! We had dinner with Keith, Nancy, Sammie and Dave and Ann Bell. My kids were excited to have an audience for their puppet show while Papa read the Christmas story. We then drove around to look at Christmas lights and see if we could spy Santa in the area.

I had told the kids we would make rice crispy wreaths that my dad made with me as a kid to leave for Santa but we weren't home until 9pm so Santa got notes and sugar cookies with sprinkles and chocolate milk. The girls also remembered the reindeer and left out 9 carrots.

Today has been a great day. We finally went out around 7:30 this morning. I was awake before the kids were...I was always up so early for Christmas so the fact that my kids will actually sleep that late is rather foreign. The girls asked Santa for a rhino (They were talking about a power wheels jeep). Ben and Ella really wanted DS's but mom had vetoed Santa bringing them so they were very surprised when Santa went over my head and brought them anyway! I pulled off my biggest surprise since Robert and I have been married and got him a paintball gun! Becky and I had done a little conspiring so now all the brothers have paintball guns and enough paintballs to shoot each other silly!

Later in the evening, everyone (except for Susan, Jared, and Jackson...We missed you guys!)showed up for dinner, Nancy's annual Christmas Bingo game, and gifts from Nancy and Keith. I was thinking back to the first Christmas I spent with the Hammonds. The family has grown by 16 people (I think...pretty sure)! So needless to say, it was a packed house around here!

I stayed in my pj's (as promised) and just tried to relax. In fact I tried to do as little as possible this weekend. The kids played and played and played! All in all, it was a great Christmas. The only thing that would have made it better would have been to be able to spend some time with Heather and Ashlee and their families and to see my mom. My girls keep asking when we are leaving to go to Grandma's...They are sad when I say that Grandma is in Arizona. So I propose a big Christmas at a cabin all together in the near future!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Ella's 7

It is absolutely amazing how fast these kids are growing up! Ella is turning into such a beautiful young girl! Seven years ago I headed to the hospital and after a little drama brought home a 6 lbs. 2 oz. little girl on Christmas Eve. She was born 4 weeks early and struggled a little in the beginning to gain some weight, get over a little jaundice, and keep her blood sugar and body temperature up. But all of us who know Ella, know what a fiesty spirit she has and she was a regular chunk in no time! I guess Ella was just giving us a little taste of who she would become right from the beginning!

This year I allowed Ella to have a friend birthday party on the Friday before her birthday. She chose to go roller skating at the Fun Park. She ended up having 10 of her friends come. A lot of the little girls had never been roller skating and so it was funny to see them all hanging on to the wall for dear life! Robert put on skates and tried to help out a little. I used to be a really good skater but I didn't dare risk breaking something!

Heather, Jason and Ethan brought my mom down early on Friday. They were able to be there for the party. We enjoyed being able to have them there.

On Saturday, my mom and I took Ella to dance and then surprised her by heading to Salt Lake City afterwards for a girls day. She has been talking about going to back to Cheesecake factory for lunch ever since we got to go in May. She knew she wanted a club sandwich and insisted on one of her very own. The plate was a big as she was. She had leftovers that she enjoyed later for dinner! We then headed over to Build-a-Bear. She picked out a kitty and then spent FOREVER trying to decide on an outfit and some accessories. She was definitely overwhelmed! We then did a little shopping (or a lot) and headed home where we topped of the night by watching Enchanted.

We celebrated with the family on Sunday since both Robert and my mom would be gone on Tuesday. She picked her favorite dinner, Hawaiian Haystacks, and we had real birthday cake. She opened a cake bakery and accessories from my mom and a sweater and her dance clothes from Ben and her sisters.

On Tuesday, Nancy had Ella skip school in the morning and she took her to get her hair and nails done. They then went to lunch before Nancy dropped her off at school so she didn't miss her class Christmas party. I had also taken cupcakes in on Monday for her class so she had 5 days of birthday. Wow! What a lucky girl...I'm now thinking that was not a great habit to start!

