Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Winnie the Pooh

"When we take the time to enjoy our surroundings and appreciate being alive, we find that we have no time to be Bisy Backsons anymore."

I'm reading this great book called to Tao of Pooh. It talks about the different personalities of the characters in Winnie The Pooh. Its really... enlightening. I love it. I have realized I don't take a lot of time (if any) to enjoy life.

For instance, I ride the bus to work every day... well almost every day... my bus drops me off about half a block from my work. I have never taken the time to enjoy the walk.

Anyway I am just realizing I need to enjoy and appreciate the life and experiences that I have.

The book also talks about this guy who was born in 1677 and lived until 1933... yeah really old. He died at 256 years old. Up until he died he would have a serious of 28 three hour talks on longevity at Chinese University... holy cow... his secret was to enjoy life. He said to "sit like a turtle, walk like a pigeon and sleep like a dog." That was the secret to strong health... I guess I need to see how pigeons walk? huh! ha ha just kidding

Anyway its a really good book so for those of you who haven't read it I think its worth reading! :)


Michael said...

I've heard of that book, I think I'll have to check it out.

Do you think that really old guy was that old, or do you think he just fudged on his age like the female Chinese gymnists? Somehow 80 turned into 250...

Just kidding. Enjoy that walk to work, and maybe while you're walking, you might see some pigeons.

Jeta said...

I remember that book! I read it back in 1997 when I lived with Mom and Dad. I haven't seen the book since, have you seen it at Moms? anyway- great book! I think I need to read it again because all I remember about it is the title. And the fact that I liked it.


Ha ha ah ha Michael is right I think he fudged his age, I don't think he really was that old. (smile)

Love ya