Thursday, December 3, 2009

20 Weeks

We have hit the 20 week mark. We were able to go and get our ultrasound. The baby was being very cooperative. We were able to see everything! Well everything except the boy/girl parts. We have decided to wait till the baby comes out to know exactly what we are having. We are so very exited about everything.

Ryanne at 20 weeks

 Look at that belly!
Are you sure you are 5 months along?

We could not believe how clear the profile is.

This is a bottom view of the feet.
They look like running feet to me.

 Here is one of the hands.
It looks like it will be able to use it while it is swimming and will even be able to grab onto it's aerobars while it's in a aero position on its bike.


  1. Very Cute. I LOVE profile pictures. Can't wait to see both of you in a few weeks.

  2. Love the pregnant belly, or bump I should say! I wouldn't expect anything less from you Ryanne! So excited for you both, love you three! I love that you are waiting to find out, that was always our plan if we are able to have any. Miss you!

  3. SO COOL!!!!
    I just hate that you are making me wait :(
    You know it is killing me!!!!!!!
    But I love you guys anyways.

    Love, Melissa

  4. Totally adorable! I love your little belly! You're at the half way mark! It's all down hill from here! We love you guys!

  5. Very cute pictures! Aren't ultrasounds amazing??? And, there's definitely a bump growing there, Ryanne! I'm so excited for you guys! I can't wait to see you...whether it be in December or February!

  6. Awe! I am so happy for you guys, Ryanne you are adorable as always!

  7. I think i see it's boy private wait false alarm just the umbilical cord.
    Congrats guys it already looks soooooo cute!!!

  8. Holy cow, you are tiny Ryanne! Do you have any tricks you wanna share with the rest of the world???

  9. OMG!!! Ryanne i had no idea you were prego!!!! Congrats!
    btw it's Andrea LeLaCheur Som :)