I'm so grateful to have Ella as part of our family. She is beautiful, smart and talented. She never ceases to amaze me with her witty comments and her amazing ability to catch on to things quickly. She is also so kind to others and considerate of their feelings. In the last month, I have had 2 moms tell me on seperate occassions how kind she has been to their girls who have been being shy and struggling. She keeps us all on our toes and there is never a dull moment with her around. We love her so much! Happy Birthday Roo!

Days of Christmas 6-10

So I swore I wasn't going to get behind but, well, none of us believed that!!! In my defense, I have been insanely crazy and am looking forward to a pajama's ALL DAY day on Friday... I'm going to get up and enjoy the morning with my family, shower and get back in my comfy pj's. So for those of you coming over you have been warned!

And now that I'm completely off the subject...back to the most fun time I've had leading up to Christmas...
Day 6- Me- an amarillys bulb and pot to plant it in (I'm so excited to see it in full bloom), The kids-minature gumball machines
Day 7- Me- Some body spray...I don't remember the scent but it makes me smell like cotton candy...very interesting, The kids-LifeSavers (the reasoning behind this made me laugh- Swans a swimming = a life preserver!)
Day 8- Me- Chocolate Cherries (I LOVE them and have been so good to walk past them in the store this season, but am not holding out hope that my will power to resist will continue , The kids- candy canes filled with milk chocolate M&M's
Day 9- Me-The "New Moon" Soundtrack, The kids- The "Alvin and the Chipmunks" Soundtrack
Day 10- Me-Some yummy new perfume, The kids- an unbroken CD Player(let's see how long that lasts!)

Today, Ella turned 7. We are so lucky to have her as part of our family!!! She had more of a birthday week than just a day so I will post tomorrow about all the fun things we've been up to and hopefully, my camera that is MIA will be found...There is now a $5 bounty for the person who finds and returns the camera!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Christmas Preparations

Grace and Felicity had made some candy trains at school and had so much fun that I decided to do the same project for Ben's class Christmas party. I don't know how impressed the 3rd graders were with the trains but they loved the fact that they would be able to take them home and eat them! On Wednesday, the first day of the kids Christmas vacation, I invited a friend over and we helped the kids make more candy trains with the remainder of the candy. We were going to gingerbread houses as well, but they just wanted to play so we had an enjoyable afternoon watching them and visiting.

The girls all had Christmas parties at dance this year. Ella was traumatized from last year because she had missed dance the day they handed out the note about dressing in Christmas colors for the party and was the only one there in non-festive attire. I decided to try to make it up to her by making her a Christmas tutu and matching bows. I made 2 other tutus for Grace and Felicity's party and everyone was fully prepared for Christmas dance parties.

I don't have a picture of Ella wearing her things because a friend took her to dance for me because I was busy setting up for the ward Christmas party.....The second week of December, Nancy went outside and slipped on the ice. She fell and broke her ankle. She had been in charge of decorating for the ward Christmas party but with her out of commission, I stepped in to help. Thankfully, the party turned out nice and Nancy is now able to get around.
We had a good snow storm this weekend. I took my 3 girls and my friend, Kristie, took her little girl, who is friends with Grace and Felicity, to lunch at Firehouse pizza and the to see "The Princess and the Frog." While we were eating lunch and watching the movie, it snowed and snowed and snowed. As we walked out, I was worried about getting up the hill in my van. I called Robert to warn him to have the tractor ready. He said to turn off my traction control and punch it. So I drove up the road like a crazy woman and am glad to say I made it....barely!! The kids all loved playing together in the snow. They made a fort and sledded to their hearts content. I was grateful Robert was around to keep us plowed out.

It has been such a crazy, busy month. Maybe, hopefully, things will slow down just a little after the first of the year....Here's to wish'n!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

On the Fifth Day of Christmas...

Five golden rings....or gummie life saver rings and a new Faith Hill Christmas CD! One of these days, I will post some pictures but the fact that I have even sort of kept up on posting is a Christmas miracle so pictures will day...when life slows down. So maybe no really, one of these days I will surprise even myself and it will happen!!!

