Showing posts with label cati solidworks 2011. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cati solidworks 2011. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

'Tis the Season to Upgrade your SNL to 2011!

'Tis the Season to Upgrade Your SNL to 2011!

Around this time every year kid’s eyes and minds fill with thoughts of great presents and visiting relatives, while their engineering parents eagerly await the new SolidWorks version to be installed at the office. All while, IT managers are as busy as elves trying to get the roll out ready for the new year. But wait a snag!

Some people have noticed that the uninstall of 2010 and install of 2011 hasn't been so smooth. This is done typically by uninstalling the old server and installing the new server. With activation this can be done with or without a transfer license. However the removal of the old server without a transfer is sometimes causing an issue on the activation web server. The user may end up with an error that the new server is not able to activate. So, if you choose to uninstall the SNL server you should transfer the license first (from the SNL manager click modify, when you get to the activation list choose transfer license).

But wait, there’s more! For 2011 there is another option! The preferred method is the newly available, for the first time ever; SolidWorks has now developed an upgrade option for SNL managers. You no longer need to uninstall the server and it works smoother with the activation web server than the other methods.