Just after we got out of Kanab, there was a cave to stop at. It had a museum in it...not necessarily the kind of cave we were expecting but the kids were glad to get out and stretch their legs.

Carter is in kindergarten this year too. There are two morning classes, Ella is in one and Carter in the other. They have a lot of fun playing together and trying to convince the bus driver that they are supposed to go to each other's houses. They even tried to forge a note. (I think they really fooled them with the note) ;) !Ella's birthday was on Monday the 21st. She is now a 6 year old! (going on 25!) She is definitely going to give me a run for my money. I am not looking forward to having 3 teenage girls in the house. I now have some sympathy for my poor parents.
We celebrated Carter's and Ella's birthdays together. When I went into the hospital to have Ella, Meg was in the room next door. She had had Carter the day before. I remember Shayne bringing Carter in for me to hold while I was in labor with Ella. Not many people can say they were holding their newborn nephew while in labor with their own child.
I had a theory that there would be very little snow here this winter. It seems like I always miss the big storms. Keith, Nancy and Robert just smiled and laughed. So much for my theory! We have already had a LOT of snow and are expecting more tonight and tomorrow. This picture doesn't do the amount of snow we have had justice.
I have even gotten out and been sledding with the kids. I try to give them rides on the snowmobile but realize just how weak I am. I just don't have the muscle to get it to go where I want it to if the snow is very deep. I haven't ridden the snowmobile for a couple years. The last time I did though, I managed to tip it over on Ella and myself. I wasn't going fast and that was part of the problem. Ella had just gotten over being scared to go on the snowmobile with me when I tipped it over again on Monday. I had both Ella and Grace on with me. Thankfully , I'm the only one who ever gets hurt but I have now told Robert that the fun with the snowmobile is his job. I mean if the kids need someone to sew something, they don't go to him. He knows I'm the most accident prone person he knows and so why he would suggest for me to take the kids on a ride is beyond me! Oh well, I've now got all the kids scared of riding with me so they won't ask me anyway!
I have Christmas Eve dinner calling my name. I need to finish making dinner so we can start the cookies for Santa. I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas!
ps. on a side note, I had a couple of people wonder from the last post what movie or commercial I was in... It was just a local company that I modeled for that did a commercial.. It's was definitely big time! ;)