Showing posts with label Catholic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Catholic. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Catholic Mom's Cafe series airing throughout this week!

I’m happy to report that my Catholic Mom’s Cafe television series will re-air on EWTN television this month! Watch a promo here.
Here’s one woman’s comment from face book: “Absolutely enjoyed the show tonight. Please keep this show and more coming! Programming like this is exactly what Mom’s of today need!”
Set your DVR’s! Here are the dates and times (ALL EASTERN TIMES):
3:00 AM
6:30 PM
“The Skinny on Catholic Fashion”
Lisa Mladinich is my guest.
3:00 AM
6:30 PM
“Kids and the Culture”
Marge Fenelon is my guest.
3:00 AM
6:30 PM
“Going it Alone” (single Moms and Moms who feel single)
Woodeene Koenig-Bricker is my guest.
3:00 AM 6:30 PM
“Upholding Dignity Through Contradiction”
Lisa Hendey is my guest.
3:00 AM
6:30 PM
“Dealing with Loss through Miscarriage”
Karen Edmisten is my guest.
Here is a visit on EWTN’s LIVE show with Fr. Mitch talking about the series as well as my book Catholic Mom’s Cafe. I hope you enjoy it!

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Tuesday's show: Kids and the Culture and CONTESTS!


Did you see yesterday's show: The Skinny of Catholic Fashion"? Did you like it? Tell me about in the comments below. Also, please tell EWTN by "liking," "sharing," and leaving a comment on their post on their Face book page:

You can also send EWTN an email to "viewer services" and type "Catholic Mom's Cafe" in the subject line since they receive a lot of emails. :) You can send your comment about the show to: EWTN will ultimately decide about continuing the Catholic Mom's Cafe series based on the favorable responses to the show. Thank you in advance for expressing your thoughts to them.

So, there's lots of buzz going on with the launch of my new TV series on EWTN Catholic Mom's Cafe. I am running contests all week during the launch week (after running them all month too). Here's a blog post from yesterday about the contests. Check it out to see the prizes, etc.

To be entered into the contests to win, chocolate, coffee, pampering, lots of books, a cool Williams Sonoma gift card, and more (which are shown in the link above), watch the shows this week. Here's a description of the shows and guests:

What's on the menu today? 

Today's guest is Marge Fenelon. The first show aired this morning at 3:00 AM ET and will air again at 6:30 PM ET tonight.

Today's show: Kids and the Culture

Here's what you need to do to be entered into the cool drawings this week:

1) Watch the shows so you can answer a question from me and be entered.

2) To be entered into the contests, please "like" my face book pages: Catholic Mom's Cafe:

3) To be entered into the  GRAND PRIZE contests, please write a review (can be very short if need be) for Amazon for any of my "Mom" books you have read or are reading, which are listed right below the next sentence. This also helps a great deal to let potential readers of the book to know what others have thought about them.

4) Create a short video of your children doing a good deed (yes, it can be staged to illustrate your point).

  • Catholic Mom's Cafe: 5-Minute Retreats for Every Day of the Year 
  • Embracing Motherhood 
  • The Domestic Church: Room By Room: A Mother's Study Guide 
  • Catholic Prayer Book for Mothers  
  • A Catholic Woman's Book of Prayers  
  • The Heart of Motherhood: Finding Holiness in the Catholic Home 
  • Prayerfully Expecting: A Nine Month Novena for Mothers to Be 
  • Rooted in Love: Our Calling as Catholic Women
  • Grace Cafe: Serving up Recipes for Faithful Mothering

  • After leaving a review today or sometime this week, or after "liking" my Facebook pages, or after answering the question about the show each day, LEAVE a comment on this blog post or any of the posts this week telling me what you have done. THEN, please email me ( the answer to the question, or the review, or telling me that you "liked" the pages.

    You may enter more than once all throughout this week!

    THE QUESTION ABOUT TODAY'S SHOW IS: What is one of the suggestions given on today's show "Kids and the Culture"?  PLEASE DO NOT answer in the comment section of this blog. Rather, leave a comment on this blog to tell me that you are emailing me with the answer. So, I'd like to hear from you in two places--this blog (telling me what you are doing to enter), and in an email ( please, to give me your answer or other. The subject line should be "Catholic Mom's Cafe contest." Then, you will be entered into these contests!

    TO BE ENTERED INTO THE CONTEST FOR THE GRAND PRIZE: Write a review for my books (described above) and/or create a short 3 to 5 minute video of your children doing a good deed. You can easily do it with your Smart phone. It doesn't need to look professional! :) Let me know in the comments on this blog that you have done so or will do so by week's end and then send the video to me by email: The subject line should be, "Catholic Mom's Cafe video contest."

    Please consider subscribing to my email newsletter(s) which is easily done through my website:

    Enjoy the shows...God bless you!


    Friday, October 31, 2014

    Next week on EWTN TV!

