Tuesday, February 24, 2009


I am dedicating this post to my mother-in-law because 1) it's her birthday this week (Happy Birthday, Mom) and 2)It was she who introduced me to Estee Lauder Mascara in the first place.

I needed some new mascara, and my mother-in-law said she recently switched to Estee Lauder. I thought I'd try it out. So, we all (Chris, Elle and I) made a pilgrimage to the mall.
We found the Estee Lauder counter and I thought I would just pick up a new tube.

hahahaha. Not so simple.

When I told the make up artist or whatever that I wanted some mascara, she clapped her hands for joy and whisked me over to a seat. She invited Elle to sit also. Chris had to stand and watch.

"We just got a new product in!!" She said. (She was v excited :)
She asked Elle if she'd like to try on some lip gloss or something (provided it was OK with us. It was).
Elle was smarter than me and firmly refused.

Then, the woman pulled out this:

I laughed out loud. I did not seriously think she would try that thing on my eyes!

Guess what? I was wrong!

I was not terribly impressed.

Needless to say, I didn't purchase it. I just got some regular boring ol' sedentary mascara.
It does no tricks. But it's nice to have some new stuff :)

Friday, February 20, 2009


*The other day, Elle and I were folding and decorating paper boats. While she was coloring, she said, "I am SO not good at this!"

*Elle is reading a book about a genie. It led us to discuss what Elle's three wishes would be.

Wish #1. Two dogs
One girl, one boy. Same kind so they can have puppies.
(Little Puppy is a girl and Puppy is a boy, for those of you who didn't know)

Wish #2. A cat that would get along with her dogs.

#3. A palace, and she would be the princess.
She said she doesn't necessarily want to be rich though.
She would get to jump on all the beds (except Mom and Dad's, of course--she said)
She also said Chris and I could still get to do our normal boring Saturday errands though.
Although SHE would stay home with servants who would entertain her while we were gone.

Pretty funny.

I don't know what I'd wish for. Instant travel maybe, so I could visit anyone, anytime.
What would YOU wish for?
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Wednesday, February 18, 2009

No School!

Since Elle didn't have school, we drove to a park. It was wonderful!
It was so beautiful! (And it wasn't even too cold :)
The view was great. We could even see the space needle! THAT was cool!
"What are men compared to rocks and mountains". . .
BUT. . .
What are rocks and mountians without our FRIENDS and FAMILY!
We miss you!
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Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Chris' Birthday!

For Chris' birthday, we celebrated many times!
First, the Saturday before, Brian and Kim took Elle to Chuck E. Cheese's with their girls so Chris and I could go out to dinner!
We found a great restaurant that was a bit on the noisy side, but yummy--
Except for the edamame. THAT was drenched in a sticky hot HOT sauce, and since you eat it with your fingers, we had hot sticky fingers and hot tongues. BLEH! Not good.
But the dinner was fabulous and the dessert was even better!
We ordered Almond Joy ice cream which was vanilla ice cream with delicious hot fudge (and I'm not really a hot fudge person, but it was goo--ood!), coconut, almonds, and cookies! Oh boy it was yummy!!
Then,the Sunday before, we introduced his aunt, uncle, and cousins to the beloved Jell-o cake (click here to see the recipe). They had fun thinking of many variations.
ON the actual birthday, we just celebrated with our little family. We had biscuits and gravy for dinner (my first time--yum!)
Elle and I made another Jell-o cake (same kind, of course), and then Chris opened the gifts (as pictured above :)

Happy Birthday, my Love!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Sunday dress and hair

It's been a while, so I thought I'd post a picture of Elle in her
Valentine Sunday dress!
Notice that she is squinting--that means it was actually SUNNY this morning!!
To complete her outfit, she's wearing her heart locket that contains her buddies
Connor and Fletcher
We sure miss you!!
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Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day!

We got in the Valentine spirit with Makenzie and Victoria!
Kim and I had fun chatting while
the girls had fun rolling, cutting, and decorating cookies the other day.
(They are mostly gone now that it is Valentine's Day :)

It wasn't even as messy as I though it would be!

Hopefully you will have a yummy day too!

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Thursday, February 12, 2009

Just for fun

One of the benefits of living here, is that we get a good laugh every Sunday when we eat at Chris' Aunt and Uncle's home. His cousins always have funny stories and funny links to share.

Here's a link to a silly video called Lazy Sunday

And here's my latest favorite youtube video:

Big Thanks to Chris' crazy cousins for the laugh!

Sunday, February 8, 2009


Since it's Sunday and all, I thought this post would be appropriate ;)

I saw these delicious babies at the store a couple weeks ago. I thought they'd make a perfect Valentine treat for Elle--no nuts, nothing hard or crunchy--PERFECT!

Then, I got to thinking how much I like Jr. Mints. . .

I thought maybe a better idea would be to open them, eat a couple, then give Elle one at a time attached to cute little notes during the week!

But. . .

I never got around to writing little notes. . .

Or sharing ANY of the Jr. Mints with Elle!

I ate them ALL!!


I'm such a bad mommy :(

I vowed to buy a new box for Elle and NOT eat a single one. . .

But I couldn't find any!!


I couldn't remember where I had gotten them!
I've only been to two stores that would carry them since we moved here, so I went back to these stores multiple times over the past two weeks and NO HEART SHAPED JR. MINTS!!

Then, one day, Elle and I were at the store and she said, "Don't those Jr. Mints look good, Mom?"

*sniff* (plus pangs of guilt)

They were just regular Jr. Mints though.



Last night, Chris and I were out on a date and we stopped at the store and I went to the Valentine section and lo and behold!


Naturally, I bought them and confessed the whole story to Chris, who laughed heartily at my expense.

He also had a good laugh over this. (I might just have to buy him one for Valentine's Day :)

You'll be proud to know that I haven't even been tempted to eat a single mint

yet. . . :)

The end.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

How 'bout it?

Maybe THIS is T.M.I., but I might need you someday, Ladies :)

Thanks for the link, Kristen

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