Monday, March 23, 2009

D.A.R.E. Graduation

Dawson had his D.A.R.E. (Drug Abuse Resistance Education)Graduation today. He was one of two picked out of his class to read an essay he wrote about the program. Dawson did a great job speaking in front of the other fifth graders, forth graders, and parents. Way to go Dawson!!


We attended a Mission Presidents Fireside for our ward. It was such a great meeting. The mission president and his wife spoke about Joseph Smith and the Restoration of the Gospel. A missionary then gave a 22 minute testimony through music that he had composed of his feelings about the restoration. He combined some of our familiar hymns, but also some of his original pieces. You could feel what was happening during those early days of the saints. Elder Warr has a wonderful talent that he loves sharing with the people around him.

Family Home Evening

Every Monday night when I ask the boys what they want for the "FHE" treat they answer raw cookie dough. So last week I was either a cool mom, or a bad mom depending on how you look at it, and made them raw cookie dough. The 4D's thought it was great, but Dawson did say he tummy felt a little weird after. I guess every once in awhile they have to try things out to know that we do know what we are talking about.