Check in to see what tomorrow brings....

PS. I'm having another nephew in May. Heather and Jason found out they're having another boy today. Congratulations!!!

On the Fourth Day of Christmas....

I'm LOVING this morning was 4 calling birds. That's a tough one. I opened some vanilla fig lotion and some apple lotion. It was Felicity's turn to open the present and they got some fun pencils.

I sat there trying to figure some correlation and then I thought TREES...birds live in trees, the scents of the lotions are trees and pencils, you have to have trees to have pencils. So I called Robert to thank him and asked if I was right. He said, "Well, I actually couldn't think of anything so I just got something but trees...That works!"

Have I mentioned how lucky I am to have a husband who put so much time and effort into something he considers to be not much but that is such a HUGE thing to me. Especially right now. Maybe lucky is not the right word...Blessed...yeah, definitely blessed!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

On the Third Day of Christmas...

The kids were ecstatic to open McDonalds gift card...And I was even more pleased at my Chick-Fil-a gift card. Oh how I have been craving that and now all I need is an hour to drive to civilization to use them!

Robert has been so clever. I called him and he asked if I got it and before I could answer..."Three French hens...chicken...I thought it was better than 3 cornish hens."

Yes, definitely better than 3 cornish hens!

Monday, December 14, 2009

On the Second Day of Christmas....

Robert keeps apologizing for the things just being small. I keep telling him we are having so much fun!!! I don't think he's understanding really how much we love it so if you see or talk to him, tell him how I'm bragging it up! Also, this is doing wonders for me being able to get kids to hustle a little to get ready in the morning...No opening presents until we are all ready for school. That is an enormous present all by itself!

So on to the good stuff...It was Ella's turn to open and she unwrapped a bag of Dove candies. I opened a Dove chocolate bar. (Now Robert knows just how much I love chocolate so how he can think that's a small gift is beyond me!)

Well, its late...for me anyway and I have a Christmas tutu that needs to be made for a Christmas dance party for tomorrow calling my name. Can't wait to see what day 3 brings!!!!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

This time it's for real....On the First day of Christmas....

my true love gave to me....Yummy pear and vanilla lotion! We were woken up early by a sick 3 year old and one of the first things to pop out of Ben's mouth was "It's Sunday! Can we open our present now?" Robert told him to wait...I didn't think I wanted to so I hopped in with "I want to open mine too!"

Robert caved and Ben got to do the honors of opening the kids pear flavored jelly belly jelly beans and then I opened my lotion....I have decided to wait until I'm ready for the day before I open any more presents because the pictures that Robert took are definitely not flattering and may cause even Robert to run screaming from the room. (That paints a good picture of just how bad they are because let me tell you Robert has seen me when I was at my worst!)

I spent the rest of the day nursing a sick Felicity while Robert braved church and a list of honey-do's with the other 3. Currently, they are all bundled up playing in a mountain of snow while Robert plows for like the 4th time in 36 hours! When I say mountain of snow, I truely mean mountain! I'm guessing this does not bode well for me and my hopes of being able to reach civilization for the rest of the winter. I will welcome anyone who has 4-wheel drive (cause your gonna need it) and the guts to brave this arctic, snowy climated zone seperate from Cache Valley.

So until tomorrow....

Just kidding...I had posted and then it was quiet for a minute and outside the wind is howling! This is very bad...if the snow keeps up and the wind keeps up...there will be no hope for getting girls to dance tomorrow....but maybe it will keep Robert here for an extra couple of hours! I hate sending him out in the early hours on bad roads! So although I wouldn't mind a couple extra hours with him here, I pray the snow and wind stops so he can get to work safely!!!!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

On the First Day of Christmas....

My true love gave to me....oh wait, I'm not sure what yet but can't wait until tomorrow to find out!!! I'm so far behind on posting that I'm not sure I will ever get caught up (but I will because I want to write about some things that have been going on lately) but I didn't want to forget this!

