Friday, December 31, 2010

A Pink New Year

For this, a “Pink New Year Saturday,” I would like to wish for you the peace and tranquility captured in these beautiful snowy, pink landscapes.

You can participate in Pink Saturday too! We play along every week!



Happy 2011!

Happy New Year My Friends!!!

I’m sorry that I haven’t been around to see you much lately but I’ve been trying to get some things done before the new year rings in.

I do love seeing all of your blogs and I do look at them each time you post.  Have you ever used Google Reader?  It allows me to view all the blogs I love a lot quicker so when I don’t have time to leave comments, at least know that I’m looking!!!

I hope you all have a beautiful New Year!  Please take care of yourself and stay safe.



p.s. I’m changing my blog header (again) for the new year.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

My Favorite Projects of 2010

My friend Laurie of Indulge Your Shelf is having a linky party, “Show us your Best Handmade.”  Since I didn’t have anything that wasn’t already on my  blog, I decided to list my projects for each month of 2010.  You are invited to play along as well!!!

You can click on either the photo or the caption to be transported to the blog post featuring that project.



10-01-13 butterfly charmerButterfly Charmer



butterfly nestPapertake Nest



inky cowboyInky Fingers



aqua fairyAqua Fairy



100_6116_optMother’s Day Strawberry Shortcake Trifle



cookiesVintage Recipe Book



i can mend cardI’m on the Mend



where you should beWhere You Should Be



100_8112Halloween House



lou lou and swirlsFabulous Lou Lou



bird fairyBird Fairy



100_8610Pink Christmas Tree


Remember you can go to Laurie’s blog to play along!



Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The Pursuit of My Happiness in 2011

…and Creating Art Makes me Happy!!!

As I’ve mentioned many times, I’m lucky enough to not have to work (because of the health issues I mentioned in the previous post).  As a follow up to that post, I wanted to share the things that I will be doing in 2011 to pursue the peace and beauty that I want in my life.

First of all, if you remember last year, I chose a word of the year – Believe.  I’m going to continue choosing to believe in myself this year.  To believe that I’m worthy of a healthful life, to believe that I am and can be an artist, to believe that I deserve a comfortable home containing all the things that make me happy and to believe that I can achieve those things.  Belief in myself is always something that I have struggled with.

I have enrolled myself in a few creative classes/pursuits for the beginning of the year and will continue to do so throughout the year as time allows.  If you would like to join me in any of these, I have included links for each one.  Just click on the applicable photo or section title in pink.



Brave Girls Soul Restoration.  This, I’m sure will be an event not to be missed.  Melody Ross and her sister Kathy have planned a curriculum similar to that which we used at Brave Girl Camp and I believe in that so much that I have also signed up for this class.  If you want to see the things that I shared here on the blog about Brave Girl camp, click here.

Soul Restoration will probably consume most of my free time for the entire 6 weeks.  I’m pretty excited that I will be going to my sister Rose’s house for a few weeks during the course. I will enjoy the time spent creating Brave Girl art with her once again.

I received my class materials in the mail the other day.  (If you decide to join now, the materials are no longer available.  But don’t worry, everything is easily obtainable and most things you probably already have around the house.)  I’m so excited to get my fingers inky, painty and Mod Podgey again!!!  I’m so ready for that soulful feeling of Brave Girl camp.



Art Journal Everyday.  Julie Fei-Fan Balzer is another giant (along with Melody Ross just in case I haven’t mentioned that before) in our artistic/scrapbook industry that we love so  much.  She is challenging us to simply work on your art journal everyday.  There is no need to actually finish a page everyday, just spend a few minutes each day in those creative pursuits.  Of course life will get in the way at times but I’m going to give this one my very best attempt.  When I’m creating, the body pain that I almost constantly endure, seems to go away.  I wish I could create 24 hours a day!!!

There are many similar challenges out there in blogland but I have chosen Julie’s because I love her style of art, especially her water coloring and doodling.  Of course, I like the more pastels colors than the bold bright colors that she prefers, but I’m sure that I will be able to learn a lot from her techniques and adapt them to my own style.  I also love that she alters and paints all over patterned paper—even the stuff that she designed for a French scrapbook company.  Click here to have a look for yourself at Art Journal Everyday.


