We are starting the 2nd Chapter of Philippians!!
As a reminder, here is the Book of Philippians outline presented in the 3rd post ~
titled "Let's Get Started!"
I. Rejoicing in Christ as the Principle of Life (Chapter 1:1-11)
II. Rejoicing in Christ as the Pattern of Life (Chapter 2:1-30)
III. Rejoicing in Christ as the Prize of Life (Chapter 3:1-21)
IV. Rejoicing in Christ as the Power of Life (Chapter 4:1-23 )
Soooo..we are starting on "Rejoicing in Christ as the Pattern of Life".
The main topic this week will be tadummmm....."Humility".
But before we talk about humility, let's start with Chapter 2:
Verses 1-2:
"If you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from His love, if any fellowship with the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose." (New International Version, some capitalizations are mine.)
- If you have encouragement from Christ
- If you have any comfort from His love
- If you have any fellowship with the Holy Spirit
- (Do you allow the Holy Spirit to comfort and guide you?)
- If you have any, (not all, I think) of these graces present in your life,
and tender mercies.
Don't you just love the sound of those two words ~
"tender mercies"? Beeeeeeautiful!
Unity will prevail, differences will be dissolved, bickering will cease
and estrangements will be completely healed. Easier said than done ~ right?
Paul said that his joy would be complete ~ filled up to the full ~
full and running over when he would see this unity of heart, soul and mind!
We parents know how we feel when our children,
from the babes to the adult ones,
get along and show love to each other.
This is what Paul was saying; when he sees this...
his heart is full of joy...
full and running over.
Now this UNITY would require some humility on our part.
Verses 3-4:
"Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others."
If we would do this, would we have unity or at least more unity?
What do you think?
But you say..."That is not possible all the time, 24/7."
It can be a process...what can our model be?
Verses 5-7
"Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus: Who being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made Himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness."
Some humility is good.
Some humility is bad.
Some pride is good.
Some pride is bad.
This week, we are going to spotlight

This bad humility is:
**when we think too little of ourselves,
**when we are afraid to be human...
**when we are harder on ourselves and one another than God is...
**when we refuse to accept that God has lavished the grace of Christ upon us...
**when we fail to accept our calling...
**when we refuse to celebrate our unique gifts and abilities.
The root word for “humility” and “humble” is humus,
meaning “rich earth,” or dirt—

the material out of which humans are made in Genesis.
But that doesn’t mean we have to grovel.
Indeed, when the Spirit breathes life into humanity we are,
to use one theologian’s phrase, “inspired mud pies,”
God-breathed, and created in God’s image—
and that’s something we can be proud of!!
Please allow me to "preach" to me and you for a few lines...
Our example is Jesus, as stated in verses 5-7.
Do you think Jesus...
**Thought too little of Himself?
**Was afraid to be human?
**Put Himself down over and over in His thought life?
**Refused to accept that the love of the Father was lavished on Him?
**Failed to accept His calling?
**Refused to celebrate His unique gifts and abilities?
Ouch...Double Ouch!!
Quotes on humility from the article I used for a resource.
(I also used portions of the article for some of this blog.)
"Humility is thinking of ourselves less, not thinking less of ourselves."
"I know people who have a low self esteem and are very proud and others with a high self esteem and very humble. Humility is acknowledging God as your everything while appreciating the gifts, talents and uniqueness he has given you."
"True humility would EMBRACE

the gifts that Christ bestowed through His grace, recognizing the origin of and purpose behind those gifts - to glorify God and help to raise up a generation behind us that would do the same." (Amen!)
"A good friend once told me, 'Humility is the courage to be who you really are...'"

"Ah! Yes! A struggle not unknown to me...daily evidence is my constant apologizing for things...such as the quality of the meal I have provided for my family. So the trick is to love ourselves and lift our heads...yet not become arrogant or hold others in contempt..after all, if HE loves us..."
Yep, that is where I am coming from ~ that last quote.
I don't think I hold others in contempt...
I hope not.
So they do not do things the way I do them...
who says my way is the right way?
For sure I do not do things the right way....
I would love to hear your thoughts about the "wrong side of humility".
God bless your week,
Debbie G.
After Bible Study Chit-Chat...
Here is a video link to a favorite easy dessert ~ Jello Cake or a.k.a Poke Cake!
Please click on the words "Jello Cake..." and it will appear!!
Hi Debbie,
ReplyDeleteYou are doing a great job with this blog bible study, and I enjoy reading and studying it. Keep up the good work.
Tell Bob he does a wonderful job finding the pictures that go along with the study.
I cracked up when I saw the dog waving hello,
Have a great Lord's day.
Love you,
ReplyDeleteI know....the first time I saw that dog picture, I laughed out loud, several times...so I knew it was a winner!!
Thanks for enjoying it with me!
Thanks for the affirmation! But I give God all the glory and honor.
Debbie G.
Hi Debbie and all!
ReplyDeleteI am here, checking in. One of the things I'm trying to do to help with "the teenager" is to get up early and make his lunch for school. EVERYTHING in me wants to stay in bed, and since he's not very nice to me (read - doesn't talk much to me in the morning -- he's not a morning person either) I want to say "He's 16, let him make his own lunch, and he's on his own." But I'm working on our relationship, and even though he doesn't talk, I know he likes me getting up with him (who wouldn't? who wants to get up by themselves?) So here I am, 7 a.m. By the way, I'm finding much more time in my day if I go ahead and do quiet time and empty dishwasher, and get ready for the day than if I stay in bed until the others get up! Who would have thought? ;-)
I like the dog waving too. We are dog people also!
Hi Teresa! Thanks for commenting!
ReplyDeleteW.O.W. I am working on Friday's post which goes right along with your comment about servanthood. I listened to an Elizabeth Elliott message on servanthood online ~ zowee! It will be the basis for my next post!!
My husband, Bob, said that it sounds as though your son's love language could be acts of service or quality time.
Keep up the good work! God is rewarding you already here on earth!!
Debbie G.
Love languages! I haven't thought about that. I believe you and Bob are right. That is my son's love language. I need to keep reminding myself. Boy, was he a little ugly with me this morning. But I still made his oats and packed his lunch. And my goal is to do it again tomorrow, with a smile on my face! ;-)
Praise God!!
ReplyDeleteKeep on keeping on!!
Debbie G.