On Friday night, Robert showed up from working all week with sacks full of wrapped presents. I started freaking out because we talk about Christmas but I do all the shopping and I was almost done! I decided to wait for the bombard of questions and decided to help take the presents out of the sacks to be put under the tree. As I'm putting them out I read the tags "To Kids, From Dad #7; To Kids, From Dad #3, To Michelle, From Robert #11...." and they just kept coming...all 24! of them.

Robert then explains that because he is not able to be here with us to be part of our daily activities that he wanted to do something special for us. He decided to do the 12 days of Christmas for me and for the kids! I'm so excited....I think more than the kids.

I decided not to even ask about how in the world he pulled this off (I also take care of all the bills and he knows that I'm always looking at the credit card and bank accounts!) and just throughly enjoy it!!! So until tomorrow...The first day of Christmas!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

HUGE Giveaway!!!

So one more post about! They are giving away a Coach handbag that retails for $498!!! Go check them out here!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Recessionista Party!

I just found this website that I'm excited about...It's called Recessionista Party. Maybe this is not new to you but it is to me. A friend of mine and I are going to put together a Holiday Open House within the next couple of weeks and I'm so excited to hopefully, have them come! Also, right now they are doing a giveaway on their website so head on over and check it out!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Claire and Benson

I posted a couple of weeks ago about a family I know. I just wanted to point out that there is a big auction going on online for them and I have added the button to my blog. Also, on the website Simplify, Camille Roskelley is holding an auction for the quilt that is on the front of her Wild Things pattern (I'm currently working on this quilt). It is gorgeous...Go check it out.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

A Mother's Revenge!

It has been fairly nice weather today (lower 60's with sun) so when my kids asked if they could go outside and play, I was more than happy to let them do it. I was busily folding laundry when Grace came to the door and said she needed a towel because she had muddy sand on her feet...Uh-oh...This definitely did not show promise that my other kids would be spotless when they came from playing.

When I got to the door and looked out, I could see both Ben and Ella knee deep in a muddy sand pit. They were so excited when they yelled "Look mom, when we stand here we sink." Apparently, the new play area filled with sand turns into a quicksand pit when water is added...This will be fun!!

I got the 2 little girls into the bath and cleaned up while Ben and Ella continued to play in the quicksand. When I was done, I told the older kids to come in. I had gotten towels to put across the carpet so I could get them from the back door to the showers. I didn't want all of that sand in the shower and that led me to a brilliant idea...THE HOSE.

Now while it's been nice, its not hose nice. We were in the mountain shadow and its probably only 50 outside. But on went the hose and I made them stand there while I sprayed them off. I know I'm going to get turned into DCFS but it sure made me feel better to spray those muddy hands and feet off!!! They then hurried across the towel paths to the 2 showers to get warmed up. It was fun while it lasted! (for all of us! ;)

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Try JibJab Sendables® eCards today!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Count Your Many Blessings!

I have been such a blog slacker lately and need to do some much needed catching up but this post is something that can't wait! I have been so wrapped up in worrying about moving and trying to figure out what we should do. I was at my wit's end this morning because it seems like everything we look at just doesn't work. I had told my mom "Oh well, it will all work out!" (You know the power of positive thinking) but silently was depressed because I'm just not sure how! Anyway, I came home and thought I would continue my search on the internet for houses but decided to quickly check facebook before I started.

When I got there, I saw a link from a friend I went to school with that led me to another website about the family of a guy I knew from high school. I knew Jared and he was such a nice guy. When I started to read about the challenges facing their family, I was hit in the face with a big dose of perspective! I have been SO BLESSED! Period...End of Story...SERIOUSLY BLESSED!

I'm hoping to spread the word to my small circle of friends about this. You can donate to help this family on their website or I have a friend who is just starting an online auction on her website. If you have something you would be willing to donate for the auction, let me know and I can get it to her or I'm sure you can contact her directly through her website.

Go check out her blog and look at the items to bid on. She just began but already has a cake and a photography session up for bid. (Allisha does beautiful cakes and Katie take the most amazing pictures!)