Visual Journal Cover

Strathmore Visual Journal Art Workshops.  A Brave Girl sister talked about this on her blog.  It’s a series of workshops:

  • Jan 1 – Recycled Art Journal Pages.
  • March 1 – Start Where You Are.
  • May 3 – Building Your Visual Journal from the Page Up.

I’m excited about these workshops for two reasons.  I will learn many new techniques and THEY ARE FREE!!!  Click here for all the information and detail about each class!


I started a few things in 2010 that I’m excited to continue into 2011.


Donna Downey Inspiration Wednesdays.  Another giant in this industry, I have been following Donna’s blog for sometime now and find so much inspiration in her store, her products (especially her stamps) and of course her Inspiration Wednesday posts where she shares a video tutorial of an art journal page each week.  I have yet to play along with her although I diligently watch each week.  I’ll definitely be playing along with her this year.  I haven’t watched the video on the above piece yet but plan to follow along with this one!!!  If you click here, you’ll magically be transported to Donna’s blog.


Art, Heart and Healing by Tamara LaPorteI originally started this class because I wanted to learn this beautiful style of portrait collage but am really enjoying the healing part as well.  I will be continuing this class to learn more of Tam’s healing and art techniques.  She is a beautiful soul and has such a cutie patootie family!

My mother came over the other day and asked me to download the class materials for her as well so I guess this is a workshop for all ages!!! lthough she offered this as a free e-course that started several months ago, the classroom will remain open indefinitely.  What a gal!  If your interested in this class, click here.


Of all the above creative pursuits, I will/have only paid for one, yes ONE!  It just goes to prove that you don’t need to spend a lot of money in your creative pursuits!!!


And now for the things on the horizon.


One World One Heart 2011.  I will be participating in the One World One Heart event this year.  When I first started blogging I stumbled across this even and have met MANY of my blog friends through One World One Heart.  Plus, I won a few goodies!!! 

From the event organizer:  “One World One Heart is a worldwide event for bloggers only. It gives all those who blog a chance to meet and mingle and form connections with those they may not have otherwise met from all over the world.  In the past 4 years this event has grown to over 1,000 participants with lasting friendships (and even one love connection) formed along the way.  Think of it as a GIGANTIC open house allowing you to travel without ever leaving your home........going from blog to blog (in various countries) seeing the wonder each one has created and meeting all the fabulous people behind those blogs. As a bonus each blogger participant will offer up a "door prize or prizes"....just for dropping by, saying hello and seeing their world.  It's really that easy.”

Added bonus:  If you sell handmade goodies or supplies online, this is a great way to get traffic to your blog and, likewise, to your store.


Suzi Blu Workshops.  I am in love with Suzi Blu.  Her beautifully whimsical style of art is what I aspire to!!!  One of Suzi’s classes is definitely on my to do list for this year and I WILL be signing up for one of her self paced workshops as soon as I finish Soul Restoration.


441848Collage Basics and/or the Vintage Glue Book.  I fancy myself as a collage/altered art artist and look forward to learning more about the art of collage.  Almost every collage I make starts with vintage book print.

I have admired and wanted to make an altered book ever since I saw the first one a long time ago.  I’m looking forward to learning more about these types of art.


Mixed Media Mayhem.  I love this class for all the new techniques that I will be able to learn.  A few of my Brave Girl sisters are or will be taking this course.


So that’s my 2011 in a nutshell.  What’s on the horizon for you?

Happy 2011 to all my blogging buddies!!!



Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Reflecting on 2010

Warning—this is a long post regarding the personal aspects of my life.  I really wrote it here for me and for posterity so please don’t feel that you HAVE to read this.  Also, as promised I will be having a giveaway for my blogoversary but just haven’t had time to get things together.  I placed an order yesterday and plan to post a picture and start the giveaway as soon as I receive that order in the mail!

I have had this post saved for the last few hours wondering if I really wanted to share it but I’m going to.  I started this blog to talk about my life and through this blog, I found my love of sharing my creative pursuits.  I don’t share personal stuff very often and, as I said above, if you don’t want to read it, you don’t have to!!! *giggle*

I don’t usually reflect back on or even forward at the New Year but I think 2010 has been an exceptional year for me as far as learning more about me, Christine, and the person I want to become.

Brave Girl Camp was a big part of that, but even before that, with events at the beginning of the year, I started looking more about who I want to be in my life.  However, I’m going to leave the events at the beginning of the year unsaid here in this post.  Those of you who have been reading my blog for awhile will know and if you would like, you can look at some of my posts starting at the end of January.

