Monday, December 26, 2016

Happy Christmas!

We did, indeed have a Happy Christmas!

On Christmas Eve we warmed ourselves by the TV fire, 
(Chris turned on our own fire too)

Ate Indian take-out complete with homemade Naan and lassi,

 and had technical difficulty trying to capture the magic of our new PJ's 

On Christmas morning we had breakfast pizza because it was Chris's year--that's what his family had growing up.  (Next year will be my year--cinnamon rolls)

Elle wondered what she will have for breakfast when she has her own family!

Chris and I tried to start a new Christmas breakfast tradition years ago, but the berry pie and ice cream wasn't really practical, so we just borrowed the traditions from our families.

Santa brought Chris a Voltron toy, a bottle of Poo Pourri, and a 
Whatchamacallit bar in his stocking (be sure to click on those two links)

Chris has been on the hunt for a Whatchamacallit bar for about two months now.  No one seems to sell them anymore!  Santa had a very hard time tracking one down.  

I tried to find him one myself by asking the store clerk if they sold Whatchamacallits and he was like, "So, you can't remember the name of the thing you want....?"  
Me:  "No, it's a candy bar"
Him: "But. . . you don't know its name?"

He has obviously been deprived of the pleasure of this unique treat!

Some gift highlights:

A sweet picture from Elle:

Cute red shoes: 

A copy of my dad's funeral, which is very special. :)

A ukulele which Elle has been wanting for months.

A rice cooker which Chris has been wanting for years

And double copies of the complete set of the original Knight Rider which Chris and I unknowingly bought for each other!

Great minds, right?!

The best wrapping job ever:

(by me, thank you, thank you!)

I invented a new product for Chris: Lightswitch Identifiers.
We have at least three switches in every single room!  It is very hard to remember what each one does--especially in the dark!

I bought some little jewel stickers and square rhinestones to put on the switches.  The big circles are for the main lights, the small circles are secondary lights, and the squares identify the fans.

So far they work!  If anything, it will help train us which lights are what.

For dinner Chris cooked rotisserie turkey.
No brine for this bird!  Just salted the thing, stuck it in the fridge overnight, rubbed it with olive oil, and it was good to go!  It was very moist and had great flavor.

We had a lovely dinner with our friends. (and I forgot to take any pictures of them to prove that we really did have them over. . .)

Later that night Chris roasted up some chestnuts!

They were good!  Kind of like pine nuts.

And that's it! 


Elle said...

Thanks for a wonderful christmas!


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