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Fun Personality Quiz

Ashley had posted this and it looked fun! I'm amazed at how accurate it was on most things. It's funny how it can be done just using pictures. Here are my results...How do you compare?

Youniverse Personality TestYouniverse Personality Test

Monday, August 10, 2009

Help! I have a deal problem!

No, seriously!!! A blog post by my sister got me thinking about the stores that get my money. As I started to think about it, the more concerned I got...

Oh, how I have a love-hate relationship with the marketing people at Gymboree. First, those blasted gymbucks and then a big back to school sale that I can also use a 30% off coupon for and then with that purchase I have more gymbucks that I will feel compelled to use in October!I have renewed my subscription for my 5 (yes, you read that right) Sunday papers to get my stockpile of coupons built up. I was saving SO MUCH money last winter while building up my stockpiles and I know there are some GOOD sales coming up!Then the dreaded W store! I curse the people who built a new one on the south end of Cache Valley. Now the 20 minutes to Walmart doesn't seem too bad and I find myself walking out with all kinds of "Deals"!Last week, my sister in law called me and asked if I had heard about the jean sale going on at GAP. Well, let's just say that since I happened to be in the car and only needed to go 10 minutes out of my way to the nearest GAP, I (well, my kids to be exact) am now the proud owner of 5 new pairs of jeans. Then to top it off, this morning I checked my email to find a 25% off coupon that I could combine with that deal and I am currently resisting the urge to hit the "place order" button that would bring 4 more pairs of jeans to my door. (I mean you can never have enough 'good deal' jeans especially, when my kids seem to kill the knees in 10 seconds flat!)Well, you get the picture. Basically, anywhere that has deal and then if I have coupons to make the deal sweeter, forget about it. I have been getting some GREAT deals for back to school and we have to eat. Right? The bottom line is I'm a sucker for a good deal. Here's the big place where my competitive nature comes out. I love to see just how good of a deal I can get and have a 'Can you top this story?'. Well, can you?

Note: Robert doesn't read my blog regularly so please don't tip him off to my problem. I take care of all the bills and in this case ignorance IS bliss. I'm scared I will have my credit card and computer privileges revoked ;) !

Thursday, July 30, 2009


So I still need to download pictures but I thought while I was here, I would give a brief recap of summer so far. (Mostly so I don't forget all the things I want to blog about as soon as the kids go back to school!)

Ben turned 8 this June! I can't believe it! His baptism was on the 4th of July. I was excited when we found out they were going to go ahead and do it that day. It is by far my favorite holiday and I found it so fitting that he get baptized on a holiday that celebrates our nations independence and allows us the right to practice whatever religion we choose.

Ashlee and her kids came up to visit. We had an adventure trying to get 8 little ones to sit still for pictures. It was good to see them all and can't wait until October when they come again!

We had swimming lessons, golf camp, and more swimming lessons that kept us very busy. My kids have been to the pool daily except on weekends for the whole month of July. They are all doing well and I love the time to watch all 4 swim while I work on my tan! (Which can I just say I don't think its been this good since before I had kids!) Its times like those when I am so glad they are close in age.

We have been surviving the summer without Robert around. It stinks to only see him on the weekends. Saturday and Sunday have never gone so fast! He is crazy busy at work which we are soooo grateful for but I can't wait until things get settled a little more so we can make decisions on where to be.

We have also had some adventure! One particular close encounter of the snake kind! That will definitely get a post of it's own! We also got to go to Bear Lake, where we were greeted with a freak storm as soon as we were out on the boat. That too deserves a post of its own but I will just say there was a battle between the lake and the boat and the lake won! I took my fair share of a beating from the boat but nothing was a match for the lake on Friday.

We just returned from Idaho where we got a chance to see my family from the East coast who flew in for the weekend! It was so good to spend some time with them and I can't wait to see them again.

We are now looking forward to finishing school shopping and trying to make the most of what's left of the summer. It has really flown by!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Love this!

I just love this!

