Monday, October 22, 2007

The Wright's

Hi Everyone!! Things are going well here in the Wright home. Carl and I just had our three year anniversary. We went to Mexico with Phil and Jenny for five days! It was a lot of fun, but McKay did not remember us when we got back. It made me so sad!! It took an hour or two for him to warm up to us. It was awful!!

We are getting excited for Halloween! McKay is going to be a dog.... (I will post some pictures of him after the holiday). It is funny, because he really likes his costume, and right now he kind of acts like a puppy!! We will be eating, and he will crawl over to us, and beg for food! He is the best little boy! Well... I will be better at updating the blog!! Miss you all!


Anonymous said...

Yeah Danielle! I am so excited that you are updating your blog. I love the bubble bath pictures! McKay is so dang cute!I can't wait to see more pictures of your trip.

The Bucks said...

Holy crap Carl how the heck are you??? Your little family is sooo cute!! It was fun to see pictures. How is Phil?? It sounds like yall are doing so well.

Sarah said...

McKay is adorable, we still have not seen him. We will all have to get together next we are down there.