    Mon 11/03/2014 03:00 AM: The Skinny on Catholic Fashion
    Mon 11/03/2014 06:30 PM: The Skinny on Catholic Fashion
    Tue 11/04/2014 03:00 AM: Kids and the Culture
    Tue 11/04/2014 06:30 PM: Kids and the Culture
    Wed 11/05/2014 03:00 AM: Going it Alone (single motherhood and moms who "feel" single) 
    Wed 11/05/2014 06:30 PM: Going it Alone (single motherhood and moms who "feel" single)  
    Thu 11/06/2014 03:00 AM: Upholding Dignity through Contradictions
    Thu 11/06/2014 06:30 PM: Upholding Dignity through Contradictions
    Fri 11/07/2014 03:00 AM: Dealing with Loss through Miscarriage
    Fri 11/07/2014 06:30 PM: Dealing with Loss through Miscarriage

    Monday, September 29, 2014

    Win, celebrate, win, celebrate, win!

    My Mom is in the center. Her Mom is on the left.
    I love to celebrate Moms and GrandMoms. They have always been the unsung heroes to their families, working hard in a sometimes thankless job of raising little saints to heaven.

    I'm excited that my new TV series CATHOLIC MOM'S CAFE will launch soon. I'm praying that it will help to encourage and guide Moms and GrandMoms and all care-givers of children in their holy and daunting vocations.

    Starting October 1st and all throughout the month of October, you will have the opportunity to win copies of my books and other fun and exciting prizes the week of the TV series launch.

    Every Wednesday during the month of October starting with October 1st, three lucky winners will win a copy of my book Catholic Mom's Cafe: 5-Minute Retreats for Every Day of the Year by simply leaving a comment which will be entered into a drawing (that's every Wednesday)!

    Every Friday during October one lucky winner will win a special bundle of books (that's every Friday)!

    During the first week of November which is during the launch of the series, there will be opportunities to win gift certificates to some exciting gifts by answering a question about the series. I'll post about that as we get closer to the launch.

    My wonderful Mom and me.
    Please help me to celebrate Catholic Moms and GrandMoms everywhere! Please also help me to spread the word about the contests and the new series launching soon.

    Here's more information about the series including a radio segment and here is more information as well.

    Don't forget to stop back here on October 1st to enter the contest to win a copy of my book Catholic Mom's Cafe.

    AND,  if that's not enough good stuff and opportunities to win prizes, thanks to the Our Sunday Visitor Publishing Company here's a special offer to purchase Catholic Mom's Cafe for $5.00 off each copy until the end of October (Christmas is coming!).

    Take good care and God bless!


    Tuesday, July 1, 2014

    "Mom-ism Monday # 3: Thrift shop stop, DIY projects, Making laundry soap, and Garlic!

    It's been a week end of special very beautiful feast days! I love the feasts of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Sunday we celebrated the feasts of St. Peter and St. Paul.
         I hope that you are well and happy and enjoying the summer thus far. Prayers for the folks in tornado areas.

    1) In case you haven't seen my recent post about my newest television series on EWTN called "Catholic Mom's Cafe" premiering this fall, you can see it here. I am excited to report that we finally have dates for the series. It was filmed about a year ago. I hope and pray that the new series for Catholic Moms (and GrandMoms) will serve countless people. I'll keep you posted about fun contests and prizes as we get closer.

    2) What are the nine things in your refrigerator that you need to throw out? Check out this article. You might be surprised.
         It's a good time to think about food safety now that summer is here. I am especially careful when grilling at barbecues. I am always cautioning my husband or oldest son (I know, I can be a pain about it!) not to use utensils on cooked foods that might have raw meat juice on them. I wash the utensils a few times during the grilling.  
         Also, please don't ever place grilled cooked food on plates that had contained the raw burgers or other raw meats, fish, or poultry prior to grilling. Not to put a damper on this post, but sadly, people have died of various food poisonings (e-coli, salmonella, etc) because of carelessness and accidentally contaminating foods with raw foods (meats, poultry, etc). We need to be mindful of food safety especially in hot temperatures.

    3) On a happier note, my daughter came home for a visit again! She'll be home longer this time. Part of the reason I am late in posting my "Mom-ism Mondays" is because I had to get her from the train from NYC and then we got busy with doing a few errands.

    We made a stop at the local thrift store and I bought three sweet glasses for fifty cents each!

    Here in my china cabinet--the green one on the left.
    The light blue "hour glass" shaped one to
    the right of the green one, and the cool shaped light
    green one on the right--50 cents each!

    My daughter Jessica was in the Do It Yourself mood when she got home so our kitchen smelled of pretty scented candles as she busily melted and poured hot wax and mixed lovely scents into unique glass containers she bought at the local thrift shop on our way home from the train. It looked and smelled like a candle factory!

    Bowl of shaved wax, candle scents, various candle containers
    bought at the thrift shop, and wicks

    Finished candle in Jessica's bedroom

    Another finished candle in Jessica's bedroom. Isn't it pretty?
    (Don't worry, she's in her late twenties and can handle candles and matches!)