My sister just got done reading this to me. I have always wanted some witty comment to respond with when I'm in this situation. (Unfortunately, it has happened more than I care to admit!) Maybe a list of ready made comebacks is in order...

Since I'm lucky that I was even able to make a link to her website, I will have to just tell you that I'm referring to her post on July 8 "An open letter to grumpy women over 70". In my opinion, it is for everyone who neither has kids (or kids extremely close in age) or has forgotten what it's like to have them with you everywhere you go.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Questions About Dad

1. What is something your dad always says to you?
Ben: Your a talented boy
Ella: Can you help me clean up the toys?
Grace: he say get your church stuffs on
Felicity: Laugh

2. What makes dad happy?
Ben: Giving him loves and kisses
Ella: To clean up the toy's when he's not home.
Grace:When I give dad kisses for Father's day and that makes him so happy!
Felicity: Clean up the toys

3. What makes dad sad?
Ben: When we don't mind him
Ella: When you make a mess and don't clean up and make him yell
Grace: Something makes dad sad when Ben cries, Ella cries, I cry but I don't cry anymore
Felicity: Get out the toys

4. How does your dad make you laugh?
Ben: tickle me
Ella: By saying funny jokes and tickling me
Grace: He dos this. He put his hands like this and like this and says "too slow"
Felicity: I don't know (shrugs shoulders)

5. What was your dad like as a child?
Ben: He liked to ride motorcycles
Ella: He had glasses and he still does and he always wears really nice clothes
Grace: Dad was a little kid he loved to play on his bike
Felicity: to clean up toys

6. How old is your dad?
Ben: 31
Ella: 30
Grace: I don't know.
Felicity: 3

7. How tall is your dad?
Ben: 6 feet tall
Ella: 6 inches, no 7 inches
Grace:I don't know. Just this high(pointing her finger to the ceiling)
Felicity: ummm...this tall.

8. What is his favorite thing to do?
Ben: Play with us kids
Ella: Play with us
Grace: He loves to go to church.
Felicity: Clean up toys

9. What does your dad do when you're not home?
Ben: Work
Ella: He'll watch TV and have snacks
Grace: He's with you
Felicity: Go to the store to buy somting

10. If your dad becomes famous, what will it be for?
Ben: Golf
Ella: From a race.
Grace: Umm, I don't know.
Felicity: Jonas Brothers

11. What is your dad really good at?
Ben: He plays football with me
Ella: Making us laugh and smile
Grace: He love to... He really good at.....Moooommm
Felicity: Be Superman. He has superman stuff under he's clothes

12. What is your dad not good at?
Ben:I have no idea. Oh, I know eating cornflakes. He doesn't like them
Ella:Umm, I'm thinking....He's not good at soccer.
Grace: I don't remember
Felicity: I don't know

13. What does your dad do for a job?
Ben: Insurance
Ella: He makes lots and lots of money and sells insurance
Grace: He goes to work for jobs
Felicity: Do work stuff

14. What is your dad's favorite food?
Ben: Pizza
Ella: Mashed potatoes and peas and corn
Grace: He likes to eat hamburgers and hot dogs and potatoes.
Felicity: Sandwich

15. What makes you proud of your dad?
Ben: Work
Ella: He does a good job at work
Grace: He loves to go in the water
Felicity: Clean up

16. If your dad were a cartoon character, who would he be?
Ben: Cowboy
Ella: SpongeBob
Grace: I don't know
Felicity: Santa

17. What do you and your dad do together?
Ben: Go Fishing
Ella: Go and have dinner together and spend time
Grace: He loves to clean up doors
Felicity: Clean up

18. How are you and your dad the same?
Ben: We both like football
Ella: We both like mashed potatoes and peas and corn
Grace: He love to do something in his room
Felicity: This tall.

