Monday, April 21, 2014

National Poetry Month 2014: Roland Prevost,

Knack to Promise

      Rust string spun transformer-like round
my bent index anchors your paper flight;
a dragon less tyrannical. Many wishes tax
the voltage of your Talisman powers,
from this place.  Mine's to know what you know.
Minus the pompous tones, I mean.  I'm in a mood
to hear simpler godly things. Hard decades spent
asking, as against your easy millennia.  Fruits of this.

Speak to me through the mild rustlings of your paper body
          Speak to me through the sun on your serpent spine, as you fly
                    Speak to me through the twang and hum of your taut string

Cornered to this vantage

I'm able to promise
to listen and remember

Roland Prevost has been published by Arc Poetry Magazine, Descant, The Toronto Quarterly, Dusie, Ottawa Arts Review, among many others. He has four chapbooks: Metafizz (2007, Bywords), Dragon Verses (2009, Dusty Owl), Our/ Are Carried Invisibles (2009, above/ground), and Parapagus (2012, above/ground). He won the 2006 John Newlove Poetry Award, and Chaudiere Books will be producing his first trade poetry collection, Singular Plurals, this fall. He lives and writes in Ottawa.

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