Monday, October 19, 2015

Trunk or Treat!

Saturday, our ward had trunk or treat!
The youth had the option of doing their own "trunk" or parking lot space if they didn't have a car.
Elle and her friends did a cupcake walk:

Batgirl and Supergirl
(you may recognize the friend from other posts)

The kids walked on super hero symbols

This is what they looked like before they were cut out:

Thank you Pinterest! 
And thank you awesome blog:

Elle and two of her friends:

Elle's idea for our car was to use her glow-in-the-dark stars and planets then have the candy bowl in the center of the milky way.

I had to do it myself since she was busy, so it doesn't look very cool.
The other cars had activities for the kids, so when they came to ours they were all, "What do we have to do?"  and we're like, "Take a piece of candy"  and they were all. "Oh. OK."
Lame, but that's all they really want anyway.

fuzzy picture (as usual it seems!) of the Guardian of the Candy in his three-wolf-moon shirt

In other news. . .

We're teaching Elle to drive.  Chris is demonstrating on some racing game of his:
Elle said "It's a smart car!"
 (A very small smart car)

We're not really teaching her yet, but she worked the gas and brake (properly) while Chris drove.
My friend is teaching her daughter (15.5 yrs old) how to drive and it is NOT going well!  She said she's going to start her 14yr old now. So now I'm all worried--hence the video game "training"
This girl is growing up!! 



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