    We were getting low on our liquid laundry detergent which we had made some months ago so Jessica decided to make some of that too! We made six gallons of laundry detergent!

    Our ingredients minus the large bar of laundry soap.
    I forgot to take a photo of it before
    it was used up in our laundry detergent making!

    Mixing the ingredients

    Working on breaking down the soap

    Hot steamy beginnings of laundry detergent

    3 gallons so far in this pic. It gels overnight and is
    then diluted with water to double the recipe

    Here's the laundry detergent recipe we use:

    4  Cups - hot tap water
    1  Fels-Naptha soap bar*
    ½ Cup Borax


    -Grate bar of soap and add to saucepan with water. Stir continually over medium-low heat until soap dissolves and is melted.
    -Fill a 5 gallon bucket half full of hot tap water. Add melted soap, washing soda and Borax. Stir well until all powder is dissolved. Fill bucket to top with more hot water. Stir, cover and let sit overnight to thicken.
    -Stir and fill a used, clean, laundry soap dispenser half full with soap and then fill rest of way with water. Shake before each use. (will gel)
    -Optional: You can add 10-15 drops of essential oil per 2 gallons. Add once soap has cooled. Ideas: lavender, rosemary, tea tree oil.
    -Yield: Liquid soap recipe makes 10 gallons.
    -Top Load Machine- 5/8 Cup per load (Approx. 180 loads)

    -Front Load Machines- ¼ Cup per load (Approx. 640 loads)

    You can see more here.

    And on the outside of the house...

    About 260 organic garlic plants!

    My scapes on my organic garlic plants are ready to harvest. Taking the scapes off the garlic plants allow the energy of the plant to go to the garlic bulb rather than the flower that is trying to bloom on the top of the plant. Without the scapes, the garlic will then grow another month or more under the ground for harvesting late summer.

    Scapes are really good in pesto sauce. So, I know what my daughter and I will be making tonight for dinner. I'll post a recipe of our pesto sauce soon.

    On another note, I'll be WAY down at the bottom of Texas in August participating in a "Marian Summer in South Texas" and again in October. Here's news about the August event.


    Check out the link-up link below to add your link.

    Share your three "Mommy Moments" (photos and/or text) from the past week (or from any time). Add its URL by clicking the "Add your link" (above). Include the "Mom-ism Mondays" image from the top of this post in your post.
    1) Please submit the blog POST URL and not your main blog URL.
    2) Include a link back to (in your post).
    3) I'll use #MomismMonday on social media. You can follow there if you'd like.
    4) HAVE FUN and celebrate your MOTHERHOOD all the time (especially on Mondays)!

    Tuesday, June 25, 2013

    Today's Reflection

    From Catholic Mom's Cafe for June 25th:


    True love causes pain. Jesus, in order to give us the proof of his love, died on the cross. A mother, in order to give birth to her baby, has to suffer. If you really love one another, you will not be able to avoid making sacrifices.~Blessed Mother Teresa


    Again and again, Blessed Mother Teresa lets us in on that secret of love--the suffering part. Moms are well aware of the toil, tears, and sweat that go into their homemaking; but we must not forget to count the joys and satisfactions amid the difficulties. Ask God for the grace of his joy today.


    Lord Jesus, grant me your graces. Mother Mary, open my heart to love. Act of Love, Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be.


    Love and sacrifice intertwined brings solace and spiritual growth to my family.

    Friday, May 10, 2013

    Exclusive offer for Catholic Mom's Cafe followers!

    Catholic Mom's Cafe is for EVERY day of the year - not just for Mother's Day!

    I have exciting news to share with you! If you leave a simple short comment on this blog post about what the beautiful vocation of motherhood means to you (you don't have to be a mother), AND if you subscribe to this blog (in the left hand column) I will email you a special link to receive $3.00 off every copy of Catholic Mom's Cafe book you order through the link! The offer is for a limited time though.

    So, if you'd like to take advantage of this amazing discount, please act soon. After you leave your comment, then you can email me at: DMCOBoyle[AT]aol[DOT]com to let me know and I will email you the exclusive code!

    I'm looking forward to your comments and for you to join this blog so I can offer you a great discount on my book!

    God bless you and yours!


    Monday, February 4, 2013

    Are our lamps burning with love?

    My son, Joseph with Blessed Mother Teresa
    "Joy is love, the normal result of a heart burning with love. Our lamp will be burning with sacrifices made out of love if we have joy."~Mother Teresa of Calcutta

    "Mother Teresa tells us that when our lamp burns with love it will be filled with joy. Being a parent means that we will endure many sacrifices  to raise our children properly. Even so, our lives will be filled with immense joy through it all knowing that we are answering our divine calling by raising little saints to heaven! How is your lamp burning? Does it need more oil? You can refuel it with extra love and prayer."~from my book, Bringing Lent Home with Mother Teresa

    Lent begins in nine days!

    I'd say it's time to come up with a plan. What are you planning to do for Lent in your domestic church? Please share with us.