Showing posts with label dehydrating tomatoes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dehydrating tomatoes. Show all posts

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Projects, Projects and More

So with our 2,200 mile road trip a couple weeks ago and the first day of kindergarten this week, I have felt like I am running a race.  And I keep trying to get to the computer to write a few blog posts but have just been so busy and, frankly, tired. 
Can you guess where we went?

So when I finally got seated in front of the keyboard, my mind went blank.  Frustrated, I got up and took a walk around the house while I searched for my muse.  Apparently she was in the kitchen. 

It was when I walked into the kitchen I notice why I felt so busy.  There are projects everywhere.  So I thought I would show you a few of the things I have been up to.  Hopefully I will be able to reduce each of them down into a blog post with instructions soon.

Humming Bird Nectar
Nectar for the feeder along with a very attractive wasp trap (see below).  But given that my humming bird friend is drinking from the feeder immediately below the wasp trap shows that she doesn't care and that the trap is doing its job.  The wasps try to chase the humming birds away.  Up here in the northland we have Ruby Throated Humming Birds.  In the photo above and below is a little girl hatched this year.

One of my little friends.  I cannot believe my terrible camera got the picture.  I think she was posing for me.  She hung out with me for a few minutes talking to me.  Also in the picture are two wasp traps (see below) and my kitchen window (close up of the screen is also below).

Wasp Traps
Wasp Trap from a water bottle.  Pleasant photo I know.
Why we need wasp traps (there are usually dozens and dozens of these guys around).  Yes that is a white/bald faced hornet eating grape jelly along with a yellow jacket.

Why I have grape jelly on a plate on my patio.  That is a Baltimore Oriole (and a really great close up of my kitchen window screen).

Two wasp traps hanging from my Oriole feeder.  Those two bowls are full of grape jelly.
Crock (fermented) Pickles and by pickles I mean vegetables including cucumbers, onions, carrots and peppers.

Pancake and Sausage (or chocolate chip) Muffins

Cucumber and Tomato Salad
(recipe and photos coming)

Seed Saving Peppers, Tomatoes and Cucumbers
Yellow and purple peppers ready to go.
Dehydrating Tomatoes
Several pounds of tomatoes dehydrated and ready to store in the frig.
 Harvesting Corn
Ready to Pick
Corn Smut - in some places n the world this is considered a delicacy.  Not at my house, but some other places.
Browsing Pinterest - ok so you probably don't need a photo or instructions for this one.

Now I don't feel so bad about the shortage of posts.  I have been busy.  Have a great day!

Don't forget to follow me on Facebook and Pinterest.
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