Of course, one of the highlights of my year was Brave Girl Camp.  It quite simply, changed my life.  Plus I was so blessed to go with my sister, Rose.  We each needed it in so many different ways.  I have tried so hard to keep the things that I learned at BGC in my life—continuing to learn from the things shared their and with making my Brave Girl Art.

I will continue to grow more in the Brave Girl aspect of my life with the coming year.  One of the ways that I will be accomplishing this is to take the Brave Girl Soul Restoration course starting 1-11-11.  I received my packet in the mail yesterday and can’t wait for the class to start.  As the year progresses, I will be taking (and finishing) other courses to grow my soul and my artistic pursuits.

A few months ago, one of my Brave Girl sisters posted on Facebook that she was going to “live with peace in her heart.”  I have used this as a kind of life motto since and it really does make a difference in how I live each day.  It was difficult some days like when the property managers drove a backhoe through my very rain and snow soaked lawn including over top of my sprinkler heads (we’ll see how that works out in the spring).  I kind of forgot to repeat my motto until the next day and when I put it into prospective, at least I wasn’t the one with a big hole in my yard!!!  (It’s still there so I think they have a lot bigger complaint than I.)

Anyway, my motto of “living with peace in my heart” has been the biggest change I have made in my life since BGC.  If I’m stuck in traffic and getting frustrated, I say to myself “I choose to live with peace in my heart,” and I feel so much better.  If my neighbor starts his very loud, low rumbling classic muscle car and allows it to run for several minutes just a few feet and a wall from my ears, “peace in my heart.”  When I’m trying to untangle a pile of wire hangers (one of the single most frustrating things on earth), “peace in my heart.”  You get the idea.  It works for almost any situation. 

If you live with peace in your heart, there just isn’t any room for the bad things.  Thanks so much Jeri Lynn for suggesting this.

On the health-front, it’s been a great year for my heart and transplant news.  I continue to pass all my medical test and doctor visits with flying colors!!!  Yay!

The last few months I have been suffering from a past illness that has reared it’s ugly head again.  It’s more annoying than anything but at times, I’m just plain sick and treat myself accordingly.  I haven’t really done much for this yet.  I went to the doc but everything they suggested is just icky and I didn’t want to do it so I was trying to control it with diet.  That just hasn’t been helping much so I started on the medication (has a lot of bad side affects) on Sunday and will take the other med and run the test that the doc wants.  Hopefully, I will start feeling better soon but if not, I’m sure the doc has some other things up his sleeve.

I have had a lot of issues with pain this year.  Sometimes the migraine headaches would last for days at a time.  I’m not complaining here, just reflecting.  The doctor tried a couple of new things on me this year, one being a procedure that didn’t work and the other, a new med that did work.  To make a long story short, my Medicare prescription insurance has run out for the year so I won’t be able to get the VERY expensive prescription filled until January 1.  That’s pretty soon now!

The last several weeks, the body aches have been almost constant.  I will be calling the doctor to see if I can get some relief without taking the narcotics.  However, starting yesterday, I have been just pushing through that pain and doing the things that need to be done.  If I don’t have to leave the house, I take the drugs but really hate relying on those.  Hopefully the doctor will have some alternatives for me.

The neuropathy continues but that will remain constant because of the immunosuppressant medications that I must take.  However, the only real issue I have with that is itching in my legs.  It gets much worse when I go to bed.  When it get’s unbearable, I have a way of treating it with very hot water which I had to do last night but now they feel fine.

I’m also feeling some weakness in my legs when I’ve been working around the house for awhile.  I’m hoping that is because I don’t perform that type of activity much and plan to restart my daily walks—hopefully the weather will cooperate.  The next few days are going to be rainy/snowy and then cold so I won’t be starting that up until I can get outside more.  Hopefully, January 1.

I continue to move things around my studio.  I just can’t come up with a system that is working for me but I keep trying.  I’ve got a couple of other ideas in the works and hope to have “a place for everything and everything in it’s place” soon!  Then comes the decorating aspect!!!  Since I spend 90% of my waking hours in here, I can’t wait!

As most of you know, I’m a blog writer for the Charity Wings/Scrapbook Royalty organization.  I have really enjoyed giving back in this manner and plan to find other ways to give of my time in the new year. 

