Showing posts with label Elle's tooth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Elle's tooth. Show all posts

Friday, August 31, 2007

Trying to pull out my really loose tooth

Here is an all-too familiar scene not unlike my own childhood. I remember my mom trying to get me to pull my teeth out. I looked a lot like this. If you'll notice--Elle's tooth isn't even straight in the picture. That's because it's only holding on by one little piece of tooth string. I told her she had to pull it out herself because I didn't want to be responsible for her pain. She wiggled and wiggled, but no luck. She asked me to help, so I suggested the ol' dental floss method. She refused to pull the strings. So, she asked Chris, and Grandma Harvey to help. No
luck. Grandma wouldn't and Chris couldn't.

Then she went to Kristen's house. I knew of Kristen' love of pulling teeth, so I asked her to help. About 5 minutes after we left, Kristen called to say it was out! Elle is now a (happy) toothless wonder.
Kristen said that when Elle bit into a strawberry, there was a nice little square hole!

I think Elle should tell about the pulling in her own words. . . [as always, the color goes with the theme]

Kristen said, "I'm gunna pull your tooth out with my fingernail." She looked which one was the sharpest. It was her thumb. Then she put her thumbnail under my tooth and pulled forward! It was quick as lightening! Connor got a rag wet and gave it to me. And then after that, she gave me a piece of ice to suck on and she said, "If you suck on this until it stops bleeding, it will stop bleeding." I had a gummy worm and I had an ice cream, before dinner! I looooooooove my tooth! The end!
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