Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Day 3

Here's more good daddy shots of Chris. Well, all except the phone book thing. That just shows how vercitle Chris is :)
Chris' favorite birthday dessert is Jell-o cake. When he first told me that, I pictured a mound of Jell-o in a beehive shaped dome.
I thought he was crazy. Since then, I have learned that Jell-o cake is a yellow cake cooked, then punctured with a fork. Then, you make RASPBERRY Jel-o--it has to be RASPBERRY, no other flavor will do. While it's still in liquid form, (one of my friends thought the fork holes were for shoving set pieces of jell-o into the cake) pour it over the cake. Then, put it in the fridge, then mix up some pistachio instant pudding and mix some cool whip into it. That's the topping. I usually have tons of topping left over, so I just put it in cups for Chris to enjoy all week. And voila! There you have it! Jell-o cake.
Those of you far away should make some next week in honor of Chris' birthday.
IN OTHER NEWS. . . Elle is sick today with a fever. She even urped twice after drinking some water :( We're taking it easy today.
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Jeanne said...

That cake sounds gross! Do YOU like it?

Hope Elle feels better...I guess bugs just go around the whole country because we're all passing that one around out here too.

Kristen said...

oh, Jeanne, that cake is SOOOO GOOOOOOOD! It is the very best cake in the history of cakes!


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