Friday, January 14, 2011

How do you center your banner on your blog?

Ok anyone who knows how to center the blog banner I really need help! I switched to the new template and now I can't fix it. I tried to reverse it back to the old template and now I can't even do that. So if anyone knows how to fix it please email me or something.

Thursday, January 6, 2011


Things that happened in 2010...

January- Celebrated the new year, started a new semester of school, me at SLCC and Chad at the U
February- Celebrated valentines
March- Celebrated 2 years of marriage in Heber, UT, went to Moab with Platinum Protection
April- Enjoyed the spring weather
May- Finished classes and headed off to Houston, TX for 3 months for Chads work
June- Enjoyed Texas living and met a lot of great people, came back to UT for a Ali's Wedding
July- Celebrated the 4th of July with some great people from our office in Texas, Chads Sweet grandmother passed away
August-We came home from Texas and started school, Chad at the U, and me at SLCC
September- Celebrated Chewy's birthday
October- Celebrated my birthday, Chad ran the St. George Marathon, my dear, wonderful grandfather passed away
November- Celebrated Chads birthday
December- Chad and I finished school, and I received my associates at SLCC, Celebrated Christmas, went to Carlsbad, Ca, and rang in the new year with Chads family by playing games.

This year has already started with so many things happening, I am starting up at the U this semester and I am so excited and nervous. Life has been crazy trying to get ready for school for me. Besides schooling, Chads last remaining grandparent had been struggling and pasted away yesterday. He was such an amazing man and has left such a wonderful legacy on this earth. It has been a very crazy year for Chad and myself. We have had losses on both sides, struggles that have tested us, and pure joy that has lifted our hearts. We are so grateful for the gospel in our lives. We are so in love and love that we get to be with each other for eternity. We love our families so much and would be lost without them. We are so grateful for wonderful friends who still want to hang out with us even though we are kind of weird. We are so grateful for everything and we hope to continue to grow, learn, and love.