I sent an email off to an organ donor organization in hopes to start something up here in my community but haven’t heard back.  I plan to go further up the organization’s ladder until I can find someone to listen to me to see if I can get that started.  It is a really important cause to me.

So how does that sound for New Year plans?  It’s not resolutions, those just don’t work.  Really, I’m just going to continue trying to live the best life I can each day and then begin each new day with a fresh start.  That’s one of the best things, everyday is a fresh start!



My Mind’s Journal

I have big plans for my new year, how ‘bout you?   And my new journal is a big start to that!

10-12-28 journal

For my Paper Maniac Inspirations blog project this week, I used paper from the Meadowlark collection from My Minds Eye.  I used the actual packaging for the stripes at the bottom of the page.  I also used some of the items on the accessory sheet to embellish and I added a journaling card that says yesterday, today, tomorrow.  Seems appropriate for a journal cover.  I wanted to keep things fairly flat since I’ll be carrying this around a lot.  On that note, I adhered everything with Mod Podge and added a coat of Podge over the top to make it sturdy to carry around.

The wooden letters are from a package I got at Wal-Mart that I painted pink and then stained with watercolor paints.  I added a vintage button to each side and wrapped with some elastic so I can toss it in my purse so it’s ready for any thought or note I’d like to jot down when I’m out and about!

My Mind’s Eye -12x12 Paper Kit - Dusk

I thought I’d show a picture so you could see how I used the packaging.  How’s that for being green!!!  A lot of collections have these example sheets so don’t throw that away.  Think of it as a little bonus!  Perfect for cards!!!

Storage Hint:  When I buy a collection of 12x12 papers, as soon as I take them out of the packaging, I put them into extra large 2 gallon zipper top bags.  They are the perfect size for 12x12 papers.  In my area, they are difficult to find but just keep on the lookout.  The packages that I get aren’t the name brand but Presto brand.  The only store I find them at here is Bi-Mart in a small town about 30 miles from here.  My sister and I take a day trip because the town has some great thrift and antique stores as well!!!

See you next year!!!



Saturday, December 25, 2010

Let There Be Peace on Earth

One more wish for you this Christmas!

Merry Christmas


I promised to have details of my give away today but I just haven’t had time.  Maybe more later today but for sure, tomorrow!

I hope you’re having a very Merry Christmas!!!



Wednesday, December 22, 2010

McMahon Five New Design Team and Awareness Image

We would like to start off by thanking everyone that applied for our Design Team.  THANK YOU!    It was fun seeing all the beautiful cards submitted and the lovely smiling faces too!  Please help us in welcoming the New Members of the M5D Design Team!

New DT Members

Lorie Ames

Raven Baca

Shelly Schmidt

Amy Johnson

January Guest Designer

Ruby Taylor

We will have a more official Meet-n-Greet on January 1st.   Mark your calendars!  :)

This digi was created as a FREEBIE GIFT to remind all women to check themselves each month for breast health.  Please accept this digi and grab the code for your own blog to help spread awareness this month!

<a href="" target="”_blank”"><img border="”0”" src="" /></a>

Copy and paste the link above to display the blinkie on your blog. 

It's that time again when we remind you about your monthly self exam!  And when you have completed it, you can download the image below for FREE!


Something NEW that we are going to do per a request we received, is to let you know even though WE focus on Breast Cancer Awareness, the ribbon represents so many other cancers and diseases.  Each month we will list that month's Awareness and their Colors.

Below are the Awareness and Colors for January

The design team is taking the week off so we have more time to celebrate with our families.  I had hoped to get a card made this week  but just didn’t get the time!

From everyone on the M5D Design Team, Merry Christmas!



Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Tim Tag 8

I guess I did get tired of tags because I had tags done that I didn’t get posted.  Or maybe I just wasn’t in a talkative mood here on the blogo!!!  Well, I’m back now with tag 8.

tag 8I didn’t have hardly any of the supplies for this tag.  I didn’t have the masks that Tim used so I cut a sleigh and reindeer with my Joys of the Season Cricut cartridge.  I also didn’t have Tim’s house edge die so I cut the houses out with the Winter Wonderland cartridge.  I’m going to be getting that house die.  I love that one!!!

