Wednesday, August 13, 2008


I guess I should clarify the move. Robert is changing industries and will be selling insurance. We are still trying to make some final decisions but we decided we needed to sell our house so we can have the extra to get the business up and going. We are going to Robert's parents house for the next little while. They are in near Logan. So not too far. We still have many decisions to make and we will see where the next few months take us. We are so grateful for the friends we have made in Riverton and for the time we have lived here. This has become home for all of us. This transition hasn't been easy but I know that we are moving in the right direction. Please everyone... Keep in touch! And if you are ever in Logan.. give us a call!

Girls Night at My house!

We have sold our house. I would like to invite everyone over for one last party before I go! Even though I’m having a Lia Sophia party, please don’t feel pressured to buy anything. I really would just like one more chance to get together and see everyone before I go.
I hope you can come by! Everyone is invited.
Wednesday, Aug. 13 @ 7:oo pm

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


I'm taking a break from packing- Robert and I just finished bringing our food storage upstairs and loading it into Keith's truck and Park's trailer. I have to say I was surprised by the amount that was so neatly arranged in our cold storage. I am so grateful that we have been able to build up that amount but not so grateful that we have to move it at least 2 more times (I'm counting putting it into Meg's house for storage even though Robert left without me so I don't have to exert anymore energy today.)
I have been stress eating and I think Robert was helping me burn off a few calories by the amount I helped carry and move! I'm doubtful that I will be able to move in the morning- No gym for me just loads and loads of boxes!! I used muscles today that I haven't used in a very long time!!
Well, I guess I'd better get back to the empty boxes that are calling my name- I'm sure if there was that much in the storage room alone that I'm in for hours upon hours of filling boxes!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

I'm Finished

I can now return to the land of the living :) ! I finished Breaking Dawn at 10:30 last night... I can't think that this is really the end- I can see so many places where it could go! I loved it! I will not divulge any secrets since some of you may not be done yet- (but then why are you wasting important time with Edward and Bella by reading this). I will now start counting the days until the movie. I really hope it holds up to the hype!