We have a tradition where we open new pj's on Christmas Eve. My mom and I picked out fabric and she sewed pj pants for all my kids and then added snowmen to the shirts for the girls so they matched the pants. Ben's were BYU pants which he was thrilled about! We had dinner with Keith, Nancy, Sammie and Dave and Ann Bell. My kids were excited to have an audience for their puppet show while Papa read the Christmas story. We then drove around to look at Christmas lights and see if we could spy Santa in the area.
I had told the kids we would make rice crispy wreaths that my dad made with me as a kid to leave for Santa but we weren't home until 9pm so Santa got notes and sugar cookies with sprinkles and chocolate milk. The girls also remembered the reindeer and left out 9 carrots.
Today has been a great day. We finally went out around 7:30 this morning. I was awake before the kids were...I was always up so early for Christmas so the fact that my kids will actually sleep that late is rather foreign. The girls asked Santa for a rhino (They were talking about a power wheels jeep). Ben and Ella really wanted DS's but mom had vetoed Santa bringing them so they were very surprised when Santa went over my head and brought them anyway! I pulled off my biggest surprise since Robert and I have been married and got him a paintball gun! Becky and I had done a little conspiring so now all the brothers have paintball guns and enough paintballs to shoot each other silly!
Later in the evening, everyone (except for Susan, Jared, and Jackson...We missed you guys!)showed up for dinner, Nancy's annual Christmas Bingo game, and gifts from Nancy and Keith. I was thinking back to the first Christmas I spent with the Hammonds. The family has grown by 16 people (I think...pretty sure)! So needless to say, it was a packed house around here!
I stayed in my pj's (as promised) and just tried to relax. In fact I tried to do as little as possible this weekend. The kids played and played and played! All in all, it was a great Christmas. The only thing that would have made it better would have been to be able to spend some time with Heather and Ashlee and their families and to see my mom. My girls keep asking when we are leaving to go to Grandma's...They are sad when I say that Grandma is in Arizona. So I propose a big Christmas at a cabin all together in the near future!