I used an old watch part instead of Tim’s Idea-ology clock faces however, I’m going to go get Tim’s clock faces and replace this one.  I just don’t like that look.  Tim used a label maker for the sentiment but, once again, I don’t have one of those so I just generated it with the computer.  I used Vintaj corners instead of Tim’s as well.  It’s kind of fun to dig around the stash to find the things I needed!!!

In case your wondering what the back of my tags look like, I used the same background on the back as on the front.  Normally (but not with this one) I created a background on each side and then used the side I liked best as the front.  I do that with most tags I create.

Now, if you stuck with me for this long, I have some news for you.  My blogoversary is in just 19 days and I think I have a fun way of celebrating.  Come back on Christmas Day to find out what you will need to do to have a chance of winning the goodies!!!

Have a good Wednesday before Christmas, okay?



Tim Tags Re-Do with Paper Maniac

I know, I’ve been a bad blogger lately, but with the new year, I promise to start blogging more!!!

Today I’m sharing my creation for Paper Maniac Inspirations. I made a tag inspired by Tim Holtz 12 Tags of Christmas.  This year I played along with all of Tim’s tags although I haven’t quite finished the last three.  For my project, I decided to use my favorite techniques and stamps inspired by Tim and create one more tag.

10-12-21 tim inspired tag

I used some of my favorite Tim Holtz products from the store.  Of course, I used Tim Holtz stamps and Distress Inks, plus Idea-ology embossed with Distress Embossing Powder and of course, tissue tape for the ruffle on the bottom.  I love everything Tim Holtz and Patti carries so many of his items in the store!

I hope you are having a wonderful Christmas week with your family and friends!



Saturday, December 18, 2010

O (Pink) Christmas Tree

I don’t make the time to participate in Pink Saturday very often and that’s my bad because I really do enjoy it!

We are posting a theme for our Pink Saturday posts this month and everything worked out perfectly for me since I finished (what I think is) my fabulous pink adorned feather tree!!!  The them this week is Christmas Carols and I chose “O Christmas Tree” since I sjst finished my tree on Friday night in time to take the photos and use it on Pink Saturday!

I bought this beautiful pre-lit feather tree at an after Christmas clearance sale a few years ago and have yet to use it.  Since I didn’t want to do a lot of decorating this year, it was the perfect opportunity to take it out and use it on top of a dresser in my studio.


My tree in all it’s glory!  Don’t worry about the paneling in the background—it’ll be painted over shortly after the first of the year!!!


And my tree in the darkness.

Now I’ll show you some of my handmade ornaments.

100_8618 100_8620

I made tussie mussies out of sheet music paper downloaded from the Graphics Fairy.  I colored the paper with a thin pink craft paint and then with Mod Podge to make them pliable and easier to form into the cones.

I embellished them with lace, buttons and silver pipe cleaners.  I think the silver pipe cleaners look quite a lot like vintage tinsel garland.

100_8623 100_8625

I also applied Mod Podge to some miscellaneous vintage Christmas graphics to place inside the tussie mussies along with some white feathers.

100_8634 100_8627

I Mod Podged some of the same vintage music paper and pink craft paint onto Styrofoam balls and then applied another layer of Mod Podge and some sugary glitter.  I filled some clear ornaments with silver glitter!


To decorate under the tree, I placed some mini lights on the dresser top and covered with a snow like blanket.


I painted some houses and a church in the light pink paint and applied some of the same sugary glitter using Mod Podge.


To finish it off, I added some of my vintage mercury glass ornaments in silver and pink to the tree and on the snow.

I hope you enjoyed my Pink Saturday carol! 



I’m also linking this to Cindy’s My Romantic Home Show and Tell Friday!

Friday, December 17, 2010


Before I get to my creation this year, I just wanted to mention that our newest illustrator, Fairydoodler in addition to this weeks image, she is offering not one, but two FREEBIES!!!!

Love the clown image—perfect for the artistic type on your list and we always need images that are good for teen boys.  So got get yours now!!!

Fairydoodler Freebie Set

Snow Angel


The card I made for you today is of Solocosmo’s Sabrina image.  I love these sweet little ladies that Jessica draws.





Santa Boy

Be sure to check out the samples by the rest of the Design Team!

Bonnie, Carolyn, Christine, Kristine, Michelle, Sue



Medium-Copics; Image-McMahon Five Designs Solocosmo; Paper-DCWV; Cuttlebug-Nestabillities; Other from stash-pearls.

City Crafter--kraft