Sunday, September 29, 2013

Future Parents!

So I feel terrible that I haven't posted in more than a year! So much has Happened! Looking at our picture, you can tell... We Are Having A Baby!!! So exciting!!! We are due March 9th, 2014. We either find out in a week and a half or in three weeks of what we are having. We are super excited to have the opportunity to be parents. Hopefully after being married for over five years (once the baby is born) we will be awesome parents that know how to raise our family. Besides having that great announcement, we are doing very well. Chad has a new job and is loving it. I'm still at Deseret Book and enjoying the church feel and reading as many books as I can. Well life is busy and there is lots to do. Pictures will hopefully be coming soon with the announcement of if we are having a boy or a girl!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Life Is Great!

I know, i'm so behind, I will now do a recap of the last couple of months :). Chad and I came home from the summer in Amarillo/Fort Worth, and caught up on some much needed relaxation and family time. We celebrate Chewy's 2nd birthday, my 24th and Chads 27th birthday! We had a Fabulous Thanksgiving with Chads family and a wonderful Christmas with both our families. Before Christmas Chad got a new job at Wise Company, which sells food storage. This means we aren't leaving this summer!!! I'm so excited to have a Utah summer, but I will miss seeing new places and making new friends. I also got a job at Deseret Book and am loving it there. Chad is working hard and taking a break from school this semester, but will pick it up in the summer for his last semester. Chad and I will both be walking in May!!! Then we have summer semester and then we are done with school!!! That is pretty much what we are doing now-a-days. Also my brother got married this December and we are so excited for him and his new wife!!! We have been so truly blessed these past few months! We have received so much love from our families and friends. The Lord truly blesses you when you pray and ask him to take your burdens. And for anyone who has any doubts about paying tithing, if you pay a full tithe and have faith, the Lord will pour his blessings upon you, through either family, friends or complete strangers. We are so grateful for what we have and are so grateful for our saviors love for us.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

We're Home!

We are home!!! Yes we have been home for a couple of weeks now, but we have been so busy that I haven't had time to blog. We came home From Texas to surprise both our families! It was so great! We were able to see our oldest Nephew get Baptized. It was so great to see all there shocked faces! We also got to meet our new nephew and see him get blessed this last Sunday. We also were able to go camping with Chad's family and go to Yellowstone with my family. One day in Yellowstone we floated a river and were able to see 5 MOOSE up close! That was so great! We also have been enjoying as much of the Utah scenery as we can get! We love Utah so much, I don't know why we ever leave this beautiful state. Also big news, Chad and I will both be graduating this coming May! Well, Chad will be graduating and I will be walking with him then graduating after the summer semester. We are loving life and just trying to catch up on all we've missed, and that is what we have been up too.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Busy, Busy, Busy

Life has been crazy these last two weeks! We went to Palo Duro state park in Amarillo,
moved to Colorado springs (which took 6 hours), drove to denver for some amazing pasta at Pasta Jay's, and have been living in a hotel room ever since. Even with all this craziness, Chad and I are having fun seeing all these new places and making new friends. Besides all that, we have had a blast! We have seen X men First class, Pirates of the Caribbean 4, and today I went and saw Water for Elephants. I have to say all of these movies were great! I forgot how much I miss going to see movies. Even with all that we have done, we haven't come close to what we still want to do in colorado.