Thursday, December 13, 2007

Merry Christmas!!!

I just love this picture of McKay! I bought this hat for him at Children's place, and when I put it on him he started laughing so hard!! He thinks he is pretty hot stuff when he has it on!

Las Vegas

This year we got to go to Las Vegas to the National Finals Rodeo! We went with Kieth and Hariella and my grandparents! We went to the Rodeo on Tuesday and Wednesday night. If any of you ever get a chance to go to the Rodeo you really should! It was a lot of fun, except for the fact that my grandpa and I were sick with the flu all day on Wednesday!! The Bellagio is decorated so nice... we had to get a few pictures there! My mom stayed at my house and watched McKay so that we could go... Thanks mom!!

McKay & Kailee

This weekend my sister Kara, two of her kids Chase and Kailee, my other sister Hayley and my mom all came down to visit for the weekend! McKay LOVED it!! He is getting old enough now to actually play with his cousins! As you can see McKay and Kailee were all over the place, they even found their way into the entertainment center! He didn't quite know how to handle it when they left, but I guess he will have a little brother or sister to play with soon enough!

Friday, November 23, 2007

Family Pictures

We got our family pictures taken a week or so ago, and I thought I would post a couple of them!! McKay kept kicking his shoes off, and it was hard to keep him from eating the leaves he was sitting in! But I think the pictures turned out really cute! McKay does not like having shoes on, and he puts EVERYTHING he can grab into his mouth! He has developed quite the little personality.... he is so determined and he loves attention!

Monday, November 19, 2007

Fishing with Dad

I decided that it has been way too long since I last posted, but really we just haven't done anything to exciting to write about..... until now!!! On Saturday afternoon we decided to go up to Kolob (a place just outside of Cedar City, for those who don't know) to do a little fishing. Well, Carl fished...McKay and I froze, but I was able to get a couple pictures of McKay's first fishing trip! Carl is the best dad. I really don't know how I got so blessed to be married to such a wonderful person. McKay adores him!! and Carl loves every second of it!

Thursday, November 1, 2007


I can't believe that Halloween has come and gone!! Time goes by way to fast! Sunni and I decided to take the kids to this place that had a ton of pumpkins so that we could get their Halloween pictures!! I tried to paint McKay's nose, but he pretty much refused, so I just put his costume on him! He looked cute anyway!! We hope everyone had a Happy Halloween!

This is Luke (Nick & Sunni's little boy) and McKay posing for us! Luke looked SOOO cute.... He was an Oompa Loompa!

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Las Vegas Weekend!

Happy Halloween!!! (I will post some pictures of McKay when I get him in his costume)

Well, this weekend all of the girls in my family came down to St. George! My grandma's, my mom, my sisters, my cousins and my aunt made a trip down here and we went to Thriller at Tuachan on Friday night, and then made our way to Las Vegas to Phantom of the Opera! We did the same thing last year, but instead of Thriller, we went to Celine Dion! It is becoming quite the tradition! We had so much fun!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Check out my Slide Show!

Monday, October 22, 2007

The Wright's

Hi Everyone!! Things are going well here in the Wright home. Carl and I just had our three year anniversary. We went to Mexico with Phil and Jenny for five days! It was a lot of fun, but McKay did not remember us when we got back. It made me so sad!! It took an hour or two for him to warm up to us. It was awful!!

We are getting excited for Halloween! McKay is going to be a dog.... (I will post some pictures of him after the holiday). It is funny, because he really likes his costume, and right now he kind of acts like a puppy!! We will be eating, and he will crawl over to us, and beg for food! He is the best little boy! Well... I will be better at updating the blog!! Miss you all!