19. How are you and your dad different?
Ben: We don't laugh the same
Ella: I like to do sports and he likes to spend time with us
Grace: um, daddy loves me
Felicity: I don't know

20. How do you know your dad loves you?
Ben: He works so hard for us. To get a house for us.
Ella: Because when he comes home he gives me big hugs and kisses
Grace: He dos something fun for me and not for sis because she is not here. She is with you
Felicity: this much

21. What does your dad like most about your mom?
Ben: That's a dumb question. Smooching together (hysterical laughing)
Ella: That she's funny and cute
Grace: He loves you mom. He loves to do something with you.
Felicity: you get makeup on

22. Where is your dad's favorite place to go?
Ben: BYU Stadium
Ella: Skiing
Grace: He love to go to work and to the store with us.
Felicity: to work

Robert is such a great dad. He works so hard to provide for us and to help me. We love him and appreciate all he does for us each day!

Happy Father's Day, Robert!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Happenings of Late

Boy, have the last couple of weeks flown by. Robert is now working in Salt Lake (still selling insurance but his company combined with another company and he is working to train and get the new stuff off the ground). Actually, things got really busy yesterday and there is a lot of foward momentum so we are really excited!!! The only downside for now is that we are here in Logan and he has been staying with his sister in Riverton. He leaves on Monday morning and comes home on Friday night. This happened at a busy time anyway so things have been pretty crazy!

BENBen finished his soccer season up. His coach this year was Jennifer. She did amazing things with his team. It was fun to watch their progression and by the end of the year, it was not just a clump on the field but real positions and great teamwork that resulted in success. Ben's coach played soccer in high school and college. She knows what it takes and gave Ben a huge compliment at the end of their season. She told him that if he continues to work as hard as he did this season, he could do anything he wanted to with soccer. She told him she saw real talent. It's nice to hear other people say things that you already think about your kids, but it was especially important for Ben to hear that. He sometimes struggles as all of us do from time to time with his confidence. Robert and I are really proud of him.Ben's class had a few field trips at the end of the year. I have to thank Heather for the long days she put in so I was able to go. This was Ben's third trip to the ice rink and he is getting pretty good. He even talked me into ice skating with him for a while. I think the last time I ice skated was when I was around 10. So needless to say 20 years has not helped my ice skating abilities any. I did get a little more steady by the end but realized that I will never achieve my dreams of figure skating ;) ! After ice skating, we headed to Willow Park where we ate lunch and the kids played for a while. Sometimes its so surreal to watch my kids. They are playing the games that I used to play as a kid and I wonder at times "How did I get here?" I don't feel old enough to have kids this age! We then went to the zoo at Willow Park. It's a small community zoo but just the right size for a small outing.

The day before school ended, the PTA held a field day. I think in a three legged race it helps to work with the person you are tied to!

ELLAHere are a few of the dance pictures from Ella's dance revue. Like I said before, she LOVES to perform and does a great job at it!Ella was so excited that Grandma Julie could be there. Thanks for making the trip Mom!I also got a chance to go with Ella's class on a couple of field trips. One day we went to the American West Heritage Center here in Logan. The kids got to spend some time with the baby animals. Ella enjoyed looking but not getting near. This is a picture of Ella's kindergarten class.Ella, Missi, and Reagan have become good friends. Ella is excited because they all ended up in the same first grade class for next year! What cute girls!This was another activity at field day. Gotta love the cold water coming from the sponge!Ella's class also had a kindergarten celebration. They sang a couple of songs which included an ABC song. It starts out like this, "A your Adorable, B your so Beautiful..." We heard it a lot leading up to the end of school. Felicity has become quite the singer and now I often hear her singing, "A I'm Adorable" over and over again. At the end of the celebration, each child presented Mrs. LaMont with a flower they made. Ella asked to do a flower that Mrs. Lamont could wear in her hair. She picked the colors and the center decoration and I help a little with the hot glue and then we clipped it to a pipe cleaner.

Both of the kids had great teachers this year! They both learned so much and are excited for next year. (Especially Ella who is excited to go ALL day!) I keep thinking that with my little girls starting preschool next year (wow! how time flies) that I will have a little time to work on some projects. After these last two weeks, I now realize I will be more busy than ever! The great thing is that I'm loving every busy moment! Well, most of the time ;) !